

1. Clinical Psychology: (2001): Faculty of Arts, University of Benha, Egypt.

2. Drug addiction and its impact on the family: (2004) Al Amal Hospital for the treatment of addiction and mental illness, Dammam , Saudi Arabia


1. Ali Ali Moftah(1993): body image with disabilities, in-depth psychological study of one of the cases, Journal of Contemporary Psychology, January.

2. Ali Ali Moftah(1994): Reflux  electrical brain waves in the treatment of alcohol and drug addicts, compared to a practical study, Journal of Education Benha, August.

3. Ali Ali Moftah, Amina Badawi(1994): A comparative study between a sample of heroin users and non-drug users in assessing the personal, Journal of Educational Shebin, November.

4. Ali Ali Moftah(1994): A study of psychological adjustment among workers in the government sector and private sector, compared to a practical study, Journal of Education Benha, August.

5. Moftah, Ali & Mohd A Mawgoud (1995): Effect of psychotherapy on psychological and behavioral distubances among drug addicts in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Current Psychiatry, Ain Shams Univ, July .

6. Ali Ali Moftah(1995): Personality disorders and addiction, clinical study, Journal of Arts and Humanities, January.

7. Ali Ali Moftah(1997): Psychological factors of substance abuse among a sample of inmates in hospitals, addiction treatment, Journal of Education Benha, April.

8. Al Ali Moftah (1997): Some personality traits of addicted to heroin and their motivation for achievement and a sense of loneliness, Journal of Educational Shebin, June.

9. Ali Ali Moftah (2002): Projected image of parental and family relationships in heroin addicts, Journal of Contemporary Psychology and Humanities, University of Minia, Volume XIII, July

10. Ali Ali Moftah (2003): Efficacy of cognitive behavioral program on some of the variables associated with the addiction of a sample of heroin addicts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Journal of the scientific method of behavior, University of Tanta, Issue II, January.

11. Ali Ali Moftah (2003): The level of ambition and quality of some categories of Egyptian society, the study of relational comparison, Annals of Literature, Ain Shams, vol 31, (July-September).

12. Ali Ali Moftah (2003): The point of control and their relationship to the quality and methods of the face of pressure, a study of the differences between abusers and non-drug users in light of some variables, personal and social, Journal of Psychological Research and Education, College of Education, University of Menoufia, the first issue, the year 18.

13. Ali Ali Moftah (2003): The relationship between parental treatment methods as perceived by children and some of the psychological symptoms of students at the university, the study of relational comparison between the sexes, Journal of Contemporary Psychology and Humanities, University of Minia, Volume XIV, October.

14. Ali Ali Moftah (2004): The relationship between the variables of emotional intelligence and the variables of verbal intelligence, a study of the differences among a sample of young people according to some of the personal variables, Journal of Psychological Service, College of Arts, Ain Shams, the first issue, April.

15. Ali Ali Moftah (2004): Family relations and their relationship to addiction to children, research presented to the Standing Scientific Committee, within the upgrade requirements for the degree of Professor of Psychology, Cairo.

16. Saad Ebban ,Ali Ali Moftah, (2005): The role of guidance and counseling center at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in the educational process, research presented to the Conference of Counseling and its role in the educational process Baath University, Syria.

17. Ali Ali Moftah, Saad Ebaan(2005): the role of guidance and counseling centers in the provision of psychological services and social and academic experience of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, research presented to the first Conference of the Gulf, Kuwait.

18. Ali Ali Moftah (2005) : rationing clinical interview for the diagnosis of personality disorders according to the statistical average U.S. directory, Al Amal Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

19. Ali Ali Moftah (2006): study of family relations, social and filial relationship to addiction, research presented to the Forum on the psychological, social service and field training at the level of the State of Kuwait, Kuwait University.

20. Ali Ali Moftah (2008): the system of values ​​prevailing among the students of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, published research, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.

21. Ali Moftah (2009): the role of agency direction and guidance in the provision of extension services, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, research presented to the Annual Conference of psychological counseling, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

22. Ali Ali Moftah (2010): Some of the techniques used to meet the guidance and psychological problems of study and for students of social Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, research presented to the Higher Colleges of Technology Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

23. Ali Ali Moftah (2011): Some of the interventions of the Agency's guidance, direction and guidance, for students of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, research presented to the Conference of guidance and counseling between reality and the aspirations of the leaders, the University of Bahrain.

24. Ali Ali Moftah (2011): the system of values ​​of social, psychological and moral for students of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, an analytical study, the Deanship of Student Affairs, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia.