Second Conference on Administrative Sciences

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia



Objectives & Domain

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Meeting the Challenges of the Globalization Age


Objectives and Domain of

 The Conference

April 19-21, 2004


King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, through its College of Industrial Management is organizing its Second Conference on the Administrative Sciences. The theme of the conference is “Meeting the Challenges of the Globalization Age”. The objective the Conference is to provide a forum to exchange ideas, and an opportunity for researchers to present and publish their findings. Researchers, consultants, and practitioners are invited to submit their research papers for presentation in this Conference and publication in its proceedings. All submissions are subject to double blind review process.


Globalization is a state that has profound implications. The variables, factors, consequences, demands, actions, and reactions, that are predicated by globalization are numerous, complex, and interacting. All fields of the administrative sciences are impacted. There is a need to understand, a need to provide new prescriptions, and a need to possibly teach differently. The impact is at the individual, organizational, and social levels. New opportunities and new threats are emerging and require new strategies and thinking. The implication to developing countries, in particular, is probably more significant and impacting.


This Conference provides the opportunity to share and present ideas and findings and to network with other academicians and practitioners. The domain of the Conference is broad and general. Again, researchers, practitioners, and consultants in all fields and areas of the administrative sciences and related fields are invited to participate. Theoretical, empirical, and case-study papers will be acceptable in this Conference. The Conference is bilingual. Papers in Arabic or English will be considered. All submissions will be subject to double blind review process. The deadline for submissions is on December 1, 2003.


Our Pre-Conference One-Day Workshops






Developed by

Hani M. S. Al-Kadi

Business Development Unit