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  •       Wajih Abu-Al-Saud, Mohammed. S. El-Hennawey, and Mohammed Boraei, “A new GCR for deghosting TV signals,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 12, pp. 1202-1212, Nov. 1996.


  •      Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud and Gordon L. Stuber, “Efficient sample rate conversion for software radio systems,” IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2002.


  •      Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud and Gordon L. Stuber, “A modified CIC filter for sample rate conversion of wideband signals,” International Telecommunications Conference, pp. 654-657, Tehran, Iran, September 2001.


  •      Wajih A. Abu-Al-Saud and Gordon L. Stuber, “Modified CIC filter for sample rate conversion in software radio systems,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 10, pp. 152-154, May 2003.


  •      Abu-Al-Saud, W. A. and Stüber, G.L., "Efficient sample rate conversion for software radio systems,'' IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 932-939, March 2006.


  •      Abu-Al-Saud, W. A. and Stüber, G.L., "Efficient wideband channelizer for software radio systems using modulated perfect-reconstruction filter banks," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 2807-2820, September 2004.


  •      Sheikh Sharif I. Mitu, W. Abu-Al-Saud, A.B. Numan, “Directive Stacked Patch Antenna for UWB Applications”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, ISSN: 1687-5869, Article ID: 389571, pp 6, November 2013.


  •      Muhammad U. Khan, Wajih Abu-Al-Saud and Mohammad S. Sharawi, “Isolation Enhancement Effect on the Measured Channel Capacity of a Printed MIMO Antenna System", IEEE 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, April 2014.


  •      Muhammad U. Khan, Wajih Abu-Al-Saud and Mohammad S. Sharawi, “Channel Capacity Measurement of a 4-Element Printed MIMO Antenna System", IEEE German Microwave Conference (GeMIC 2014), Achen, Germany, March 2014.


  •      Abdullah Al-Yami, Wajih Abu-Al-Saud, “Practical vs. Simulated Results of ISA100 Physical Layer”, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation (ISMS 2015), Page(s): 226-230.


  •      Rifaqat Hussain, Ali H. Muqaibel, Wajih Abu-Al-Saud, Mohammad S. Sharawi, “A low complexity direction finding system based on a six-port integrated MIMO antenna system”, 2015 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technology (AEECT), Page(s): 1-5.


  •      Umar Johar, Rifaqat Hussain, Ali Muqaibel, Wajih Abu-Al-Saud, Mohammad S. Sharawi, “An indoor AoA study for mobile phones utilizing frequency reconfigurable MIMO antennas”, 2015 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technology (AEECT), Page(s): 1-5.