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Koral, H.,Öncel,A.O.,1996.
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Enviromental problems caused by damaged earthquakes in
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Oncel, A.O.,
Molchan, G., Alptekin, Ö.,Kronrod,T.,1995. Estimation of
seismic risk on the Anatolian fault zones, Second
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975-7631-30-2, September 6-8, 1995, ISBN 975-7631-30-2,Sivas-Turkey.
A.O.,Yüksel,F.A.,Alptekin.,Ö,Main,I.,Khalili,A.,1995. A
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Koral,H., Öncel,A.O., 1995. Seismological and
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Öncel, A.O.,
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Fractal Properties of The North Anatolian Fault
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