XSL Tutorial
XSL Introduction
XSL Languages
XSL Browsers
XSL Transform
XSL template
XSL value-of
XSL for-each
XSL sort
XSL if
XSL choose
XSL apply-templates
XSL on the Client
XSL on the Server

XSLT Elements
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XSL Browsers

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Few Internet browsers have full support for XSL at the moment.

Internet Explorer 5 is Bad

XSL in Internet Explorer 5 is NOT compatible with the official W3C XSL Recommendation.

When Internet Explorer 5.0 was released in March 1999, the XSL standard was still a W3C Working Draft.

Since the final W3C XSL Recommendation is different from the Working Draft, the support for XSL in IE 5 is not 100% compatible with the official XSL standard.

This restriction applies to both IE 5.0 and IE 5.5.

Internet Explorer 6 is Better

Internet Explorer 6 fully supports the official W3C XSL Recommendation.

The XML Parser 3.0 - shipped with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Windows XP - is based on both the W3C XSLT 1.0 and the W3C XPath 1.0 Recommendations.

If you are serious about learning XSL you should upgrade to Internet Explorer 6.0. 

Netscape 6

Netscape 6 isn't fully supporting the official W3C XSL Recommendation. However, some of the examples in this tutorial will also work in Netscape 6.

Internet Explorer MSXML Parser

MSXML Parser 2.0 is the XML parser that is shipped with IE 5.0.

MSXML Parser 2.5 is the XML parser that is shipped with Windows 2000 and IE 5.5.

MSXML Parser 3.0 is the XML parser that is shipped with IE 6.0 and Windows XP.

According to Microsoft, the MSXML Parser 3.0 is 100% compatible with the official W3C XSL Recommendation: "MSXML 3.0 offers a significant advancement over MSXML 2.5: server-safe HTTP access, complete implementation of XSLT and XPath, changes to SAX (Simple API for XML), higher conformance with W3C standards, and a number of bug fixes."

For more info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/xml/general/xmlparser.asp

You can read more about the latest releases of IE in our Browser Section.

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