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Future Proof Applications

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The paragraphs below describes W3Schools' vision about future Internet Distributed Applications.

Applications must Support Future Changes

Applications must be aware of future changes and gracefully adjust to changes in either the amount of services or in the exchange format. The application and the data exchange format must support both extensions, removed elements and version controls. Our best suggestion is to use XML with an XML Schema.

Applications must Scale and Relocate

Applications must be able to scale from supporting a few to many thousand requests per day. Server services must be able to spread from one server to many, or to move from one server to another without breaking the application. Our best suggestion is to make server services independent of physical server, and to use standard Internet Uniform Resource Locators (URL) or a directory service to locate the services.

Applications must Support other Applications

Applications should be able to cooperate with other applications. Our best suggestion is create all applications with the same rules, and to link applications together with standard Internet links.

Applications must Support Future Internet Standards

Applications should be made ready to support the new Internet Standards as they emerge from W3C.

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