of Dr. Lahouari Ghouti
College of Computer Sciences and Engineering
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
A. Journal Publications
Lahouari Ghouti, “Mobility Prediction in Mobile AD HOC Networks
Using Neural Learning Machines,” Simulation Modelling Practice and
Theory, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 104-121, August 2016.
[2] Lahouari Ghouti, “A New Kernel-Based Classification Algorithm for
Multi-Label Datasets,” Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering,
vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 759-771, March 2016.
[3] Muhammed Z. Ayar, Adel F. Ahmed, Ahmet Z. Sahin, Lahouari Ghouti
and Bekir S. Yilbas, “Thermal Configuration of a Two-Dimensional
Disc using the Constructal Law,” International Journal of Exergy,
April 2015.
[4] Issam H. Laradji, Mohammad Alshayeb and Lahouari Ghouti,
“Software Defect Prediction using Ensemble Learning on Selected
Features,” Information and Software Technology, vol. 58, pp.
388-402, February 2015.
[5] Alawi A. Al-Saggaf and Lahouari Ghouti, “An Efficient Abuse-Free
Fair Contract-Signing Protocol Based on an Ordinary Crisp Commitment
Scheme”, IET Journal of Information Security, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.
50-58, January 2015.
[6] Adnan Gutub, Lahouari Ghouti, Yousef Elarian, Sameh Awaideh and
Aleem K. Alvi, “Utilizing Diacritic Marks for Arabic Text
Steganography,” Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering (KJSE),
vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 89-109, 2010.
[7] Lahouari Ghouti, Ahmed Bouridane, Mohammad K. Ibrahim, and Said
Boussakta,”Digital Image Watermarking using Balanced Multiwavelets,”
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 4, pp.
1519-1536, April 2006.
[8] Makram Nabti, Lahouari Ghouti and Ahmed Bouridane, “An Efficient
Iris Segmentation Technique based on a Multiscale Approach,”
Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, Special Issue on
Advances in Biometrics: Theory, Security and Applications, vol. 2,
no. 4, pp. 34-42, October 2006.
[9] Basem O. Al-Bedoor, Yagoub Al-Nassar, Lahouari Ghouti, Seraj A.
Adewusi, and Mohamed Abdlsamad, “Shaft lateral and torsional
vibration responses to blade(s) random vibration excitation,”
Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), vol. 29, no. 1C,
pp. 39-67, June 2004.
[10] Basem O. Al-Bedoor, Lahouari Ghouti, Yagoub Al-Nassar, Seraj A.
Adewusi, and Mohamed Abdlsamad, “Experiments on the extraction of
blade vibration signature from the shaft torsional vibration
signals”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering (JQME), vol.
9, no. 2, pp. 144-159, 2003.
[11] Ahmed Yamani, Maamar Bettayeb and Lahouari Ghouti, "High-order
spectra-based deconvolution of ultrasonic NDT signals for defect
identification," Ultrasonics, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 525-531, 1997.
B. Book Chapters
Issam Laradji, Lahouari Ghouti, Musab Alturki and Faisal Saleh,
"Sparse Single-hidden Layer Feedforward Network for Mapping Natural
Language Questions to SQL Queries," 24th International Conference on
Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2014), 15-19 September 2014,
Hamburg, Germany.
[2] Lahouari Ghouti, Tarek R. Sheltami and Khaled S. Alutaibi.
"Mobility Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Extreme
Learning Machines," Procedia Computer Science, vol. 19 pp. 305-312,
[3] Tarek R. Sheltami, Ahmed J. Siddiqui, Hamed I. Abbasi, Utham
Baroudi and Lahouari Ghouti, "Implementation of Rank Based Sleep
Scheduling (RBSS) Protocol for WSNs in a Fixed Grid Topology,"
Procedia Computer Science, vol. 19, pp. 348-355, 2013.
B. Published Patents
Ahmed I. Al-Herz, Lahouari Ghouti and Mohammad K. Ibrahim, "Hybrid
virtual account and token-based digital cash protocols," U.S. Patent
No. 9,171,324, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, October 2015.
[P2] Ahmed I. Al-Herz, Lahouari Ghouti and Mohammad K. Ibrahim,
"Virtual account and token-based digital cash protocols," U.S.
Patent No. 9,165,297, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, October
[P3] Lahouari Ghouti, “Method, system and computer program product
for breast density classification using fisher discrimination,” U.S.
Patent No. 9,147,245, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, September
[P4] Waleed M. AL-Zahrani and Lahouari Ghouti, "Method of Performing
Fingerprint Matching," U.S. Patent No. 9,070,002, U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, June 2015.
[P5] Lahouari Ghouti and Mohammad K. Ibrahim, “Elliptic curve-based
message authentication code system and method,” U.S. Patent No.
8,705,740, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, April 2014.
[P6] Mohammad I. Hossain, Tarek A. H. El-Basuny, Abdulazeez
Abdulraheem, Moustafa Elshafei, Lahouari Ghouti, Amar Khoukhi,
Mohamed R. Hassan, “Method of Predicting Gas Composition,” U.S.
Patent No. 8,700,549, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, April 2014.
[P7] Lahouari Ghouti, Abdulaziz M. Al-Khoraidly and Mohammad K.
Ibrahim, "Elliptic Curve-Based Message Authentication Code System
and Method," U.S. Patent No. 8,699,701, U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office, April 2014.
[P8] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Abdulaziz M.
Al-Khoraidly, "XZ-Elliptic Curve Cryptography System and Method,"
U.S. Patent No. 8,509,426, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, April
[P9] Lahouari Ghouti and Mohammad K. Ibrahim, "RNS-Based
Cryptographic System and Method," U.S. Patent No. 8,462,939, U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office, June 2013.
[P10] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Adnan A. Gutub,
"Method of Performing Elliptic Polynomial Cryptography with Elliptic
Polynomial Hopping," U.S. Patent No. 8,385,541, U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, February 2013.
[P11] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Adnan A. Gutub,
"Elliptic Polynomial Cryptography with Secret Key Embedding," U.S.
Patent No. 8,351,601, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, January
[P12] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Adnan A. Gutub,
"Method of Generating a Password Protocol using Elliptic Polynomial
Cryptography," U.S. Patent No. 8,332,651, U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office, December 2012.
[P13] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Adnan A. Gutub,
"Method of Cipher Block Chaining using Elliptic Curve Cryptography,"
U.S. Patent No. 8,331,558, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office,
December 2012.
[P14] Lahouari Ghouti and Mohammad K. Ibrahim, "Message
Authentication Code with Blind Factorization and Randomization,"
U.S. Patent No. 8,190,892, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, May
[P15] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Adnan A. Gutub,
"Method of Performing Cipher Block Chaining using Elliptic
Polynomial Cryptography ," U.S. Patent No. 8,189,775, U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office, May 2012.
[P16] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Atef J. Al-Najjar,
"Hash Functions with Elliptic Polynomial Hopping," U.S. Patent No.
8,189,771, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, May 2012.
[P17] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Atef J. Al-Najjar,
"Hash Functions using Elliptic Curve Cryptography," U.S. Patent No.
8,184,803, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, May 2012.
[P18] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Atef J. Al-Najjar,
"Message Authentication Code with Elliptic Polynomial Hopping," U.S.
Patent No. 8,170,203, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, May 2012.
[P19] Lahouari Ghouti, Mohammad K. Ibrahim and Atef J. Al-Najjar,
"Cryptographic Hash Functions using Elliptic Polynomial
Cryptography," U.S. Patent No. 8,165,287, U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office, April 2012.
[P20] Lahouari Ghouti and Mohammad K. Ibrahim, "Elliptical
Polynomial-Based Message Authentication Code," U.S. Patent No.
8,139,765, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, March 2012.
[P21] Ahmed A. Bahjat and Lahouari Ghouti, “Apparatus and Method for
Iris Image Analysis," U.S. Patent No. 9,189,686, U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, November 2015.
[P22] Lahouari Ghouti, “Method, system and computer program product
for breast density classification using fisher discrimination,” U.S.
Patent No. 9,147,245, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, September
[P23] Lahouari Ghouti, “Method, system and computer program product
for breast density classification using fisher discrimination,” U.S.
Patent No. 9,317,786, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, April 2016.
C. Conference Publications
1. A. Gutub, L. Ghouti, A. Amin, T. Alkharobi, and M. K. Ibrahim, “Utilizing Extension Character ‘Kashida’ With Pointed Letters For Arabic Text Digital Watermarking”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography – SECRYPT-2007, Barcelona, Spain, July 28 - 31, 2007 (Preprint available here).
2. L. Ghouti, “Data-Hiding Capacities of
Non-Redundant Complex Wavelets”, in Proceedings of the Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2006)
Conference, pp. 48-52, Bangalore, India, September 2006.
3. L. Ghouti, A. Bouridane and D. Crookes,
“Edge-Directed Invariant Shoeprint Image Retrieval”,
in Proceedings of the Visual Information
Engineering (VIE 2006) Conference, pp. 58-61, Bangalore, India, September 2006.
4. L. Ghouti, A. Bouridane and D. Crookes,
“Classification of Shoeprint Images Using Directional Filterbanks”,
in Proceedings of the Visual
Information Engineering (VIE 2006) Conference, pp. 167-173, Bangalore, India,
September 2006.
5. M. Nabti, L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Multiscale
Edge Detection Using Wavelet Maxima for Iris Localization”, in Proceedings of the Visual Information
Engineering (VIE 2006) Conference, pp. 62-67, Bangalore, India, September 2006.
6. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Data Hiding in
Fingerprint Images”, in Proceedings of
the 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2006),
pp. Florence, Italy, September 2006.
7. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Musical Content
Retrieval System”, in Proceedings of
the 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2006),
pp. Florence, Italy, September 2006.
8. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Towards a Universal Multiresolution-Based Perceptual Model”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP-06), pp. 449-452, Atlanta, USA, October 2006.
9. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “A Fingerprinting
System for Musical Content”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and
Exhibition (ICME-06), pp. 1989-1992, Toronto, Canada, July 2006.
10. K. Zebbiche, L. Ghouti, F. Khelifi and A.
Bouridane, “Protecting Fingerprint Data using Watermarking”,
in Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems
(IEEE-AHS’06), pp. 451-456, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006.
11. W. Boukabou, L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Face
Recognition Using a Gabor Filter Bank Approach”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (IEEE-AHS’06), pp. 465-468,Istanbul, Turkey,
June 2006.
12. L. Yuan, G. Qu, L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane,
“VLSI Design IP Protection: Solutions, New Challenges, and
Opportunities”, in Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems
(IEEE-AHS’06), pp. Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006.
13. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “A Robust
Perceptual Audio Hashing Using Balanced Multiwavelets”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-06), pp. Toulouse,
France, May 2006.
14. L. Ghouti, A. Bouridane, and S. Boussakta,
“High Capacity Watermarking Using Balanced Multiwavelet Transforms”,
in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP-05), pp. 977-980, Genova, Italy, September 2005.
15. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Two-Step
Variance-Adaptive Image Denoising”, in Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-05), pp. 349-352, Genova,
Italy, September 2005.
16. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “A Just-Noticeable Distrotion (JND) Profile for Balanced Multiwavelets”, in Proceedings of the
13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2005), pp. Antalya,
Turkey, September 2005.
17. L. Ghouti, A. Bouridane, and M. K. Ibrahim,
“Image Compression Using Texture Modeling”,
in Proceedings of the IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’ 05), pp.
2313-2316, Kobe,
Japan, May 2005.
18. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Data-Hiding
Capacity Estimates for Unbalanced and Balanced Multiwavelets”, Proc.
of the Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2005), pp. Scotland, April
19. L. Ghouti and A. Bouridane, “Image Denoising
Using Balanced Multiwavelets and Scale Mixtures of Gaussians”, Proc.
of the Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2005), pp. Scotland, April
20. L. Ghouti, A. Bouridane, and M. K. Ibrahim,
“Improved Image Fusion using Balanced Multiwavelets”, in Proceedings of
the12th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2004), pp. Vienna, Austria, September 2004.
21. L. Ghouti, A. Bouridane, and M. K. Ibrahim,
“Edge-Preserving Wavelet-Based Multisensor Image Fusion Approach”,
in Proceedings of the 12th European Signal Processing
Conference (EUSIPCO 2004), pp. Vienna, Austria, September 2004.
22. B. O. Al-Bedoor, Y. Al-Nassar, S. A. Adewusi, and L.
Ghouti, “Identifying Rotating Blades Vibration from the
Shaft Torsional Vibration Signals”, in Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME-PVP 2003) Conference, pp. July 2003.
23. B. O. Al-Bedoor and L. Ghouti, “On the
Investigation of Vibration Signals Using the Joint Time-Frequency
Analysis”, in Proceedings of the Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference, pp. Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia, December 2002.
24. H. Al-Duwaish, L. Ghouti, T. Halawani, M.
Mohandes, “Use of Artificial Neural Networks Process Analyzers: A
Case Study”, in Proceedings of the 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
pp. 465-470, Bruges, Belgium, April 2002.
25. L. Ghouti and C. H. Chen, “Deconvolution of
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Signals Using Higher-Order
Statistics”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '99), vol. 3,
pp. 1457 - 1460, Phoenix, USA, March 1999.
26. A. Yamani, L. Ghouti, and M. Bettayeb,
"High-Order Statistics-based Deconvolution of Ultrasonic NDT
in Proceedings of the IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order
Statistics, pp. 214-218, July 1997.
27. A. Yamani, L. Ghouti, and M. Bettayeb,
“HOS-Based Deconvolution of Ultrasonic NDT Signals”, in Proceedings
the 4th International Conference of Slovenian Society for NDT, pp. 83-88, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 1997.