King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Department of Finance & Economics








Honors & Awards




2008          Merit fellowship, HEC Doctoral Studies Direction

Merit fellowship, Quebec Research Fund

2007                    Merit scholarship, HEC Montreal, Montreal University

Research scholarship, HEC Montreal, Montreal University

Research scholarship, Centre for Research on E-Finance (CREF)

Merit fellowship, Toronto Dominion

Merit scholarship, HEC Montreal, Montreal University

2006                      Merit fellowship, Government of Tunisia

Merit scholarship, HEC Doctoral Studies Direction

                   Research scholarship, Centre for Research on E-Finance (CREF)

2005           Research scholarship, Centre for Research on E-Finance (CREF)

Research scholarship, Mathematical Finance Institute of Montreal (IFM2)

2004           Best thesis Award, M.Sc. in Finance, HEC Montreal, Montreal University

Research scholarship, Canada Research Chair in Risk Management

2003          Three year doctoral Grant for excellence (2003-2006), Government of     Tunisia

Ph.D fellowship, HEC Montreal, Montreal University

Research scholarship, Centre for Research on Transportation (CRT)

2002           On the Honor Roll, HEC Montreal, Montreal University

2001          Two year master’s Grant for excellence (second laureate of the Tunisian nationwide competition seeking to select four students to pursue their graduate studies in Canada.), Government of Tunisia

2001           Best student, Department of Finance, ISG Tunis, University of Tunis III

1999           Best student, Department of Finance, ISG Tunis, University of Tunis III

1998          Best Student, Department of Accounting, ISG Sousse, University of the Center.