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XML Spy - Development Environment for XML


XML Spy includes all major aspects of XML in one easy-to-use product.

What is XML Spy?

XML Spy is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for XML.

XML Spy is centered around a validating XML editor that provides five views on your documents: a Grid View for structured editing, a Database/Table view that shows repeated elements in a table, a Text View with syntax-coloring for low-level work, a Browser View that supports both CSS and XSL style-sheets, and a Graphical Schema design view.

Grid View

The grid view is the standard way to view an XML document. It shows an XML document in a tree-like structure with nested containers that can be expanded and collapsed.

Database/Table View

Many XML documents have repeating elements of the same kind. XML Spy can detect such sequences and show the elements in a table (like a database or spreadsheet view).

Text View

Text view is for low-level XML editing. XML Spy text view has nice syntax-coloring making it easy to see different tags and attributes.

Browser View

XML Spy will let you preview any XML file with an XSL (or CSS) style sheet. It can also let you view the output from an XSLT transformation to HTML.

Graphical XML Schema Design View

XML Spy includes an advanced graphical XML Schema editor that allows in-place editing of all major aspects of an XML Schema a graphical schema representation.

Editing Features

XML Spy lets you create valid XML documents with built-in templates and corresponding DTD or Schema for the most commonly used document-types (like HTML, XML, DTD, XSL, WML, and others). The templates can be extended or modified, and new templates can be added.

Other editing features include:

  • Unlimited undo
  • Advanced search, find and replace functions
  • Context-sensitive help shows permissible elements in current location
  • Auto-completion completes elements and inserts required attributes
  • Info Window shows information about current element

DTD and Schema Editing and Validation

XML Spy supports editing and schema-validation of the following schema types:

  • Document Type Definitions (DTD)
  • Document Content Descriptions (DCD)
  • XML-Data Reduced (XDR)
  • BizTalk
  • XML Schema Definition (XSD)

With XML Spy you can generate a new schema from an existing XML document and convert a DTD or a Schema between the various schema dialects.

XSL Features

XML Spy includes the following XSL capabilities:

  • Editing XSL
  • XSL transformation
  • Viewing XSL output
  • XSLT Debugger

SOAP and WSDL Interface

XML includes full SOAP capabilities

  • WSDL Editor
  • Interpretation of WSDL documents
  • Creation of SOAP requests
  • Submitting SOAP requests
  • Viewing SOAP responses

Data Access

XML Spy contains the following data exchange functions:

  • Import from database
  • Export to database
  • Import from text files
  • Export to text files
  • Import of Word documents

Database interface includes ODBC and native Oracle and SQL Server support.

Other Features

XML Spy also includes:

  • XPath expression editor
  • Mail interface
  • IDE customization
  • Full support for Unicode and major character sets
  • Printing
  • Project management
  • Batch operations
  • HTML Importing
  • Java / C++ Code Generator
  • Tamino Integration

XML Spy 5

The latest version of XML Spy is 5. It was released in September 2002.

XML Spy 5 can be downloaded from the XML Spy homepage.

XML Spy Homepage

To learn more about XML Spy go to the XML Spy Homepage.


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