Guestbook Notes


Impressions About, as viewed by people around the world



I hope inshallah all the success to you and the

I have read the introductory document about the project and I like it very much.
Please consider me with your team work in any thing you want technically and in interactive web programs etc.


Nasser Alawi

I was happy to visit you web site.  It is well designed and simple, this wonderful and the idea itself are great.  I wish you more good luck.

Abdullah Rashed

Applied Sc. Uni

Good Work and I Like't.  It's a great educational Site.

Sami Mabad
Saudi Arabia – Riyadh

Computer Eng / Networking – Internet

Your web site is good – and I congratulate all of you for your helping to make language of Quran spread around whole the world – Thanks again.

Omer Osman
Malyasia – Kl- international Islamic unver

Your project is really helpful to the Arabs and I wish you all the success (especially it is free even from advertisement i.e., better than a charity). 

Mohamad Atiyah
Sehha Webmanster

Thanks a lot for guiding me to this interesting web site, and before I start praising the site, talking about its distinguished features and the contributions it can provide to our Arabic generation that is in an urgent need to such performances, let me ask "Who are you?"

Daria Al Shehabi

It seems to be a challenging project that deserves the efforts.

Best of luck. 

Nizar M. Awartan

I am very interested in your work, since I have a son of seven years old, and I would like him to learn Arabic language.

Thank you a lot for your projectKeep the good work.

Madlen Rabadi

I would like to participate in your effort, I have a degree in educational psychology and I' am member in many educational associations.

Sameer Abumoghli
Qadisieh College

I've just visited your page, and excited of the great idea, I wish you the success and ready to help.

Omar Ali El – Hamad


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