Seminars &
Presentations presented:
A dispersive optical model for
neutron-nucleus interaction for
and 32S
between -80 MeV and +80 MeV.
Physics Department, KFUPM. December 22, 1993.
Neutron scattering
cross-section and analyzing power measurements for
and 32S
at 15.5 and 19 MeV.
Energy Resources Division, KFUPM-RI. May 7, 1994.
A constraint global optical
model for neutrons scattered from nuclei in the mass region of 27 <
A < 32. Physics
Department, KFUPM. December 11, 1994.
Radiation detection and
detectors. Energy
Resources Division, KFUPM-RI. May 27, 1995.
Neutron detection efficiency
measurement of NE213 scintillator using 2H(d,n)3He reaction.
Physics Department, KFUPM. May 19, 1996.
Response function measurement
of a deuterated scintillator.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. May 18, 1994.
A neutron DOM for
and properties of their bound states.
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA. November 1996.
“Overview of
the Activities of the Energy Resources Division” Short
presentations given at RI to different KFUPM Department Councils and
delegations outside KFUPM. (1996/1997).
Presentation to
Saudi Aramco Inspection Department, Dhahran on “Nuclear
microscope facilities and capabilities at the Energy Research
Laboratory”, December 8, 1997.
Presentation to
SABIC, R&D Riyadh, on “Nuclear analytical techniques available at
the Energy Research Laboratory”, February 22, 1998.