
Professor Fryderyk Staub Golden Owl Award
awarded by World Academy of Metals and Manufacturing, December 2015.

Almarai’s Distinguished Scholar Prize
awarded by King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia), 2016.

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Distinguished University Professor Award:
at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 2008 – present.
The University Distinguished Professor is the highest honor that KFUPM can bestow on an outstanding faculty member who demonstrated highly productive and outstanding achievements in research, teaching and service at the university. Such a designation recognizes extraordinary, internationally-recognized, scholarly attainment in his field as well as excellence in teaching and service.

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Professor W. Johnson International Gold Medal:
awarded by the Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT) Steering Committee during the AMPT 2008 Conference, 2nd Nov. 2008, Bahrain. The Gold Medal was awarded due to life time achievements in Materials Processing Research and Education.

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Donald Julius Groen Prize:
for 2007, awarded by Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Manufacturing Industries Division, UK. The award was given due to significant contribution to the laser shock processing.

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Silver Jubilee Medal:
for the outstanding achievements in Materials and Manufacturing 2005, awarded by Silesian University of Technology, Poland. The award was given due to overall contributions and the scientific achievements in material processing.

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Best Research Award:
in 1997,2002 and 2006 by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. The award was given due to distinguished research achievements for the past four years.

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Technology Prize:
for 1990, given by the Science and Technology Foundation in Turkey. The award was given due to overall scientific and technologic achievements.

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President of India’s Prize:
given by the Institution of Engineers (India) in 1988. The award was given due to the high power CO2 laser design and modeling of transmittance of high power laser beam in open atmosphere.