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EditML Pro


EditML Pro is an editor for creating XML, DTD, SCHEMA and CSS documents.

About EditML Pro

EditML Pro is a visual editor for creating XML, DTD, SCHEMA and CSS documents.

EtidML Pro supports various XML document types such as XSLT, W3C XML Schema, and Microsoft XDR Schema.

Supported XML Standards

EditML Pro supports the following XML standards:

  • XML 1.0
  • XSLT
  • MSXML 4.0
  • XPath
  • XDR Schemas
  • XSD Schemas

Main Features

  • Validation
  • XSLT Transformation
  • Browser Preview (Explorer and Netscape)
  • Automatic DTD, XML Schema, XSL generation
  • Visual XPath Query generation

Other Features

  • Wizard for creating new documents
  • Edit multiple documents with Well-Formed/Validity  checking
  • Treeview/Listview/Sourceview editing
  • Find/Replace items
  • Create XSL/CSS/DTD/XML Schema and data files
  • Validate from DTD
  • Automatic generation of DTD, XML schema from XML data files
  • DTD Element bar to view and add children for an element
  • Project folderview to quickly access files that are related
  • Connect to FTP sites; view and edit files
  • Open XML files directly from URL
  • Enhanced Sourceview ( bookmarking, validation error pointing, find/replace etc...)
  • Synchronized Source and Tree views
  • Import from database with/without SQL query
  • Import from delimited Text file
  • Preview to see XSL rendered documents
  • Tip of the Day
  • Online HTML Help

EditML Pro 2.6

EditML Pro 2.6 was released in June 1, 2002.

These are new features in v2.6:

  • Validation using W3C schema
  • Automatic Creation of XML from schema
  • Visual XPath Query generation
  • XSLT Transformation
  • Browser Preview (Netscape & Internet Explorer)
  • Automatic DTD, XML Schema generation
  • Import XML from database, text files, excel spreadsheet
  • Wizard for creating new documents
  • Support for MSXML 4.0
  • Free 30 Day evaluation copy

EditML Pro Homepage

To learn more about EditML Pro go to the www.netbryx.com.


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