Activities At KFUPM & Other Academic Institutions:

2008-2009    Member, College Safety Committee (CIM), King Fahd University of       Petroleum & Minerals.

 2008-2009  Member of the  Marketing Curriculum Committee.

2008-2009  Member, of the Textbooks Committee, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

2008-2009  Member, An ad hoc Committee formed for Determining the College Nominees for the “Distinguished Teaching Award”, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

2007-2008  An ad hoc Committee formed for evaluating different  databases for academic journals' in Business,  Management & Marketing.

2007-2008   An ad hoc Committee formed for Evaluating the Promotion Dossier of a Faculty Member, to the rank of Associate Professor, in  the Department of Management & Marketing”, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. (University Level).

2007-2008  MKT Textbooks Committee, Department of Management of Marketing, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

2007-2008      Marketing Program Curriculum Affairs Committee, Department of Management of Marketing, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.


2006-2007  Chairman, An ad hoc Committee formed for Determining the College Nominees for the “Distinguished Teaching Award”, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

2006-2007  Chairman, An ad hoc Committee formed for Determining the Department Nominees for the “Distinguished Teaching Award”, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

2006-2007  Marketing Program Curriculum Affairs Committee, Department of Management of Marketing, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

2006-2007 MKT Textbooks Committee, Department of Management of Marketing, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

2005-2006  An ad hoc Committee formed for Determining the Department Nominees for the “Distinguished Teaching Award”, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

2005-2006  An ad hoc Committee formed for Evaluating the Promotion Dossier of a Faculty Member,  to the rank of Associate Professor, in the Department of Management & Marketing”, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. (Department Level).

2004-2005  Head of the Board of Textbooks in the Department of Business Administration, United Arab Emirates University/ UAE.

2003-2004  Coordinator, Instructional Resources Committee, United  Arab Emirates University/UAE.

2001-2002  Composition & Development Committee, United Arab Emirates University/UAE.

2000-2001  Strategic Plan Committee, Sector of Community Services, United Arab Emirates University/UAE.

2000-2003  Library Committee, United Arab Emirates University/UAE.

2000-2005  Dept. of Business Administration, College of Business & Economics, United Arab Emirates University/UAE.

1997-1999  Vice-President of The Employees Housing Fund, The Hashemite University/ Jordan.

1996 -1997  The Introductory Leaflet of The Hashemite University (Designing & Producing)/Jordan.

1995-1997   The Faculty's Curriculum Requirements Committee, The Hashemite University/ Jordan.

1995-1996   Consultative Committee (Studying and Amending The Regulations of Awarding Bachelor's Degree), The Hashemite University, Jordan.

1995-1996  Medical Insurance Committee, The Hashemite University, Jordan.

1995-1998   Faculty Council, Faculty of Economics & Admin. Sc., The Hashemite University, Jordan

    Seminars & Workshops:

  • “Problem-based Learning-PBL in Science and its Implementation in Science Curriculum”, (Seminar) held on Monday, March 02-04, 2009, The Teaching & Learning Center, KFUPM, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Discussion Forum on Research Group (Seminar), held on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, Deanship of Scientific Research, KFUPM, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Research Analysis using Scopus Databases (Seminar), KFUPM   Library Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 10, 2008.

  • The Outcome Exam (Four Days Workshop), KFUPM Testing & Evaluation Center,    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (September 3-6), 2007. 

  • Faculty Recruitment, Development and Retention at KFUPM.   (Workshop/Focus Group), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2007.

  • Problems of Controlling The Marketing Activities: The Case of The Industrial Sector in The United Arab Emirates (UAE), (Seminar),  Sharjah University, UAE/ 2005.                                                       

  • Marketing Opportunities In the United Arab Emirates, (Workshop), UAE University, UAE/ 2004.

  • Web-Based Research: The Case of The United Arab Emirates, (Workshop),  UAE University/UAE, 2003.

  • The First (Workshop) on Internship (I WELL) Program Organized by UAE University, Nov.2003.

  • A Teaching Forum  on  Active Learning (Workshop), Organized by UAE University, December, 2003.

  • An M-Commerce (Workshop) Organized by Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce in October, 2002.

  • An E-Commerce (Workshop) Organized by Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce in October, 2001.

  • Funded Research Projects: From Research Idea to Final Report, (Workshop), United Arab Emirates University/UAE, 2003.

  • Social Marketing and Health Education (Workshop), Ministry of Health, Abu Dhabi-Al Ai/UAE, 2001.

  • Importance Of Retailers' Image and Buying Decisions in the United Arab Emirate (Research Forum) /UAE, 2000.

  • The Environmental Scientific Day (Workshop), The Hashemite University, Zarka/Jordan, 1998.

  • Research and Development Institutions and Their Role in The Arab Industrial Sectors (Workshop), Royal Scientific Society, Amman/Jordan, 1998.

  • Accountants' Assembly of Jordan (Workshop), Amman/ Jordan, 1997.

  • The Population of The Middle-Region Province of Jordan (Workshop), The Hashemite University/ Jordan, 1997.

  • Coping With Supply Shocks: The Case of Jordan (Seminar), The Hashemite University/, Jordan, 1997.

  • Economic Impediments To Peace In The Middle-East (Seminar), The Hashemite University/  Jordan, 1997.

  • The Role of Jordan In a Euro-Mediterranean Policy, One Year After (Seminar) , The Hashemite University/ Jordan, 1997.


