SanLinn Isma'il Kaka
Graduate Coordinator
Earth Sciences Department, KFUPM
I am a Canadian graduated with a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
I am active in the department of Earth Sciences at KFUPM as chair of both the graduate admissions and the research committee. I also serve on a variety of committees in the department.
Student Funding:
Available for 2010-11 Entry
Full-time funding is available for students interested in passive microseismic. The funding is allocated by KACST under the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP).
If you are interested, please send me your resume and transcripts by email at
Our PhD program is now open on the registrar’s banner system (
My Recent Publications:
SanLinn I. Kaka (2008). Scenario ShakeMaps for Eastern Canada, Proceedings of the 2nd IASME / WSEAS International Conference on GEOLOGY and SEISMOLOGY (GES'08), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, page 170, ISBN: 978-960-6766-39-8, ISSN: 1790-2769.
Gail M. Atkinson, SanLinn I. Kaka, David Eaton, Allison Bent, Veronika Peci, and Stephen Halchuk (2008). A very close look at a moderate earthquake near Sudbury, Ontario, Seismological Research Letters, vol. 79, 119-131.
Gail M. Atkinson and SanLinn I. Kaka (2007). Relationships between felt intensity and instrumental ground motion in the central U.S. and California, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 97, no. 2.
SanLinn I. Kaka and Gail M. Atkinson (2006). Implementation of ShakeMap in Ontario: Challenges of detection and location in a sparse network, Seismological Research Letters, 77, 780-792.
SanLinn I. Kaka and Gail M. Atkinson (2005). ShakeMap for the MN 5.4, 6 March 2005 Rivière-du-Loup, Québec Earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, 76, 745-755.
SanLinn I. Kaka and Gail M. Atkinson (2005). Empirical Ground-Motion Relations for ShakeMap Applications in Southeastern Canada and the Northeastern United States, Seismological Research Letters, 76, 274-282.
SanLinn I. Kaka and Gail M. Atkinson (2004). Relationships between Instrumental Ground Motion Parameters and Modified Mercalli Intensity in Eastern North America, Bullletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 94, no. 5.