Currently teaching in Term 161
EE200: Digital Logic Circuit Design. Sections 54 & 56.
Course Taught in Term 152
EE204: Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits. (for non-EE
students). Sections 1, 2 & 61.
Course Taught in Term 151
EE204: Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits. (for non-EE
students). Sections 2 & 3.
Course Taught in Term 142
EE204: Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits. (for non-EE students). Sections 2 & 3.
Course Taught in Term 141
EE445 lab: Industrial Electronics. Sections 51
& 52.
Course Taught in Term 132
EE303 lab: Electronics II. Sections 51 & 52.
Courses Taught in Term 131
EE445 lab: Industrial Electronics. Section 52.
EE303 lab: Electronics II. Section 60.