Ashraf S. Hasan Mahmoud
Computer Engineering
The research interests include Radio Resource Management (RRM) for wireless and cellular networks with focus on Quality-of-Service (QoS) guarantees and capacity optimization for data services. Target systems include CDMA/UMTS systems, mobile WiMAX, and LTE and LTE-Advanced. In addition, my interests also include RRM and routing issues for ad-hoc and wireless sensor networks, and integration o heterogeneous networks. Finally, my interests also extend to the area of signal processing and Arabic computing.
Thesis Supervision
No. |
Student Name |
Degree |
Thesis Title |
Role |
Graduation Date |
1 |
Bandar Abbas Al-Sulaimani |
M.Sc. |
VoIP Utilizing WiMAX Best
Effort MAC Service |
Supervisor |
In progress |
2 |
Mohammed AKber Ali |
M.Sc. |
Optimal Capacity allocation
for MIMO OFDMA Systems with QoS Constraints |
Co-supervisor |
In progress |
3 |
Khalid Al-Afari |
M.Sc. |
An Efficient Coverage Scheme
to Maximize Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Committee Member |
In progress |
4 |
Irfan Khan |
M.Sc. |
Design and Evaluation of a
Reliable P2P Communication Protocol for IEEE 802.11b Networks |
Committee Member |
In progress |
5 |
Mohd. Abdul Khadir Khan Asif |
M.Sc. |
Tunneling Based Solution to
Bypass Internet Access Denial by International Internet Service
Providers |
Committee Member |
In progress |
6 |
Ahmad Salem AlRefaie |
M.Sc. |
BGP-based Solution for
International ISP Blocking |
Supervisor |
April 2010 |
7 |
AbdulAziz Al-Baiz |
M.Sc. |
Internet Denial by
Higher-Tier ISPs: A NAT-Based Solution |
Co-supervisor |
April 2010 |
8 |
Abdul Aziz Al-Helali, |
M.Sc. |
Vertical Handoff in 3G/WLAN
Integrated Networks: Analysis and Performance Evaluation |
Supervisor |
Dec 2009 |
9 |
Nayef Fawaz Mendhawi |
M.Sc. |
Handoff Performance for
Voice Over IP in Wimax Networks |
Committee Member |
Oct 2009 |
10 |
Anas El-Roubaiey |
M.Sc. |
Intrusion Detection in
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Implementation and Performance Evaluation of
Adaptive Acknowledgment Approach |
Committee Member |
June 2009 |
11 |
Mohammed. Abed |
M.Sc. |
Towards an Analytic
Framework for Downlink Power Characterization for Integrated
Services CDMA networks |
Supervisor |
June 2008 |
12 |
Adel AbdulAziz Al-Akeel |
M.Sc. |
Optimizing Backoff Procedure
for Enhanced Throughput and Fairness in Wireless LANs |
Supervisor |
Sept 2007 |
13 |
Ismat Khaled Maarouf |
M.Sc. |
Towards an Optimized
Reputation System for Security Aware Energy Efficient Geographic
Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Committee Member |
June 2007 |
14 |
Salman Al-Qahtani |
Ph.D. |
Radio Resource Management
and Operator Sharing In 3G WCDMA Multimedia Wireless Networks |
Supervisor |
Feb 2007 |
15 |
Yasir Haroon Awan |
M.Sc. |
Quality-of-Service in a
Multihop CDMA Network |
Committee Member |
Feb 2007 |
16 |
Mohammed Y. Shareef, |
M.Sc. |
Power Based Scheduling
Algorithms for WCDMA Networks |
Committee Member |
Aug 2006 |
[P1] Ashraf Mahmoud, Ali Al-Rayyah, “An Optimal Method To Support Absolute Proportional Rates Constraint For Scalable OFDMA Systems,” Docket No. 18692.73, Utility Patent Application – January 2010.
[P2] Ashraf Mahmoud, “A New Model For Calculating The Downlink Power Outage For Multi-Rate DS-CDMA Networks,” Patent Application – June 2008.
[P3] Ashraf Mahmoud, “A Novel and Efficient Method For Calculating The Power Sum Of Lognormal Random Variables,” Patent Application – June 2008.
[P4] Ashraf Mahmoud, “GPS Assisted e-Tourism Promoter System United States Patent Application 20080162037, July 2008.
[P5] Ashraf Mahmoud, Osama Kubbar, Miroslav Budic, “System And Method For Maximizing Throughput in a Telecommunications System,” United States Patent 7,301,904 – November 2007.
[P6] Ashraf S. Hasan Mahmoud, Robin M.
[P7] Xiao-Dong Li, Patrick Lie Chin Cheong, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, Mazda Salmanian, “Apparatus and Method for Supporting Differentiated Packet Data Services Within a Wireless Network,” United States Patent 7,092,727 - August 15, 2006.
Journal Publications
[J1] Ashraf Mahmoud, “New Quadrature-Based Approximations for the Characteristic Function and the Distribution Function of Sums of Lognormal Random Variables,” To appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
[J2] Ashraf Mahmoud, Ahmad Alrefai, Marwan Abu-Amara, Mohammed Sqalli, Farag Azzedin, “Qualitative Analysis of Methods for Circumventing Malicious ISP Blocking,” Submitted to Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Nov 2009.
[J3] T. Sheltami, A. Al-Robaiey, E. Shakshuki, A. Mahmoud, “Video Transmission Enhancement in Presence of Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs,” Multimedia Systems, Volume 15, Number 5, October 2009, pp. 273-282.
[J4] S. Mahmoud, A. Mahmoud, “Arabic Character Recognition using Modified Fourier Spectrum (MFS) vs. Fourier Descriptors,” Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 1087-6553, Volume 40, Issue 3, April 2009, Pages 189 – 210.
[J6] A. Mahmoud, “Cell Site Power Characterization for Multi-rate Wireless CDMA Data Networks Using Lognormal Approximation,” Journal of Communications, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 47-53, October 2008.
[J7] A. Mahmoud, “Framework for Analysis of Transmission Rate Scheduling for Wireless CDMA Data Networks,” Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, No. 46, No. 4, pp. 413–427, September 2008.
[J9] A. Mahmoud, S. Al-Qahtani,
“A Framework of Call Admission Control Procedures for Integrated Services
[J10] T. Sheltami, A. Mahmoud, M.
Abu-Amara, “An Ad hoc Wireless Sensor Network for Telemedicine
Applications,” Arabic Journal for Science and Engineering (
[J11] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, “Dynamic Radio Resource Allocation for 3G and beyond Mobile Wireless Networks,” Computer Communications Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 1 (December 2006), pp. 41–51, 2006.
[J12] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, and A. Sheikh, “Adaptive Radio Resource with Borrowing for Multi-Operators 3G+ Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Traffic,” Computer Communications Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 15, pp. 2945-2951, Sept. 2006.
[J13] T. Sheltami, A. Mahmoud, M. Abu-Amara, “Telecare Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network,” International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), VOL. 5 No. 12, December 2005, pp. 66-74.
[J14] S. Al-Qahtani, U. Baroudi, A. Mahmoud, “Prioritized Radio Resource Allocation Methods for Multi-Operators 3G/4G WCDMA with Heterogeneous Traffic,” International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), VOL. 5 No. 12, December 2005, pp. 50-56.
[J15] A. Mahmoud, D.D. Falconer, and
Conference Publications
[C1] Ashraf Mahmoud, Abdul-Aziz Al-Helali, Marwan Abu-Amara, Talal Al-Kharobi, Tarek Sheltami, “Comparative Performance Study for Integrated 3G/WLAN Networks Using Mobile IP, SIP, and m-SCTP Protocols,” 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2010-Spring, 16–19 May 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
[C2] Ashraf Mahmoud, Ali Al-Rayyah, Tarek Sheltami, “Adaptive Power Allocation Algorithm to Support Absolute Proportional Rates Constraint for Scalable OFDM Systems,” 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2010-Spring, 16–19 May 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
[C3] Anas Roubaiey, Tarek Sheltami, Ashraf Mahmoud, Elhadi Shakshuki, Husain Mouftah, “AACK: Adaptive Acknowledgment Intrusion Detection for MANET with Node Detection Enhancement,” 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 20-23 April 2010, Perth, Australia.
[C4] Mohammed Aabed, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, “Downlink Traffic Power Characterization for Multi-rate CDMA System Using LS Regression,” IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2009-Fall), 20-23 September 2009, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
[C5] Abdul-Aziz Al-Helali, Ashraf Mahmoud, Talal Al-Kharobi, Tarek Sheltami, “Analysis of Handoff Delay Components for Mobile IP-Based 3GPP UMTS/WLAN Interworking Architecture,” IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-09), Bradford, UK, May 26-29, 2009.
[C6] Abdul-Aziz Al-Helali, Ashraf Mahmoud, Talal Al-Kharobi, Tarek Sheltami, “Characterization of Vertical Handoff Delay for Mobile IP Based 3G/WLAN Integrated Networks,” IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2009-Spring), 26-29 April 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
[C7] Abdul-Aziz Al-Helali, Ashraf Mahmoud, Talal Al-Kharobi, Tarek Sheltami, “Permanence Evaluation and Analysis of Enhanced Gateway Selection Algorithm For B3G Networks,” The 3rd International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO'09), January 20-22 2009, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
[C8] Abdul-Aziz Al-Helali, Ashraf Mahmoud, Talal Al-Kharobi, Tarek Sheltami, “A Novel Dual-Mode User Equipment Design And Enhanced Gateway Selection Algorithm For B3G Networks,” 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-08), Portland, Oregon, USA, September 8-12, 2008, pp. 162-166, 2008.
[C9] Ashraf S. Mahmoud, “Transmission Rate
Assignment for Downlink For Multi-Rate Wireless CDMA Data Networks,” The
2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications
(ICSPC07), 24-27 November,
[C10] Ashraf S. Mahmoud, Mohammed Aabed,
“Approximation Techniques for Analytical Characterization Of Downlink
Traffic Power For Multi-Service CDMA Networks,” 15th IEEE International
Conference on Networks (ICON2007), 19-21 November,
[C11] Syed Asadullah, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, Marwan Abu-Amara, “Vertical Handoff Characterization for SIP and mSCTP Based UMTS-WLAN Integration Solutions,” 4th IEEE GCC, 11-14 November, Bahrain, 2007.
[C12] Marwan Abu-Amara, Ashraf Mahmoud, Tarek Sheltami, Adel Al-Shahrani, Khalid Al- Otaibi, S.M.Rehman, and Taha Anwar, “Performance of UMTS/WLAN Integration at Hot-Spot Locations Using OPNET,” 4th IEEE GCC, 11-14 November, Bahrain, 2007.
[C13] Ashraf S. Mahmoud, “Downlink Traffic Power Characterization for Multi-Rate Wireless CDMA Data Networks,” IEEE 66th 2007 Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2007-Fall), 1-3 October 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp. 1539-1542, 2007.
[C14] Ashraf S. Mahmoud, Adel Akeel, and
[C15] Salman A. AlQahtani, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, and Asrar U. Sheikh, “Performance Analysis of an Adaptive Rate Scheduling for 3G WCDMA Networks with Multi-Operators,” Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), 24-28 June, Glasgow, UK, pp. 4811–4816, 2007.
[C16] Mohammed Kaosar,
[C17] Basela S.
[C21] Salman A. AlQahtani and Ashraf S. Mahmoud, “3G WCDMA network sharing: Infrastructural sharing solutions, economical rational and network managements Issues,” Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO’07), March 24–27, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2007.
[C22] Salman A. AlQahtani, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, and Asrar U. Sheikh, “Performance Evaluation Of Uplink CAC For 3G WCDMA Wireless Networks With Multiservices,” Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS06), 30th Oct.-1 Nov, Singapore, 2006.
[C23] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, Tarek R. Sheltami, and Mohamed El-Tarhuni, "Adaptive Radio Resource Management for Multi-Operator WCDMA Based Cellular Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Traffic" The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'06), 11-14 Sept. 2006, Helsinki, Finland.
[C24] U. Baroudi, Y. Mohammed, A. Mahmoud, “On the Performance of Slotted CDMA Networks,” The 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology (VTC), 25–28 September 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2549-2553, 2006.
[C25] Salman A. Al-Qahtani, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, “Radio Resource Management with Dynamic Behaviour for 3G and Beyond Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Traffic”, 14th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2006), Sept. 13-15, Singapore, Vol. 1, pp. 249-253, 2006.
[C26] S. Mahmoud, A. Mahmoud, “Arabic Character Recognition using Modified Fourier Spectrum (MFS),” proceedings of the International Conference on Geometric Modeling & Imaging, GMAI2006, London, United Kingdom, 5-7 July 2006, pp. 155-159.
[C27] Salman A. Al-Qahtani, Ashraf S. Mahmoud, “Analytical Modeling of Two Call Admission Control Schemes for Multiclass Traffic 3G Mobile Wireless Networks,” 15th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2006 , Myconos, Greece, 4-8 June, 2006.
[C28] T. Sheltami, A. Mahmoud, “The Mobile Patient: A Case Study Implementation and Analysis,” Proceedings of the 23rd Biennial Symposium on Communications, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 29 - June 1, pp. 308-311, 2006.
[C29] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, U. Baroudi, A. Sheikh, “A Study on Network Sharing and Radio Resource Management in 3G and Beyond Mobiles Wireless Networks Supporting Heterogeneous Traffic,” 2nd IEEE International Conference On Information & Communication Technologies, April 24-28, Damascus, Syria, 2006.
[C30] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, “Uplink Call Admission Schemes for 3G and Beyond Mobiles Wireless Networks Supporting Heterogeneous,” 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, April 24-28, Damascus, Syria, 2006.
[C31] A. Al-Akeel, A. Mahmoud, U. Baroudi, “On Optimizing Backoff Procedure to Enhance Throughput and Fairness For Wireless LANs,” 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, April 24-28, Damascus, Syria, 2006.
[C32] U. Baroudi, Y. Mohammed, A. Mahmoud, “Adaptive
QoS-Based Scheduler for 4G CDMA Wireless Networks,” 2nd IEEE International
Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, April 24-28,
[C33] M.G. Kaosar, A. Mahmoud, T. Sheltami, “Performance Improvement of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Considering the Mobility Effect of Nodes in Cache Management,” 3rd IEEE and IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2006), Bangalore , India, April 11-13, 2006.
[C34] T. Sheltami, A. Mahmoud, M. Abu Amara, “Warning and Monitoring System using Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of 18th National Computer Conference (NCC 18), March 26-29, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia, pp. 63-68, 2006.
[C35] A. Mahmoud, T. Sheltami, M. Abu Amara,
E. Rahman, J. Jaffar, “WLAN Integration For Future Generation Mobile Network
Operators – A Case Study,” Proceedings of 18th National Computer Conference
(NCC 18), March 26-29,
[C36] A. Mahmoud, T. Sheltami, M. Abu Amara,
“Wireless Sensor Network Implementation for Mobile Patient,” 3rd
[C37] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, “Radio Resource
Management Issues for 3G and Beyond Cellular Wireless Networks,” 3rd
[C38] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, “A QoS-Aware Call
Admission Control Algorithm for 3G Cellular Wireless Networks,” 3rd
[C39] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, “Analytical
Modeling of Call Admission Control Schemes for Multiclass Traffic Mobile
Wireless Networks,” 3rd
[C40] M. G. Kaosar, H. M. Asif, T R. Sheltami, A.
Mahmoud, “Simulation-Based Comparative Study of On Demand Routing
Protocols for MANET,” International Conference on Wireless Networking and
Mobile Computing (ICWNMC'05 ). 28-30 December,
[C41] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, “A Prioritized Uplink Call Admission Control Algorithm for 3G WCDMA Cellular Systems with Multi-Services,” Proceedings of 6th IEE International Conference on 3G & Beyond (3G 2005), London, UK, 5-7 November, pp. 173-178, 2005.
[C42] S. Al-Qahtani, A. Mahmoud, “Uplink Admission
Control in WCDMA,” International Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks
(ISWSN ’05), November,
[C43] A. Mahmoud, M. A. Razzaque, “Earliest-Deadline Scheduling Using Discrete Service Bit Rates for CDMA Data Networks,” International Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks (ISWSN ’05), November, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, pp. 124-128, 2005.
A. Mahmoud, “Non-Blocking FCFS Scheduler For Data Services Over CDMA
Networks,” First International Conference On Modeling Simulation And Applied
Optimization (ICMSAO’05), Feb 1-3, Sharjah, UAE, 2005.
[C45] A. Mahmoud, M. Abu Amara, “Performance Of Inter-Base Station Soft Handoff For 3G Networks,” First International Conference On Modeling Simulation And Applied Optimization (ICMSAO’05), Feb 1-3, Sharjah, UAE, 2005.
[C46] M. A. Razzaque, A. Mahmoud, “Online Scheduling Algorithms for CDMA Data Networks,” International Conference on Information & Computer Science (ICICS’2004), Nov 29 – Dec 1, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, pp. 255-265, 2004.
[C47] A. Mahmoud, D.D. Falconer, S.A. Mahmoud, “Buffer Occupancy Analysis for a Broadband Polling-Based WLAN,” Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility (NetCon 2003), October 13-15, Muscat, Oman, pp. 203-212, 2003.
[C48] A. Mahmoud, D.D. Falconer,
[C49] A. Mahmoud, D.D. Falconer, and S.A. Mahmoud, “Analysis of a Multiple Access Scheme for a Wireless Broadband ATM LAN” Presentation, 1996 Research Conference for the Canadian Institute for Telecommunication Research (CITR), Montebello, QC, Canada.
[C50] A. Mahmoud, D.D. Falconer, and S.A. Mahmoud, “A Multiple Access Scheme for Wireless Access to a Broadband ATM LAN Based on Polling and Sectored Antennas,” The 1995 Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC‘95), Vol. 3, pp. 1047-1051.
[C51] A. Mahmoud, D.D. Falconer, and
[C52] A. Mahmoud, D.D. Falconer, and S.A. Mahmoud, “Cellular Architecture for Wireless Indoor Broadband Communications Systems in the mm-band”, Presentation, 1995 Research Conference for the Canadian Institute for Telecommunication Research (CITR), Ottawa, Canada.
[C53] A. Mahmoud, Wm.J.
Funded Projects
[FRP1] Project Title: Characterization for Downlink Cell Site Power for Multi-Rate CDMA Data Networks, KFUPM (FT100015), Mar. 2010-Sept. 2011 – Principal investigator.
[FRP2] Project Title: Detection of Sandstorms and Dust Utilizing Wireless Sensor Networks and RFID Technologies, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST-71-29-TA), Feb. 2010-Feb. 2012 – Co-Investigator.
[FRP3] Project Title: Absolute Rate Guarantees for Optimized Scalable OFDMA Systems, KFUPM (SB090007), Sept. 2009-Mar. 2011 – Principal investigator.
[FRP4] Project Title: Internet access denial by international Internet Service Providers: Analysis and Counter Measures, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST-08-INF97-4), Sept. 2009-Sept. 2011 – Co-Investigator.
[FRP5] Project Title: Wireless Network Optimization and Planning for WiMAX, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST-08-ELE39-4), Sept. 2009 – Sept. 2010 – Co-Investigator.
[FRP6] Project Title: Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Vertical Handoff for 3G/WLAN Integrated Networks Utilizing Mobile-IP, SIP, and m-SCTP Mobility Solutions, Saudi Telecom Company / KFUPM – CCSE, Feb 2009-Mar 2010, Principal investigator.
[FRP7] Sponsored Research Papers: Two research papers in the area of 3G/WLAN integrated networks and Cell site traffic power modeling, Saudi Telecom Company / KFUPM – CCSE, Feb 2009-Mar 2010, Principal investigator.
[FRP8] Sponsored Graduate Course Projects: COE 543 Wireless And Mobile Computing course, Saudi Telecom Company / KFUPM – CCSE, Feb 2009-June 2009, Projects supervisor.
[FRP9] Project Title: Maximizing the Number of Hops in Video Streaming over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Artificial Intelligence, KFUPM (IN070377), Sept. 2007-May. 2010 – Co-Investigator.
[FRP10] Project Title: Real-Time Applications over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Design and Implementation, KFUPM (Fast Track FT050013), Sept. 2006-May 2007 – Co-Investigator.
[FRP11] Project Title: Wireless Local Area Networks Integration for Mobile Network Operators, KFUPM (Fast Track FT050012), Sept. 2006-Mar. 2008 – Principal Investigator.
[FRP12] Project Title: Multi-hop Voice over IP: Design and Implementation– Business Innovation Project, KFUPM College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, June 2005 – March 2006 – Co-Investigator.
[FRP13] Project Title: Radio Resource Management and QoS Control for Wireless Integrated Services Networks, KFUPM (Fast Track FT050022), Sept. 2006-May 2007 – Co-Investigator.
[FRP14] Project Title: E-Tourism Promoter – An Internet Assisted Location Tracker and Map Reader for Tourists - Business Innovation Project, KFUPM College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, June 2005-March 2006 – Principal Investigator; Project won best business innovation project award.
Technical Reports
[TRB1] Ashraf Mahmoud, et al., “Performance evaluation of Vertical Handoffs for 3G/WLAN Integrated Networks using Mobile IP, SIP, and m‐STCP,” Final report for Saudi Telecom Corporation (STC), Sponsored Basic Research project, December 2009.
[TRB2] Ashraf Mahmoud, et al., “WiMAX Broadband Access for Residential Areas,” Final report for Saudi Telecom Corporation (STC) -project number CCCR2224, Research Institute, KFUPM, December 2008.
[TRB3] Uthman Baroudi and Ashraf Mahmoud, “Radio Resource Management and QoS Control for Wireless Integrated Services Networks,” Final report for Fast Track project FT050022, Refereed Report, Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM, May 2007.
[TRB4] Tarek Sheltami and Ashraf Mahmoud, “Real-Time Applications over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Design and Implementation,” Final report for Fast Track project number FT050013, Refereed Report, Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM, April 2007.
[TRB5] Ashraf Mahmoud, et al., “Networking Simulation Tools – OPNET,” Final report for Saudi Telecom Company (STC) – project number CCCR2214, Research Institute, KFUPM, April 2007.
[TRB6] “Wireless Mobile Infrastructure Energy-Aware Protocol for Ad hoc Networks,” Final report for Business Innovation project, College of Computer Science and Engineering, KFUPM, September 2005.
[TRB7] “E-Tourism Promoter: An Internet Assisted Location,” Final report for Business Innovation project, College of Computer Science and Engineering, KFUPM, September 2005.
Books/Book Chapter
[BBC1] Ashraf S. Hasan Mahmoud, Mohammed A. I. Aabed, Framework for Call Admission Control Analysis in Multi-Rate DS-CDMA - An Analytical Framework for Approximating the Downlink Transmit Power in Multi-Rate DS-CDMA Systems, Verlag Dr. Müller Publishing House, ISBN 978-3-639-12044-8, Feb 2009.
[BBC2] R. Naseer, Ismat Aref, Ashraf Mahmoud, “Routing Security in Wireless Sensor Networks,” book chapter in Handbook of Research on Wireless Security – Volume II (TK5102.85.H35 2008), Information Science Reference, Hershey, New York, 2008. Refereed Chapter.
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