Basic Skills

Art of Jockying

Learn the art of jockeying

Jockeying is nothing to do with riding horses, but it's a very useful skill to know.
You don't always need to tackle an opponent to dispossess them or slow their progress.
Jockeying denies your opponent time and space, and it's a good tactic to allow your team-mates to get back in position.

step 1
Pivot off your back foot
Adopt an almost side-on position, but with shoulders opened out, this will also allow you to see them in front of you.
If you keep your knees slightly bent, with your weight on the front of your feet, then you'll find it easier to change direction as you move backwards.

step 2
Stay within an arm's length of your opponent
You need to try and always stay 'goal-side', and also in front of your opponent.
You can do this by pivoting off your back foot as you move backwards.

step 3
Try to stay within an arm's length of your opponent to increase the pressure on them.
If you have your arms slightly out to your sides then it creates a bit more of a natural barrier.
But make sure you don't use them to push an opponent.