Professional Activities of

Dr. Mohammad A. Al-Ohali

Home Education Experience Activities Awards Publications Research


Fields of Interest:

  • Physics

  • Nuclear Structure

  • Nuclear Reaction

  • Nuclear Analytical Techniques

  • General Astronomy

Course Taught :

  1. PHYS 101 General Physics I

  2. PHYS  102 General Physics II

  3. PHYS  212 Modern Physics

  4. PHYS  215 Astronomy

  5. PHYS  403 Senior Physics Lab

  6. PHYS  422 Nuclear Physics

  7. PHYS 503 Graduate Physics Lab (partially)

Supervising graduate and undergraduate research

Membership in Professional Associations:

  • American Physical Society since 1986.

  • Health Physics Society, 1998.

Participated in and chaired several KFUPM standing and adhoc committees

Coordinating/instructing short courses and training courses

Seminars & Presentations presented:

  1. A dispersive optical model for neutron-nucleus interaction for 28Si and 32S between -80 MeV and +80 MeV.  Physics Department, KFUPM.  December 22, 1993. 

  2. Neutron scattering cross-section and analyzing power measurements for 28Si and 32S  at 15.5 and 19 MeV.  Energy Resources Division, KFUPM-RI.  May 7, 1994. 

  3. A constraint global optical model for neutrons scattered from nuclei in the mass region of 27 < A < 32.  Physics Department, KFUPM.  December 11, 1994. 

  4. Radiation detection and detectors.  Energy Resources Division, KFUPM-RI.  May 27, 1995. 

  5. Neutron detection efficiency measurement of NE213 scintillator using 2H(d,n)3He reaction.  Physics Department, KFUPM.  May 19, 1996. 

  6. Response function measurement of a deuterated scintillator.  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.  May 18, 1994. 

  7. A neutron DOM for 28Si and properties of their bound states.  University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA.  November 1996. 

  8.  “Overview of the Activities of the Energy Resources Division” Short presentations given at RI to different KFUPM Department Councils and delegations outside KFUPM. (1996/1997). 

  9. Presentation to Saudi Aramco Inspection Department, Dhahran on “Nuclear microscope facilities and capabilities at the Energy Research Laboratory”, December 8, 1997.

  10. Presentation to SABIC, R&D Riyadh, on “Nuclear analytical techniques available at the Energy Research Laboratory”, February 22, 1998.





Last Update:

24 January 2007