
KFUPM Box 151

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Simulation & Assessment of Concrete Patch Repair systems

Rahman, M.K


PhD Dissertation

Modeling of Shrinkage and Creep stresses in Concrete Repair

Rahman, M.K., Baluch, M.H. and Al-Gadhib, A.H


 ACI Materials Journal pp. 542-550

Simulation of Shrinkage Distress and Creep Relief in Concrete Repair

Rahman, M.K., Baluch, M.H. and Al-Gadhib, A.H.

Vol 31, Nov 2000

Composites Journal Part-B,  pp541-553

Numerical Simulation of Moisture Diffusion in a Concrete Patch Repair

Rahman, M.K.


Book: Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Edited by A. Zingoni, vol 2. pp 1259-1258

Risk of Cracking and Delamination in Patch Repair

Baluch M.H., Rahman M.K., & Al-Gadhib A.H


Journal of Materials in Civil   Engineering, Vol 14, No. 4, pp 294-302

 A CDM Based Computational Model for Timoshenko Beams


Shazali, A.M., Rahman, M.K., ElBoghdadi, M., Taher, S.F, and Baluch, M.H.

January 1997

Engineering Computations, January 1997.

Prediction of Shrinkage and Creep Stresses in Concrete Shrinkage and Creep Stresses in Concrete Repair System

Al-Gadhib, A.H., Rahman, M.K., and Baluch, M.H

May 3-5, 1997

Proceedings of the symposium on Civil Engineering and the Environment, KFUPM, Dhahran

Simulation of Shrinkage Distress and Creep Relief in Concrete Repair.

Rahman, M.K., Baluch, M.H. and Al-Gadhib, A.H.

July 1997.

Fourth International Conference on Composite Engineering, Hawaii, USA

Modeling of Concrete Patch Repair

Systems using Finite Element Approach


Rahman, M.K., Baluch, M.H. and Al-Gadhib, A.H

Nov 11-12, 1997

Recent Developments in Material Processing and Modeling, Saudi-French workshop, KFUPM,Dhahran

Prediction of Failure Modes in Concrete

Patch Repair System

Al-Gadhib, A.H., Rahman, M.K., and Baluch, M.H.

Nov 17-19, 1997

Proceeding  1997 Civil Engg Technical Exchange Meeting, Saudi Aramco

Modeling of Concrete Patch Repair

Systems using Finite Element Approach


Rahman, M.K., Baluch, M.H. and Al-Gadhib, A.H.

Nov 11-12, 1997

Recent Developments in Material Processing and Modeling, Saudi-French workshop, Dhahran, KFUPM

Prediction of Shrinkage and Creep Stresses

in Concrete Shrinkage and Creep Stresses in

Concrete Repair System

Al-Gadhib, A.H., Rahman, M.K., and Baluch, M.H

May 3-5, 1997

Proceedings of the symposium on Civil Engineering and the Environment, KFUPM

Indices For    Prediction of Repair Mortar Performance

Baluch, M.H., Rahman, M.K. and Al-Gadhib, A.H

Nov15-17, 1998

Symposium on Performance of Concrete Structures in Arabian Gulf Environment, KFUPM, Dhahran

Performance Guidelines for Concrete Patch Repair

Baluch M.H., Rahman M.K., & Al-Gadhib A.H.,

Nov 20-22, 2000

6th International Conference on Deterioration & Repair of Reinforced Concrete in Arabian Gulf, Bahrain

Prolegomena to Processes and Deformations in a Repair System

Rahman, M.K , Bader, M.A. & Alfarabi, S

Nov 20-22, 2000

6th International Conference on Deterioration & Repair of Reinforced Concrete in Arabian Gulf, Bahrain

Repair and  Strengthening of Hydraulic Structures-Case Studies in Saudi Arabia

Al-Gadhib A.H,  Rahman, M.K. ,and Baluch M.H.

May 1-2, 2001

Keynote Lecture, Intl. Conference on Hydraulic Structures, Kerman - Iran

Assessment Of Concrete Patch Repair Performance

Rahman M.K., Baluch, M.H. and  Sharif, A.

April 30-May2, 2001

Concrete and Development, International Conference, Tehran - Iran

Computational Chemo-Damage Modeling for Assessment of Concrete   Patch Repair Durability

Baluch M.H., Shazali, M.A., Al-Gadhib A.H. and Rahman M.K

April 30-May2, 2001

Concrete and Development, International       Conference, Tehran - Iran

A Finite Element Based Approach For Determination of Diffusivity Law of Repair Materials

Rahman, M.K., Baluch, M.H. and Al-Gadhib, A.H., and Alfarabi, S

Aug 16-18, 2001

Second International Conference in

Engineering Material, San Jose, California

Repair and Retrofitting of Deteriorate and Distressed Reinforced  ConcreteStructures – Three Case Studies

Al-Gadhib A.H, Baluch M.H., and Rahman M.K

October 21-23, 2002

International conference for Concrete Technology in Developing Countries

ICCT6, Jordan

Load Distribution in Repaired Reinforced Concrete Columns

Al-Gahtani, A.S. and M.K. Rahman

15 - 17 July 2003

Concrete Solutions" 1st International Conference on Concrete Repair, St-Malo, France

Role of Environmental variables on Moisture Diffusivity of Cementitous Materials

Rahman M.K., Baluch M.H.,  and Al-Gadhib A.H,

September 23-26, 2003

International Structural Engineering Conference ISEC-02, Rome- Italy

Role of Moisture Diffusivity in the Durability of Cementitious Materials

Baluch M.H., Rahman M.K., Salman, Z, & Al-Gadhib A.H

March  23-25, 2004

International Conference on Structural & Geotech. Engineering IC-SGECT-04, Mansourah, Egypt pp. 29-45

Ultimate Load Behavior of Patch Repair in Axially Loaded Reinforced Concrete Columns

Rahman, M.K., Alfarabi, S, Hameeduddin, M & Gahtani, A.S.

March  23-25, 2004

International Conference on Structural & Geotech. Engineering IC-SGECT-04, Mansourah, Egypt pp. 871-885

Keynote Paper Moisture Transport Model for Crack Free Concrete

Rahman M.K., Baluch M.H., Al-Gadhib A.H, and Salman, Z

October 5-8, 2004

7th Intl Conference on Concrete Technology in Developing Countries  7ICCT, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Effectiveness of Patch Repair In Axially Loaded RC Columns Loaded to Failure

Alfarabi, S, Rahman, M.K., Gahtani, A.S., Hameeduddin, M., & Eid, O.A

October 5-8, 2004

7th Intl. Conference on Concrete Technology in Developing Countries  7ICCT, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Strengthening of  Rectangular-Rounded

Columns with Inferior Concrete Mix Using

Composite Fabric

Ali H. Al-Gadhib, Mohammed H. Baluch, Muhammad K. Rahman, Mutlaq A. Al-Faleh and Mohammed A. Al-Ghamdi

October 5-8, 2004

7th Intl. Conference on Concrete Technology in Developing Countries  7ICCT, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Feasibility of wind Farm Development in

Saudi Arabia

S.Rehman, F.Ahmed, I.El-Amin, M.A.Bader, A.Ahmad, M.K.Rahman and M.Mohndes

8-10 March 2004

8th Arab International Solar energy Conference & the Regional World Renewable Energy Congress, Kingdom of Bahrain