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.NET Mobile Devices

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Mobile Internet Toolkit 1.0 Devices

The Mobile Internet Toolkit 1.0 was released January 15, 2002. The following devices where supported in this first release:

Device Browser
Alcatel One Touch 701 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.19
Audiovox CDM-135 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.2
Audiovox CDM-9000 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.11
Audiovox CDM-9100 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.21c
Benefon Q Microsoft Mobile Explorer 2.01
Casio Cassiopeia E-125 Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2000 (4.01)
Compaq iPAQ H3630 Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2000 (4.01)
Compaq iPAQ H3650 GoAmerica Go.Web 5.0.1
Compaq iPAQ H3650 Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2000 (4.01)
Compaq iPAQ H3650 Omnisky 2.0
Compaq iPAQ H3670 Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2002 (4.1)
Ericsson R280LX Openwave UP.Browser 3.03
Ericsson R320 Ericsson R320/R1A
Ericsson R380 Ericsson R380 2.0
Ericsson R520m Ericsson R520/R201
Ericsson T20s Ericsson T20/R2A
Fujitsu F503i ACCESS Compact NetFront 2.0
Handspring Visor Prism Blazer 1.0
Handspring Visor Platinum Qualcomm Eudora Internet Suite 2.1
Handspring Visor Platinum Omnisky
Hitachi C407H UP.Browser 3.1
HP Jornada 720 Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2000 (4.01)
IBM WorkPad c505 ilinx Xiino 1.01J
Kyocera QCP 3035 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.17
Kyocera QCP 2035A Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.17
Kyocera QCP 6035 Qualcomm Eudora 2.0
LG V111 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1
Mitsubishi D502i ACCESS Compact NetFront 2.0
Mitsubishi D503i ACCESS Compact NetFront 2.0
Mitsubishi T250 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.11A
Motorola i1000plus Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.17
Motorola i2000plus Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.17
Motorola i50sx Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.21b
Motorola i85s Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.21b
Motorola TimePort P7382i Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.19i
Motorola TimePort P7389 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.16g
Motorola TimePort P8767 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.10
Motorola StarTAC 7868W Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.02
Motorola T2288 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.8
Motorola V100 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.22
Motorola V120c Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.21b
Motorola V2288 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.16f
Motorola V60c Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.21b
NEC N210i ACCESS Compact NetFront 2.0
NEC N502i ACCESS Compact NetFront 2.0
Nokia 3330 Nokia 1.0 (3.12)
Nokia 6210 Nokia 1.0 (4.27)
Nokia 7110 Nokia 1.0 (5.01)
Nokia 9110i Nokia 1.1
Nokia 9210 Symbian Crystal 6.0
Palm m505 MyPalm 1.1
Palm VIIx MyPalm 1.0
Palm Vx AU-Systems 2.12181.1
Palm Vx GoAmerica Go.Web 3.0.6
Palm Vx Omnisky
Panasonic P210i Original Equipment Manufacturer's Version
Panasonic P502i Original Equipment Manufacturer's Version
Personal computer Microsoft Internet Explorer® 5.5
Personal computer Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
RIM Blackberry 857 GoAmerica Go.Web 1.8.004 (HTML)
RIM Blackberry 857 GoAmerica Go.Web 6.0.010 (HTML)
RIM Blackberry 950 GoAmerica Go.Web 1.000.6 (HTML)
RIM Blackberry 950 GoAmerica Go.Web 6.010.0 (HTML)
RIM Blackberry 957 GoAmerica Go.Web 1.6.000 (HTML)
RIM Blackberry 957 GoAmerica Go.Web (HTML)
Samsung SCH-6100 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1
Samsung SCH-850 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1
Samsung SCH-8500 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.140.TC14
Samsung UpRoar M100 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1
Sanyo C401SA Openwave UP.Browser 3.2
Sanyo SCP-4500 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1.04
Sanyo SCP-5000 Openwave UP.Browser 3.2
Sharp J-SH04 Original Equipment Manufacturer's Version 3.0
Sharp Zaurus MI-E1 Original Equipment Manufacturer's Version 6.1
Siemens C35i Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.8c
Siemens S35i Openwave UP.Browser 4.1.16
Siemens SL45 Openwave UP.Browser 4.1
Sony CLIE PEG-N700C ilinx Palmscape 4.0SJ
Sony CMD-Z5 Microsoft Mobile Explorer 2.0 r54ue
Sony CMD-J5 Microsoft Mobile Explorer 2.0 r54ue
Sony SO503i ACCESS Compact NetFront 2.0
Sprint Denso Touchpoint 120 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1
Sprint Denso Touchpoint 2200 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1
Sprint LG Touchpoint 3000 Openwave UP.Browser 3.1
Toshiba J-T05 Original Equipment Manufacturer's Version 3.0

Device Updates

Updates to the Mobile Internet Toolkit will be released when support for new devices are ready. Please refer to the following pages for updates.

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