Guestbook Notes

Impressions About, as viewed by people around the world



Thank you for this nice site. You are doing a great help to Arab users, and I hope you shall keep supporting this great site.  I strongly believe that the project deserve our support.

Webmaster of the

The project seems to be excellent.  You have to take in consideration the teachers interactive responses.  Your drive force should be the teachers, since they are the information generator.  Opening the door for their comments and responds will enhance your portal.  Also, you may need more interactivity to avoid student boring.

Abdallah Aldubaikhi

I enjoyed going through your site and commend your efforts and hard work.
You have done a wonderful job.

Eliane Metni
iEARN Country Coordinator

I did brows site, I sure can tell you it was really a great and educational experience for me, its vividly clear to me that it's a well – designed and maintained portal with a massage to deliver to people around the world. 

Mr. Bader Al – Tarrah
Chief Editors /

Please be informed that we appreciate very much your initiative for creating this educational web page, I have explored your pages and found it just fine.

Faisal Hegazy
National Programme Officer

Great work, I will let every one know about it.  PITA will do what ever needed to help in this.

Dr. Mashhour Abudaka
Executive Director
Palestinian Infor. Techn. Associa.
Ramallah - Palestine

Going through your web site, I could not help but be impressed with what you are doing in supporting the e – learning process in the kingdom.

Bilal O. Abuzeid
Marketing & M
ember Services Coordinator
Information Technology Association – int@j
Amman – Jordan

I've arranged some material about Schoolarabia – the project I liked so much – to be published in September issue of Miftah Al – Internet magazine.

This well encourage our readers to visit your site and have further information about the superior project of the SchoolArabia. 

Jihad Kamal
Managing Editor
Miftah Al – Internet magazine
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

I was really impressed. Using school Arabia with good publicity through schools, will give us a wide reach among school children. Not to forget that will be fun too.  I really liked the animation.

Eng. Rula Keilani
Research coordinator & Gender specialist
Jordan Environment Society

We visited your excellent site. Great effort and well done, we are sure this site
is very useful, specifically for Arabs living outside Arab countries.

Mr. Amin Hamadeh


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