Research & Publications
I have also been involved in the research activities of RPG and have co-authored 12 Papers appeared in National/International Journals and Conference Proceedings as follows:
1. Tritium Management System for the 14 Mev Neutron Generators at King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals. Proceeding of the First National Saudi Conference on Energy, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia, 4-7 March, 1990 Nassar, R.M. , Al-Juwair, H. , and Islam,A.
2. Tritium Management System for the 14 Mev Neutron Generators at King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals. Proceeding of the First National Saudi Conference on Energy, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia, 4-7 March, 1990 Nassar, R.M. , Al-Juwair, H. , and Islam,
3. Abu-Jarad F.; Islam M.; Abu-Abdun and Khan M.A.(1991). “Ultravilet and laser effect on etching of various batches of CR-39”, Nucl.Track Radiat. Meas. J., VOL. 135-138.
4. Abu-Jarad F. ; Islam M. and Que A. (1991). “Usage of an iteractive system for studying various parameters of etched tracks in CR 39 and Makrofol E”, Nucl. Track Radiat.Meas.J., Vol. 19, 233-237.
4. Al-Jarallah ; Abu-Jarad F., Hallak A.; Coban A. and Islam M.A. (1992).“ Investigation of proton respose in CR-39” Nucl.Inst.Meth. Vol. B73, pp507-511.
6. Abu-Jarad ,F.; R.Nassar; M.Haddad; S.Bard;K.Nahdi; M.Islam amd M.I.Al-Jarallah (1993). The radiation Program at the Energy Research Laboratory. J. of KAU, Engineering science, Special Issue, pp 237-245.
7. Abu-Jarad, F.; Islam M.; Abu-Abdoun and Khan (1993). “Effect of ultraviolet light,solar radiation, XeCl laser and Xenon ARC lamp on the nuclear track recording properties” Nucl. Track Radiat. Meas. J., Vol. 20, pp 531-541.
8. Abu-Jarad F.; Durrani S.M.A. and Islam M.A.(1993). “A Co2 pulsed laser effect on the CR-39 registration properties” J. Nucl. Track Radiat.Meas. J., Vol.22, pp 189 – 190.
9. Al-Jarallah, M.I.; F.Abu-Jarad; A.B.Hallak; A.Coban and M.Islam. (1993) . “Proton respose of CR-39” (PM.355). Nucl.Track Radiat.Meas.J., Vol.22, pp191-194.
10. Abu-Jarad, F.; S.M.A.Durrani and M.A.Islam (1993). Effect of 10.6µm pulsed laser on the CR-39.Nucl.Track Radiat. Meas.J., Vol.22, pp 253 – 256.
11. Abu-Jarad, F. and M.Islam (1993). A passive radon detector survey in a three-story laboratory building. Nucl.Track Radiat.Meas.J., Vol.22, pp 257-258.
12. Abu-Jarad, F.; Nassar R..; Haddad M.; Nahdi K.; Bard S. and Islam M. “Radiation Protection Program at Energy Research Laboratory.” Proceeding of the First National Saudi Conference on Energy, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia, 4-7 March, 1990. pp. 463-470. Publised by Scientific Publishing Center, KAU, Jeddah