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XML Related Technologies

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This chapter contains a list of technologies that are important to the understanding and development of XML applications.

It can also be viewed as "where to go from here" information, if you want to study more XML.

XHTML - Extensible HTML

XHTML is the reformulation of HTML 4.01 in XML. XHTML 1.0 is the latest version of HTML. Read more in our XHTML tutorial.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

CSS style sheets can be added to XML documents to provide display information. Read more in our CSS tutorial.

XSL - Extensible Style Sheet Language

XSL consists of three parts: XML Document Transformation (renamed XSLT, see below), a pattern matching syntax (renamed XPath, see below), and a formatting object interpretation. 

XSLT - XML Transformation

XSLT is far more powerful than CSS. It can be used to transform XML files into many different output formats. Read more in our XSL tutorial.

XPath - XML Pattern Matching

XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document. XPath was designed to be used by both XSLT and XPointer.

XLink - XML Linking Language

The XML Linking Language (XLink), allows elements to be inserted into XML documents in order to create links between XML resources.

XPointer - XML Pointer Language

The XML Pointer Language (XPointer), supports addressing into the internal structures of XML documents, such as elements, attributes, and content.

DTD - Document Type Definition

A DTD can be used to define the legal building blocks of an XML document. Read more in our DTD tutorial.


XML namespaces defines a method for defining element and attribute names used in XML by associating them with URI references.

XSD - XML Schema

Schemas are powerful alternatives to DTDs. Schemas are written in XML, and support namespaces and data types. Read more in our Schema tutorial.

XDR - XML Data Reduced

XDR is a reduced version of XML Schema. Support for XDR was shipped with  Internet Explorer 5.0 when XML Schema was still a working draft. Microsoft has committed full support for XML Schema as soon as the specification becomes a W3C Recommendation.

DOM - Document Object Model

The DOM defines interfaces, properties and methods to manipulate XML documents. Read more in our DOM tutorial.

XQL - XML Query Language

The XML Query Language supports query facilities to extract data from XML documents.

SAX - Simple API for XML

SAX is another interface to read and manipulate XML documents.

W3C Recommendations

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was founded in 1994 to lead the Web by developing common WWW protocols like HTML, CSS and XML.

The most important work done by the W3C is the development of Web specifications (called "Recommendations") that describe communication protocols (like HTML and XML) and other building blocks of the Web.

Read more about the status of each XML standard at our W3C School.

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