[1] M.T. Abuelma’atti and Nawal M. Al-Yahia, Improved
Universal CMOS Current-Mode Analog Function Synthysizer, U.S.A. Patent
Pending, Serial No. 12/588,351, filed with the USPTO in October 13,
[2] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Balanced Output Signal
Generator, U.S.A. Patent Pending, filed with the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO) on March 14, 2011.
[3] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Voltage-Controlled Dual-Slope
Square and Triangular Waveform Generator, U.S.A. Patent Pending, filed
with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on March 29, 2011.