WAP Tutorial
WAP Introduction
WAP Basic
WML Formatting
WML Links
WML Input
WML Tasks
WML Timer
WML Variables
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WML Validator
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WAP Pages

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WML Entities

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WAP Software

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Online Wap Browser

Gelon.net fetches WML pages, and converts them to HTML (WEB pages) with their "Wapalizer". This is an excellent tool if you want to see what your WML pages look like in a WAP browser.

WAP Companies / Consultancy Services

Symbian's mission is to set the standard for mobile wireless operating systems and to enable a mass market for Wireless Information Devices


WML pages can be edited with a simple text editor like Notepad - just like you can do with HTML. You can also use the Nokia WAP Software Development Kit (SDK), which can be downloaded from the Nokia WAP Developers Forum.

MobileDev - Wireless Application Development

MobileDev is the first Wireless Development Environment (WDE) specifically for WAP Internet applications. Its innovative open-ended development model integrates a graphical application mapper with a wizard interface and a rich tool set. Versatile enough to satisfy the most demanding professional, MobileDev supports WAP technologies like WML, HDML, Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP), Perl and Java Server Pages (JSP).

Using the GUI application mapper to show the relationships between objects, developers can quickly outline the components of a WAP application. Then they can take advantage of wizards that generate Decks and Cards in both WML and HDML, and use MobileDev's code builder to write WML/HDML syntax that complements the wizard-generated code. The integration of the application mapper with wizards and the code builder provides a seamless WDE that delivers results fast.

MobileDev comes complete with its own powerful integrated runtime engine, MobileDev Server Script. Server Script can quickly create prototypes or build full-blown business WAP applications that can be natively connected to an RDBMS. But that's not the whole story; the MobileDev WDE is also designed to support development in ASP, JSP, Perl or other template-based server technologies. MobileDev is the first of its kind in the wireless Internet.

You can find more information at the MobileDev website: http://mobiledev.speedware.com

PyWeb - Put Your Content on Mobile

PyWeb's technology solves the content and services problem by making quick, easy and cheap for Web sites to make their content and services available on WAP phones.

PyWeb enables Webmasters to be WAP ready as quickly and cheaply as possible. Mastering the WAP technology, the PyWeb offer is based on a software package hosted on PyWeb servers as an ASP (Application Service Provider). According to PyWeb transcoding and adaptation technology, a Webmaster can publish its current content on both Web and WAP, with only one source to manage.

You can find more information at : http://www.pyweb.com/

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