

Research Papers:

  1. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "The Formation of Muslim Names", International Library Review. 1977. Vol.9, No.4, pp.491-500

  2. Ashoor, M. Saleh and Deemer, S.S. "Online Automation at the University of Petroleum and Minerals Library", "Proceedings of the Sixth  National Computer Conference, University of Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 4‑6 November 1980. pp.39-65. 

  3. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "The University of Petroleum and Minerals: A Model for an Academic Library." College and Research Libraries. 1981. Vol.42, No.5, pp.456- 60. 

  4. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "The Administration of University Libraries- the KFUPM experience", Proceedings of  the Middle East Book Fair and Conference, Library  Development in the Middle East. Bahrain, 5-10 December 1982. 

  5. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "Planning for Library Automation at the University of Petroleum and Minerals." Journal of Information Science, 1983. Vol.5, No.5, pp.193-198. 

  6. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "University Library Planning: The Experience of the University of Petroleum & Minerals."  International Library Review. 1983.Vol.15, pp,272- 289. 

  7. Ashoor, M. Saleh and Khurshid, Zaheeruddin, "User Reactions to the Online Catalog at the University of Petroleum & Minerals Library", Journal of  Academic Librarianship. 1987. Vol.13, No.4, pp.221- 225. 

  8. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "Bibliographic Networking in the Arabian Gulf Region: Prospects and Problems", Journal of Resource Sharing and Information  Networks. 1989. Vol.4, No.2, pp.13-25. 

  9. Ashoor, M. Saleh, and Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar, "Saudi Science Publications Database (SSPD) at the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals" ,Arabian Journal  of Library and Information Science. 1988. Vol.8, No.1, pp.9-22. 

  10. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "Arabization of Automated Library Systems in the Arab World: Need for Compatibility and Standardization", Libri. 1989.  Vol.39, No.4, pp.294-302. 

  11. Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar and Ashoor, M. Saleh. "Potential of DOBIS/LIBIS and MINISIS for Automating Library Functions:  A Comparative Study", Program. 1990,  Vol.24, No.2, pp.109-128. 

  12. Ashoor, M. Saleh. "Evaluation of the Collections of Saudi University Libraries based on the ACRL Standards", Library Review.  1992,  Vol.24, No.41, pp.3-14. 

  13. Ashoor, M. Saleh and Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar, "Publication Patterns of Scientists Working in Saudi Arabia" , International Review of Library and Information Services. Vol.25(1993),pp.61-71. 

  14. Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar, Ashoor, M. Saleh, and Rehman, Sajjadur. "Development and Implementation of an Inhouse Continuing Education Program in an Academic Library", Education for Information.  992. Vol. 11,(1993) pp.47-56. 

  15. Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar and Ashoor M. Saleh,  "Comprehensive Materials Availability Studies in Academic Libraries",  Journal of Academic Librarianship.  Vol 20, (1994), pp.300-305. 

  16. "Assessment of Potential of Commercial Automated Systems for Computerization of Library Operations in the Arabian Gulf Region": A funded research project completed and submitted to the KFUPM Research Committee in the Spring Semester of 1997.  Principal Investigator: Dr. Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, Investigators: Dr. M. Saleh Ashoor and Dr. Nasir Darwish. 

  17. Ashoor, M. Saleh, “Planning the Electronic Library: Suggested Guidelines for the Arabian Gulf region”, The Electronic Library, Vol. 18, No.1,2000



  1. Ashoor, M. Saleh and Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar.  “Library and Information Science Education in Saudi Arabia.”  In: The Education and Training of Information Professionals: Comparative and International Perspective, edited by G.E. Goreman, Metucher, N.J., 1991. Pp. 141-158.

  2. Ashoor, M. Saleh.  University Libraries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Its Present and Future.  Mars Publishing House, Riyadh, 1992.

  3. Anwar, Mumtaz A; Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar; and Ashoor, M. Saleh (eds). Library and Information Services in Developing countries: A Festschrift for Anis Khurshid. Library and Information Management Academy, Lahore, 1993. p.204.

  4. Ashoor, M.Saleh and Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar. Education for Librarianship in the Arabian Gulf  States.  London: Mansell Publishers,1998.