COE-543 Mobile and Wireless Networks

Semester 061

Please pick the projects statement and milestones from here.

Course Syllabus:

Click here for course syllabus.

Exam Dates:

Exam dates are:

Lecture Notes

Students are responsible for the material in the references and that in the papers/handouts, if any. The class notes and slides are just "notes"; they may not cover all required material. The instructor will point out the required chapters in the reference books and papers.

As the semester progresses, I will be depositing electronic copies of  my class notes as they become available on this page. My notes are based on the references. Please be advised that online notes are subject to change as courses develops.

1) Introduction to Mobile and Wireless Networks: An overview of 1G, 2G, mobile data services, and WLANs. In addition to an introduction into 3G and beyond 3G networks. A must read references are:

2) RF Propagation - The main sources for this subject are:

3) Physical Layer Issues for Wireless Networks - Summary of Chapter three in Pahlavan's book.

4) The Cellular Concept: cellular network fundamentals - capacity expansion techniques. - Traffic Engineering / Erlang C and B models

5) Multiple Access Schemes: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, and Contention-based schemes

6) Example of a TDMA network - GSM

7) Example of a CDMA network - IS-95 and cdma2000

8) Wireless Local Area Networks - IEEE802.11

9) Mobile IP:

10) Privacy and Security for Wireless Networks - Notes


11) Quality of Service (QoS) for mobile networks - Notes/Slides from Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet by Kurose and Ross (3rd Edition).


Course Project:

Please pick the projects statement and milestones from here.


 Follow the hyperlinks found the in project statement.





Quizes and Major Exams:


Check Your Status:




Links and Sites of Interest:

Complementary Code Keying (CCK) Modulation:

  1. Carl Andren and Mark Webster, "CCK Modulation Delivers 11Mbps for High Rate IEEE 802.11 Extension," Wireless Symposium/Portable By Design Conference - Spring 1999, and
  2. 802.11b CCK Modulation

Papers and references regarding mobile data services:

  1. R.R. Quick and K. Balachandran, “Overview of the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) System,” Proceedings of the PIMRC’93, Yokohama, Janapan (1993), pp. 338-343.
  2. A. DeSimone, S. Nanda, "Wireless Data: Systems, Standards, Services," ACM Wireless Networks, V. 1, N. 3, (October 1995), pp. 241-253. (see
  3. M. Khan, J. Kilpatrick, "MOBITEX and Mobile Data Standards," IEEE Communications Magazine, (March 1995), pp. 96-101.
  4. A.K. Salkintzis, C. Chamzas, "Mobile Packet Data Technology: An Insight into MOBITEX Archtecture," IEEE Personal Communications, 1997, pp. 10-18.
  5. Slotted Aloha (Jave applet) simulation
  6. Wireless/Mobile example projects with source code!!



Page still under construction - Last updated on 01/15/2007 .