Research & Publications
A Number of Books and Draft Books Have Been Written both in English and
in Arabic. They include the following: (In English):
Principles of Partnership Law in Malaysia,2005,Ed.,Published in Kuala
Lumpur by ILBS, 2005. pdft
Malaysian Sale of Goods (Published in Malaysia by CLBC, 1994). pdft
Malaysian Law on Negotiable Instruments (Published in Malaysia by CLBC,
1994). pdft
Legal Principles of Documentary Credits (Published in Malaysia,by,ILBS,1998).
A Draft Book on Bahraini Commercial Law(Awaiting Publication).
Articles in the area of WTO Law include:
Subsidies & Countervailing Measures, Journal of Justice, Vol.8,No,
18,2006, pp.323-334 (Refereed Journal).
Trade-Related Investment Measures , Journal of Justice, Vol.9, No, 21,2007,
pp. 356- 375(Refereed Journal).
Specialized Column of Alanbaa Economic Supplement:2003-2005:Sixty
Articles Including the following:
Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.
Relevant Panels Settlement of Disputes (Actually Decided on Cases).
Commercial Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS).
Panels Interpretation and Application of Article 13 of the GATT.
International Panels and GATT Principles of Anti-Dumping.
Article 3 of the GATT as Interpreted and Applied by Relevant International
Restrictive Measures under Article 11 of the GATT.
Most-favored Nation Treatment under the GATT.