If you are visting to browse my thousand-and-one tiling gallery or the related paper "Creative Tiling: a story of 1000-and-1 curves", follow me.
The tiling designs referred to above are produced by TilerPro (see below for more info.), which is a web-based tiling system that I had spent over two years in development.
The tiling designs can be used to frame phototos and images, as shown here.
I am fond of programming especially when a program (or its results) can be delivered through the web. In this regard, I have developed several web-based applications with correspodning documentaion published as CodeProject articles (listed below).
- A video for Recursive Hanoi; it is a recording from a VB progam that I wrrote in 1994.
- Animation of Tower-of-Hanoi in JavaScript (Running Code)
- Counting and Generating Sequences (Running Code)
- Build-an-HTML-Grid-Using-JavaScript (Running Code)
- Solving Sudoku Puzzles (Running Code)
- Arabic/Englush Crossword Generation
- Browse my crossword generation application (Arabic version).
A magic square of size n is an n-by-n matrix (board) whose cells are filled with the numbers 1 to the square of n such that the sum of numbers in any row (column or diagonal) is the same.
Finding large magic squares is generally not easy because it is equivalent to solving a difficult (time consuming) optimization problem.
To find large magic squares, I have used what I call Progressive Search (an intelligent form of randomized iterative search) coupled with few tricks. The algorithm is able to find magic squares of size 20 to 50 in few seconds and of size 60 to 100 in few minutes.
- Size 200 Magic Square
- Size 100 Magic Square
- Size 55 Magic Square
- Size 50 Magic Square
- Size 40 Magic Square
- Size 30 Magic Square
I have developed TilerPro, which is a web-based system that produces symmetrical tiling designs.
A demo of Tilerpro can be seen here.
- TilerPro uses mathematical curves to construct a large variety of tiling designs.
- Tiling designs include Square (or rectangular) tiling, Diamond tiling and Hexagon tiling.
- The tiling designs are rendered as bitmap graphics such as PNG or JPG formats.
- They are also available in SVG format for import in other graphics software including Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
- TilerPro uses a number of independent parameters which increase the number of tiling designs to hundreds of millions.
- TilerPro uses vector graphics. Unlike bitmap graphics, vector graphics objects can be scaled to any size without being distorted.
- TilerPro encodes a tiling design as a short sequence of letters. Thus, the user can save thousands of tiling designs using very little disk space.
The following PNG image is a sample of a tiling design. Click here for the SVG version.

The following PNG image is a sample of a tiling design. Click here for the SVG version.

The following PNG image is a sample of a tiling design. Click here for the SVG version.