
Instructor: Dr. Ali O. Oncel

Earth Sciences Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals


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Weeks 1-3

In present stage of your presentation, prepare a presentation regarding some works of exploration.  Do not forget that the aim of weekly presentation is an provided opportunity for students to develop presenting skills.  The weekly paper you might select or different stages of  presentation, which is based on your background as a Senior-Standing Student since most of former courses  provided you a knowledge and wisdom for exploration seismology, is a source for presentation.  Through the course of seminar, you are expected to use time, give a relax talk and gain a self-confidence. 

King-Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, P.O.Box:1946, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia, Telephone: (966) (03) 860-1661  Fax : (966)(250) 860-2595

SEISMIC EXPLORATION BASED WEEKLY PAPER:  Weekly short presentation (5-7 minutes) should include basic information below:

  • Slide 1: Introduce a short biography about the author of paper?

  • Slide 2: Introduction the region and purpose of case work?

  • Slide 3: What kind of refraction/reflection method is applied? What is the methods of shooting which is used such as Sledgehammers or Airgun, ?

  • Slide 4: What is the layout model which is used? What kind of earth model is used?

  • Slide 5:What refraction/reflection provided to the area of research from the points of advantages or disadvantages?

EXPANDED ABSTRACT . based on weekly papers and presentations , Due to March 28, 2007: Recent Advances in Seismic Exploration, see ABSTRACT TEMPLATE.

Sources on Exploration for  Refraction  and  Reflection