Assalamu alaikum,

The material in this page is related to Phys102 course term 092.

1.  Syllabus    Absences (as of June 1st 2010)

2. WebCT

3. This site is very important for students taking Physics 102. YOU MUST  VISIT THIS SITE:


4. Formula Sheets:     major 1        major 2        Final exam

5. Summaries (Halliday, Resnick and Walker, 8th Edition)

6. Objectives

7. Problems # to be solved in the REC

8. Quizzes solutions (term 092)

9. Quizzes solutions (term 091)

10.  Quizzes solutions (term 081)

11. Quizzes solutions (term 052)

12.  Quizzes solutions (term 062)

13. Practice exams

14. The online course (project)


16. Solved questions in the LLF

17. Review questions

18. Animations

19.    Recitation Grades