Ahmed Mohammed Al-Matouq
Dhahran 31261 P.O. Box#290 Saudi Arabia
English Resume in PDF
Teacher Assistant in Arabic Language and
Literature at K.F.U.P.M. (1977-1979).
Assistant Professor (1987-1995).
Associate Professor (1995). Professor (2002).
Ph.D. in Literature and Criticism, Pennsylvania University, U.S.A.,


- Lingual Repository: Importance, References
and Development (Al-Hasilah
al-Loughawiah: ahamiyatuha, masadiroha, wasai’l Tanmiyatoha) .
A lam al-Ma’rifah, No. 212, Kuwait: August 1996.
- Arabic Dictionaries: functions, levels and
effect on youth language development (Al-Ma’jim
al-Loughawiah al-Arabiah: wadha’ifoha mustawayatoha,wa atharoha fi
tanmiyat loughat al-nashi’ah: dirasah wasfiah tahliliyah naqdiyah).
Abu-Dhabi: Cultural Foundation 1999.
- Bilingual Arabic Dictionaries: origins,
importance and development (Al-Ma’jim
al-Arabia Thunaeyat Allugha: tabeyateha, ahmeyateha ,wasael tatweroha). Dhahran: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,
Deanship of Scientific Research 2004.
- The Theory of Third Language: A Study of
Median Arabic Language (Nthriah
Allghah Althalthah; Drasah fi Kdhiah Allghah Ala'rbiah Alousta).
Beirut: Arabic Culture Center 2005.
- Le Haut Langage: A Criticism
of Poetry Languge
(Al-Lugha Alulia; Dirasat Naqdia
fy Lughat Al-Shir).
Beirut: Arabic Culture Center 2006.
- Al-Sharif AlMurtada: His
Life, Education, Literary Works and Criticism
(Al-Sharif Al-Murtada: Hayatuh, Thaqafatuh, Adabuh wa Naqduh).
Beirut: Arabic Institution for Studies and Publishing, 2008.
- Linguisic Phenomena:
Criticism and Indexes (Thahirat
Lughawiyah: Dirasat Naqdiyah wa Masarid).
Beirut: Library Du Liban, 2008.
- Some Cases in Arabic Poetry.
Beirut: Arabic Scientific Publishers, 2013.
- Beyond the Ocean. Poetry.
Beirut: Al-Farabi Publisher, 2013.
- Modern Arabic Language in the Gulf
States and the Identity Question. Beirut: Arabic Scientific
Publishers, 2013.
2. Some Papers and Research Studies:
“The Phenomenon of
Verbalism: Its Nature, Motives, Immediate
Consequences and Means
of Manipulation.”
(in Arabic).
Journal of King Saud University, vol. 5, Arts (2),
Riyadh (1993): 499-538.
al-Murtada: His Life. Education,
Literary Works, and Critique” (in Arabic).
Arab Journal for the Humanities, No. 44, Kuwait, 11th
year, summer (1993): 30-73.
“The Role of Mass-media in Developing Language Achievement.”
Risalat Ul-Khalij al-Arabi, No. 47, Riyadh, 14th
year, (1993): 55-118.
“Al-Asala wa al-Taklid fi al-Shi’r ind ibn Tabataba
al-Alawi”, A lamat fi al-Naqd al-Adabi, (a specialized journal in
literary criticism), Literary Cultural Club, Jeddah, Sept. (1993):
“Al-Qaryah fi Mowsim
al-Hijrah ila al-Shamal wa Dowmat wid Hamid”, A lam al-Kutub,
vol. 13, No. 4, Riyadh, Oct. (1991):
“Mawqif al-Sahrif al-Murtadha min Qadiyat al-Sariqat al-Shi rya
wa al-Mawdh’at al-Mortabita biha”, A lam al-Fikr, vol. 22,
No. 2, Kuwait, Oct.-Dec. (1993):
“Usloob al-Saj’ wa
Mawqif al-Baqillani min al-Saj’ fi
al-Quran al-Karim, Derasa Nadharyah Tahlilyah wa ro’yah Naqdiyah”.
al-Darah, No. 2, 12th year, Riyadh, (1993):
“Sha’ir wa Qasida: Dirasah
Tahliliyah Naqdiyah fi Shi’r Khalil Hawi”, Alamat, Jeddah, Dec.
“Mafhoom al-Usloob: Dirasa
Natharia Naqdiyah” al-Tawbad, No. 15, Riyadh, (1992): 4-19.
“Luoghat al-Shi’r bayn Naqidayn: dirasah nadhariyah tahliliyah
moqaranah li nadhariyatay al-Amidi wa al-Sharif al-Murtada fi lughat
al-shi’r”, Alamat, Jeddah, March (1997):
“Kanat al-Sama’ Zarqa’: Dirasa Naqdiyah fi Rowayat Kanat
al-Sama’ Zarqa’, Albayan, No.329, Kuwait, Dec. (1997):
“The Importance of
Scientific Vocabulary in Standard Arabic and Means to Enhance Its
Acquisition and Use among Students.” Journal of King Saud University,
Vol. 12, Arts (2), Riyadh (2000): 343-398.
al-Shi’r al-Hadith.” Albayan,
No.360-361, Kwait, Jul.-Aug, (2000):
Includes a number of poems( more than 48 ) published
in many Arabic journals and magazines, such as: (Ibda’, al-Arabi, al-Bayan
(Kuwaiti), al-Mawqif al-Adabi, al-Faysal, al-Shi’r, al-Tawbad, al-Manhal,
al-Majallah al-Arabiyah, Kitabat Muasirah, Nazwah, al-Haras al-Watni,
al-Khafji, al-Qafilah, al-Sharq al-Awsat, Majalat al-Mobta’th, al-Riyadh
al-Isboe’i. and etc.
Stories and Articles
Includes a number of short stories and literary
articles published in a number of arabic journals and magazines:
Journal of Culture (Jordan University) , al-Faysal, al-Manhal, al-Qafilah,
al-Majallah al-Arabiyah, al-Haras al-Watni, al-Mobta’th, Middle East
Newspaper, al-Hayatt Newspaper.
Book Notes
Book Notes Includes a number of lectures and notes
printed, (Adab al-Lougha al-Arabia, Manhaj al-Bahth, Dirasah fi
Moqadimat ibn Khaldun)
and cultural activities
- Participated in many local and international
conferences on Arabic Language and Literature.
- Member of a number of cultural associations;
(MESA), (AATA), (MEI), Arabic Writers Association, Saudi Arabian
Cultural and Arts Association and the Eastern Region Literary club in
Saudi Arabia.
- Refereed a number of papers submitted for
publication in scientific journals.
- Dissertation Committee Member for a number of PhD
studies in literature and criticism.
- Board member of Childhood and Development
Journal issued by the Arab Council for Childhood and Development.
- Completed sabbatical leaves and scientific
journeys to several Arab states Europe and the United States.
- Social Services: Consultation for a number of
local and Arabic institutions and writing for numerous newspapers and
Several biographies and studies were published about
the author and his scientific and literary works, i.e.; 1- A number of
PhD and Master degree dissertations in Literature and Poetry. 2- Index
of Saudi writers and authors, Riyadh, Al-Dairah Li-Ilam. 3- Index of
Babtain of Contemporary Arab Poets, Kuwait: Al-Babtain Establishment,
1995. 4- Al-AbdulMohsin, Abdullah Al-Hassan, Contemporary Poets of Al-Qatif,
Khobar, 1415H. 5- Dr. AbdulAziz Safer: Arabi Magazine, Kuwait, 509
April 2001.
Arabic, Persian and English |
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