[1] M.T.
Abuelma’atti and J.G. Gardiner, Deduction of amplifier phase transfer
characteristic from measured AM/PM conversion coefficient
characteristics, Electronics Letters, Vol.16, 1980, pp.298-300
[2] M.T. Abuelma’atti and J.G. Gardiner, Input power assignement of
equal-amplitude multicarrier systems for given output carrier power,
International Journal of Electronics , Vol.50, 1981, pp.55-60
[3] M.T. Abuelma’atti and J.G. Gardiner, Approximate method for hand
computation of amplifier intermodulation product levels, Proceedings IEE,
Vol.128, Part G, 1981, pp.32-34
[4] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Synthesis of a concave monotonically increasing
function using the diode equation model, International Journal of
Electronics , Vol.51, 1981, pp.57-62
[5] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Diode function generation, Wireless World,
Vol.87, November 1981, pp.79-80
[6] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Synthesis of non-monotonic single-valued function
generators without using operational amplifiers, International Journal
of Electronics , Vol.51, 1981, pp.803-809
[7] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Common amplification of one large signal and
small signals in a memoryless nonlinear bandpass amplifier,
International Journal of Electronics , Vol.52, 1982, pp.295-298
[8] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Phase distortion of a sine signal and
interference in a memoryless nonlinear bandpass amplifier, International
Journal of Electronics , Vol.52, 1982, pp.357-362
[9] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Inverse gain for a weak sinusoid in memoryless
bandpass amplifier, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.53, 1982,
[10] M.T. Abuelma’atti, General analysis for the gain margin of
multipole systems, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.53, 1982,
[11] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of carrier to intermodulation
performance, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.54, 1983,
[12] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Intermodulation spectra for two-carrier-level
SCPC system, Proceedings IEE, Vol.130, Part G, 1983, pp.25-28
[13] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation distortion in
GaAlAs hetrojunction laser diode, International Journal of Electronics ,
Vol.54, 1983, pp.505-513
[14] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Intermodulation performance of nonlinear
bandpass systems with linear negative feedback, International Journal of
Electronics , Vol.54, 1983, pp.673-681
[15] M.T. Abuelma’atti, On the characterization of memoryless bandpass
nonlinear systems from intermodulation measurements, International
Journal of Electronics , Vol.54, 1983, pp.683-687
[16] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Noise loading analysis of a memoryless bandpass
system with amplitude nonlinearity and AM/PM conversion, Proceedings IEE,
Vol.130, Part A, 1983, pp.152-154
[17] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of the transient intermodulation
performance of operational amplifiers, International Journal of
Electronics , Vol.55, 1983, pp.591-602
[18] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
wideband memoryless nonlinear amplifiers, International Journal of
Electronics , Vol.55, 1983, pp.871-874
[19] M.T. Abuelma’atti, The spectrum of current components in
semiconductor junction diodes and bipolar junction transistors,
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol.21, 1984,
[20] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Baseband video distortion in memoryless
nonlinear bandpass amplifiers, Proceedings IEE, Vol.131, Part F, 1984,
[21] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Non-linear model for FET differential amplifier,
International Journal of Electronics , Vol.56, 1984, pp.677-679
[22] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Settling time of operational amplifiers with FET
input transistors operating in strong inversion, International Journal
of Electronics , Vol.57, 1984, pp.161-164
[23] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
double-heterostructure LED's, IEEE Journal of Light Wave Technology,
Vol.LT-2, 1984, pp.531-536
[24] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Frequency dependent nonlinear quadrature model
for TWT amplifiers, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.COM-32,
1984, pp.982-986
[25] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
current-FB bipolar-transistor differential amplifiers, International
Journal of Electronics , Vol.57, 1984, pp.247-251
[26] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A nonlinear model for microwave GaAs FET
amplifiers, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.57, 1984,
[27] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A nonlinear model for GaAs ballistic diode,
Proceedings IEEE, Vol.72, 1984, pp.1222-1224
[28] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear model for single-channel MOSFET
integrated circuit differential amplifier, International Journal of
Electronics , Vol.57, 1984, pp.587-590
[29] M.T. Abuelma’atti, The intermodulation due to multicarrier
quantization, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.COM-32, 1984,
[30] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear model for a class of negative
resistance devices, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.57, 1984,
[31] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis of the harmonic and
intermodulation performance of operational amplifiers, Proceedings IEE,
Vol.131, Part G, 1984, pp.226-233
[32] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling DC characteristics of HEMTs,
Electronics Letters, Vol.21, 1985, pp.69-70
[33] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Carrier-to-intermodulation performance of
multiple FM/FDM carriers through a GaAlAs heterojunction laser diode,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.COM-33, 1985, pp.246-248
[34] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Common amplification of a large signal and a
small signal in cascaded memoryless nonlinear bandpass amplifiers ,
Archiv fur Elektronik and Ubertragungstechnik (Germany), Vol.39, 1985,
[35] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Intermodulation owing to quantization of
two-carrier-level SCPC system, Proceedings IEE, Vol.132, Part G, 1985,
[36] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Simple approximation for Schmitt trigger
characteristics, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.58, 1985,
[37] M.T. Abuelma’atti, On the optimal characteristics of a memoryless
power amplifier system, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.58,
1985, pp.941-948
[38] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling DC characteristics of static induction
transistors, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.58, 1985,
[39] M.T. Abuelma’atti, The intermodulation due to quantization of
multiple equal-amplitude carriers, Archiv fur Elektronik and
Ubertragungstechnik (Germany), Vol.39, 1985, pp.273-274
[40] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic performance of single-channel MOS
integrated circuits, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.SC-20,
1985, pp.860-864
[41] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Effect of nonmonotonicity on the intermodulation
performance of A/D converters, IEEE Transactions on Communications,
Vol.COM-33, 1985, pp.839-843
[42] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Intermodulation performance of TV and sound
channels simultaneously transmitted through a satellite transponder,
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(Australia), Vol.5, 1985, pp.193-197
[43] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.H. Alsawafy, A new active-C oscillator,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol.16, # 5, 1985, pp.18-21
[44] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Design of function generators to generate
specified intermodulation levels, Journal of the Audio Engineering
Society, Vol.33, 1985, pp.801-804
[45] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear distortion performance of
semiconductor laser diodes influenced by coherent reflected waves, IEEE
Journal of Light Wave Technology, Vol.LT-3, 1985, pp.1343-1350
[46] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.H. Alsawafy, An active-C square-wave
generator, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.60, 1986,
[47] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.H. Alsawafy, Two new active-R oscillators,
International Journal of Electronics , Vol.60, 1986, pp.167-173
[48] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New method for maximum power consideration in
lossy solar cells, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.60, 1986,
[49] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonics and intermodulation due to nonuniform
quantization, Archiv fur Elektronik and Ubertragungstechnik (Germany),
Vol.40, 1986, pp.129-131
[50] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the DC characteristics of JFETs for
CAD, Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Australia),
Vol.6, 1986, pp.64-66
[51] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis of distortion in CMOS inverter
circuits, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.60, 1986,
[52] M.T. Abuelma’atti, The response of a tanh limiter to amplitude and
phase modulated signals, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.60,
1986, pp.625-630
[53] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, Active-R non-linear negative
resistance oscillator, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.60,
1986, pp.767-770
[54] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, New active-R sinusoidal
oscillator, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.60, 1986,
[55] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, New TTL oscillator without
external capacitors, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.61 ,
1986, pp.137-141
[56] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, Active-R quadrature
oscillators, Archiv fur Elektronik and Ubertragungstechnik (Germany),
Vol.40, 1986, pp.250-252
[57] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Intermodulation arising from electron tunneling
in MIM junctions, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.61, 1986,
[58] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, New voltage-controlled
active-R oscillator, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.61,
1986, pp.255-259
[59] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the DC characteristics of VMOS power
transistors for computer-aided design, Proceedings IEE, Vol.133, Part I,
1986, pp.161-162
[60] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the DC characteristics of GaAs MESFETs
for CAD, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.61, 1986, pp.397-400
[61] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling DC characteristics of heterostructure
bipolar junction transistors, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.17, # 5,
1986, pp.5-8
[62] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Approximate method for hand computation of
nonlinear distortion performance of varactor tuning circuits,
Proceedings IEE, Vol.133, Part G, 1986, pp.265-270
[63] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, Two novel oscillators,
Electronics and Wireless World, Vol.93, January 1987, pp.67-68
[64] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling DC characteristics of lambda
transistors for CAD, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.18, # 1, 1987,
[65] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the DC characteristics of base-driven
differential pairs, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.18, # 2, 1987, pp.5-13
[66] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, Identification of
two-amplifier active-R sinusoidal oscillators, Proceedings IEE, Vol.134,
Part G, 1987, pp.137-140
[67] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, Hard limiter amplitude
modulators and demodulators, International Journal of Electronics ,
Vol.63, 1987, pp.89-96
[68] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Two minimum component CCII-based RC oscillators,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol.CAS-34, 1987, pp.980-981
[69] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, Single amplifier
capacitorless oscillator, Electronics and Wireless World, Vol.93, August
1987, pp.794-795
[70] M.T. Abuelma’atti and R.H. Almaskatti, Active-C oscillator,
Electronics and Wireless World, Vol.93, August 1987, pp.795-796
[71] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Humood, Current-conveyor RC oscillator,
Electronics and Wireless World, Vol.93, August 1987, p.796
[72] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of nonlinear distortion due to
acousto-optic interaction, Proceedings IEE, Vol.134, Part J, 1987,
[73] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the static characteristic of
voltage-controlled negative resistance two-terminal devices for computer
aided design, Electronics Engineers (Malaysia), Vol.9, 1987, pp.30-32
[74] M.T. Abuelma’atti and R.H. Almaskatti, A new OTA-based active-C
oscillator, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.63, 1987,
[75] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling DC characteristics of MOSFET,
Computer-Aided-Design (CAD), Vol.19, 1987, pp.380-382
[76] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Humood, Ten faster op-amp oscillators,
Electronics and Wireless World, Vol.93, October 1987, pp.1053-1054
[77] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the DC characteristics of thyristors
for computer-aided design, Proceedings IEE, Vol.134, Part I, 1987,
[78] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Two minimum-component single current conveyor
oscillators, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.63, 1987,
[79] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Humood, Two new minimum-component
Wien-bridge oscillators using current-conveyors, International Journal
of Electronics , Vol.63, 1987, pp.669-672
[80] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, Active-R multiphase
oscillators, Proceedings IEE, Vol.134, Part G, 1987, pp.292-294
[81] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling current/voltage characteristics of
space-charge-limited currents with nonlinear velocity-field
relationships, Electronics Letters, Vol.24, 1988, pp.23-24
[82] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation in the long tailed
pair, Electronics and Wireless World, Vol.94, February 1988, pp.190-191
[83] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of RFI demodulation in bipolar
operational amplifiers, Proceedings IEE, Vol.135, Part G, 1988, pp.29-33
[84] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Humood, Current-conveyor sine-wave
oscillators, Electronics and Wireless World, Vol.94, March 1988,
[85] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Spectral response of nonlinear magnetic
conductors, Proceedings IEE, Vol.135, Part B, 1988, pp.102-104
[86] M.T. Abuelma’atti and R.H. Almaskatti, Two novel voltage (current)
controlled integrable oscillators, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol.64, 1988, pp.611-615
[87] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Theory of avalanche diode harmonic
optoelectronic mixer, Proceedings IEE, Vol.135, Part J, 1988, pp.183-186
[88] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A note on the intermodulation performance of
SCPC satellite links using a dominant carrier, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol.64, 1988, pp.917-922
[89] M.T. Abuelma’atti and R.H. Almaskatti, Digitally programmable
active-C OTA-based oscillators, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, Vol.37, 1988, pp.320-
[90] S.Q. Fakhro, M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Elmasry, Low cost electronics
equipment for secondary school education, Engineering Education
(Kuwait), Vol.1, 1988, pp.75-76
[91] M.T. Abuelma’atti and W.A. Almansoury, R.H. Almaskatti and N.A.
Humood, Three novel oscillator circuits, Electronic Engineers
(Malaysia), Vol.10, 1988, pp.12-17
[92] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation distortion in
condenser microphones, Applied Acoustics, Vol.25, 1988, pp.1-9
[93] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A note on the nonlinear distortion performance
of the Mach-Zehnder electro-optic modulator, International Journal of
Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.9, 1988, pp.905-911
[94] M.T. Abuelma’atti, On the prediction of transmission errors of
MOSFET switches, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol.31, 1988,
[95] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A note on the harmonic distortion in AC-bias
recording, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.MAG-24, 1988, pp.3259-326
[96] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear distortion of narrow stripe-geometry
lasers, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.9,
1988, pp.1041-1050
[97] M.T. Abuelma’atti and R.H. Almaskatti, Two new integrable active-C
OTA-based linear voltage(current)-controlled oscillation, International
Journal of Electronics , Vol.66, 1989, pp.135-138
[98] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the static property of carrier density
variation in directly modulated lasers, International Journal of
Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.10, 1989, pp.63-71
[99] M.T. Abuelma’atti, On the nonlinear performance of a current
follower, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.66, 1989, pp.277-281
[100] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A simple model for the transformer magnetizing
characteristic, Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol.16, 1989,
[101] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
differential source-coupled pair using scaled MOS transistors,
Proceedings IEE, Vol.136, Part G, 1989, pp.95-98
[102] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
logarithmic-law devices excited by multisinusoidal signals,
International Journal of Electronics , Vol.66, 1989, pp.535-541
[103] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the static emitter characteristics of
unijunction transistors, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.66,
1989, pp.597-599
[104] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Effect of carrier nonlinearity upon the
harmonic contents of PWM systems, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol.66, 1989, pp.749-754
[105] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the current-voltage characteristic of
a flourescent lamp for computer-aided design, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol.66, 1989, pp.835-839
[106] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear distortion due to Early voltage
effect in current source transistors of bipolar transconductance stages,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol.20, # 3, 1989, pp.11-
[107] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Multipole approximation of capacitively loaded
VLSI interconnection, Proceedings IEE, Vol.136, Part G, 1989, pp.114-116
[108] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Theory of harmonic distortion at fibre
connectors, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,
Vol.10, 1989, pp.673-686
[109] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved approximation to the Fresnel
Integral, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.37, 1989,
[110] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New minimum component electronically tunable
OTA-C sinusoidal oscillators, Electronics Letters, Vol.25, 1989,
[111] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A note on the graphical analysis of the
Schmitt-trigger circuit, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.24,
1989, pp.1157-1159
[112] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A mathematical model for anode current turn-on
of high-power thyristor, Electronic Engineers (Malaysia), Vol.11, 1989,
[113] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear distortion properties of fibre-optic
analogue transceivers, International Journal of Optoelectronics, Vol.4,
1989, pp.163-172
[114] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Common amplification of a large carrier and a
small carrier in memoryless nonlinear bandpass amplifiers, International
Journal of Electronics , Vol.67, 1989, pp.377-381
[115] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Spectrum of a nonlinearly-quantised sinusoid,
Proceedings IEE, Vol.136, Part G, 1989, pp.313-316
[116] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation generation due to
hot electrons in semiconductors, Proceedings IEE, Vol.136, Part G, 1989,
[117] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Output spectrum computation for a square law
diode detector, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Vol.38, 1989, pp.1094-1099
[118] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling of resistive interconnects for
computer-aided analysis of VLSI circuits, Electronics Letters, Vol.25,
1989, pp.1734-1735
[119] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
active integrated optic waveguides, International Journal of Infrared
and Millimeter Waves, Vol.10, 1989, pp.1407-1426
[120] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved approximation for the electron
emission integral, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.37, 1990,
[121] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Linear negative feedback and nonlinear
distortion, International Journal of Applied Engineering Education,
Vol.6, 1990, pp.103-105
[122] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Digitally programmable monostable
multivibrator, Electronic Engineering, Vol.62, 1990, pp.32-34
[123] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Programmable sinusoidal oscillator, Electronics
and Wireless World, Vol.96, May 1990, p.403
[124] M.T. Abuelma’atti, W.A. Almansouri and K.M. Alruwaihi, Digitally
programmable active-R square wave generator, IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.39, 1990, pp.527-530
[125] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An approximate formula for the secondary
emission yield, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.37, 1990,
pp.1590-1591; and correction in p. 2652
[126] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Frequency conversion in hot carrier harmonic
mixer, Proceedings IEE, Vol.137, Part H, 1990, pp.227-229
[127] M.T. Abuelma’atti, The waveform degradation in VLSI
interconnections, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.25, 1990,
[128] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A note on the third-order intermodulation due
to quantization, IEEE Transactions on Acoustic, Speech and Signal
Processing, Vol.38, 1990, pp.1627-1628
[129] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A new minimum component active-C OTA-based
linear voltage(current) controlled sinusoidal oscillator, IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.39, 1990,
[130] M.T. Abuelma’atti and F.A. Hassan, Controllable triangle/square
generator, Electronics World and Wireless World, Vol.96, October 1990,
[131] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved approximation of the transmission
line parameters of overhead wires, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Vol.32, 1990, pp.303-304
[132] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation distortion in
carbon microphones, Applied Acoustics, Vol.31, 1990, pp.233-243
[133] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of RFI demodulation in BiFET, BiMOS
and CMOS operational amplifiers, Proceedings IEE, Vol.138, Part G, 1991,
[134] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear distortion of an FM signal by a
passive network, Proceedings IEE, Vol.138, Part G, 1991, pp.61-64
[135] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
analog CMOS circuits owing to mobolity reduction, Proceedings IEE,
Vol.135, Part G, 1991, pp.65-69
[136] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling the static characteristic of
Zener-diodes for computer-aided design, Microelectronics Journal,
Vol.22, # 1, 1991, pp.19-22
[137] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
two-quadrant bipolar-transistor gain cells, Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society, Vol.39, 1991, pp.148-154
[138] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of the harmonic and intermodulation
distortion in semiconductor laser diode, Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters, Vol.4, 1991, pp.148-151
[139] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Suppressing strong interference, Electronic
Engineering, Vol.63, 1991, pp.26-27
[140] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A simple approximation for hand computation of
the error function, International Journal of Mathematical Education in
Science and Technology, Vol.22, 1991, pp.332-336
[141] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A new electronically tunable integrable
CCII-OTA-based active-C oscillator, European Transactions on
Telecommunications and Related Technologies, Vol.2, 1991, pp.353-355
[142] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling of capacitively(resistively) loaded
uniform RC lines for computer aided analysis, Proceedings IEE, Vol.138,
Part G, 1991, pp.463-466
[143] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Author reply to "Comments on "An approximation
formula for the secondary emmision yield", IEEE Transactions on Electron
Devices, Vol.38, 1991, p.1982
[144] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Empirical model for the current-voltage
characteristic of resonant-tunneling devices, International Journal of
Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.12, 1991, pp.911-918
[145] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic distortion in electret microphones,
Applied Acoustics, Vol.34, 1991, pp.1-6
[146] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling of loaded uniform RC lines for
computer aided analysis, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.26,
1991, pp.1470-1472
[147] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis of the nonlinear distortion
performance of N-level analog multiplier, Microelectronics Journal,
Vol.22, # 5/6, 1991, pp.89-100
[148] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved approximate analytical solution for
the generalized diode equation, Electronics Letters, Vol.28, 1992,
[149] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved approximation to the psi and
Riemann Zeta functions, International Journal of Mathematical Education
for Science and Technology, Vol.23, 1992, pp.322-324
[150] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Minimal realisation for single resistor
controlled sinusoidal oscillator using single CCII, Electronics Letters,
Vol.28, 1992, pp.1264-1265
[151] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A new microsystem for analogue synthesis,
Electronic Engineering, Vol.64, July 1992, pp.29-30
[152] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of optical directional
coupler modulators, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, Vol.40, 1992, pp.1722-1725
[153] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Analytical expression for the spectrum
amplitude of discrete step-like waveforms, Advances in Modelling and
Analysis, Vol.13, # 3, 1992, pp.7-11
[154] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Analytical expressions for the integral ,
Advances in Modelling and Analysis, Vol.13, Part 3, 1992, pp.37-41
[155] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Theory of hot carrier diode harmonic mixing,
Modelling, Measurement and Control, A, Vol.46, # 3, 1992, pp.17-26
[156] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A new minimum component electronically tunable
OTA-C sinusoidal oscillator with grounded capacitors, Modelling,
Measurement and Control, A, Vol.46, # 3, 1992, pp.27-30
[157] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Common amplification of multiple carriers in
cascaded memoryless nonlinear bandpass amplifiers, Modelling,
Measurement and Control, A, Vol.46, # 3, 1992, pp.31-42
[158] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A. Muhammad, Digitally programmable
capacitorless multiphase oscillators using multiplying
digital-to-analogue converters, Modelling, Measurement and Control, A,
Vol.46, # 3, 1992, pp.43-46
[159] M.T. Abuelma’atti and F.A. Hassan, Novel
current(voltage)-controlled linear sawtooth generators, Modelling,
Measurement and Control, A, Vol.46, # 3, 1992, pp.47-51
[160] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved approximation to the microstrip
line capacitance, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Vol.13, 1992, pp.1795-1800
[161] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Grounded capacitor current-mode oscillator
using single current follower, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.39, 1992,
[162] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New current-mode active filters employing
current conveyors, International Journal of Circuit Theory and
Applications, Vol.21, 1993, pp.93-99
[163] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Current-to-frequency converter, Electronics
World and Wireless World, Vol.99, 1993, p.155; Also published in Newnes
Circuit Ideas Pocket Book, Newnes/Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., U.K.,
1995, pp.213-214
[164] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A simple algorithm for fitting measured data to
Fourier-series models, International Journal of Mathematical Education
in Science and Technology, Vol.24, 1993, pp.107-112
[165] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modeling of magnetization curves for
computer-aided design, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.29, 1993,
[166] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.A. Alsayed, Function generator is
digitally programmed, Electronics World and Wireless World, Vol.99, May
1993, p.411; Also published in Newnes Circuit Ideas Pocket Book
Newnes/Butterworh-Heinemann Ltd., U.K., 1995, pp.90-92
[167] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.R. Al-Ali, Modelling tunnel diodes for
computer aided design, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Vol.14, 1993, pp.1293-1298
[168] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
Josephson junction, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Vol.14, 1993, pp.1299-1310
[169] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qamber, A simple algorithm for
approximating tabulated mathematical functions and integrals using
analytical expressions, Advances in Modelling and Analysis, A, Vol.16,
#2, 1993, pp.59-63
[170] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qamber, Modelling of magnetization
curves for computer aided design, Modelling, Measurement and Control, A,
Vol.51, #2, 1993, pp.31-36
[171] M.T. Abuelma'atti, Harmonic and Intermodulation performance of
cascaded electro-optic modulators, Applied Optics (Optical Technology),
Vol.32, #19, 1993, pp.3618-3621
[172] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Effect of bit-threshold errors on the harmonic
and intermodulation performance of successive approximation A/D
converters, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.41, 1993,
[173] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A digitally controlled sawtooth pulse
generator, Electronic Engineering, Vol.65, #10, 1993, p.32
[174] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New current-controlled CCII-based RC
oscillators with grounded capacitors and resistors, International
Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol.21, 1993, pp.487-491
[175] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation owing to
nonuniform quantization, European Transactions on Telecommunications and
Related Technologies, Vol.4, 1993, pp.547-553
[176] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Current mode elliptic filters with current
conveyors, Electronic Engineering, Vol.66, #1, 1994, pp.24,26
[177] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
nonlinear optical directional couplers, Microwave and Optical Technology
Letters, Vol.7, 1994, pp.70-73
[178] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved analysis for the nonlinear
performance of body-driven analog MOSFET circuits, Analog Integrated
Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol.5, 1994, pp.175-181
[179] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Reply to Comments on " Modelling the DC
characteristics of GaAs MESFETs for CAD”, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol.76, 1994, pp.425-426
[180] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Simple method for calculating Fourier
coefficients of experimentally obtained waveforms, IEE Proceedings,
Science, Measurement and Technology, Vol.141, 1994, pp.177-178
[181] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.R. Al-Ali and M. Lahloub, Self-tuned
programmable RC oscillator with grounded capacitors and resistors,
Electronic Engineering, Vol.66, # 809, May 1994, pp. 30
[182] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling of uniformly distributed RC lines
loaded by series RC combinations, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.25,
1994, pp.301-306
[183] A.R. Al-Ali, M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Naveed, Self-tuned
programmable active-R square wave generator, IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.43, 1994, pp.499-501
[184] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Approximations for the Fermi-Dirac integrals ,
Solid-State Electronics, Vol.37, 1994, pp.1367-1369
[185] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Carrier and intermodulation performance of
limiters excited by multicarriers, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems, Vol.30, 1994, pp.650-659
[186] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New current-mode active filters employing
current conveyors, Electronic Engineering, Vol.66, # 811, July 1994, pp.
[187] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.R. Al-Ali and A.O.Al-Odah, A novel sinusoidal
frequency divider, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Vol.43, 1994, pp.680-683
[188] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Current-mode multiphase oscillator using
current followers, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.25, 1994, pp.457-461
[189] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Modelling of nonuniform RC structures for
computer aided design, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.16,
#2, 1994, pp.89-95
[190] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Novel CCI-OTA based grounded capacitor
current-mode biquadratic bandpass and lowpass filters, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 16, #2, 1994, pp.127-133
[191] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Approximation for Fermi-Dirac integrals ,
Solid-State Electronics, Vol.37, 1994, pp.1677-1679
[192] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Time domain response of uniform RC lines with
passive termination at both ends, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol.16, #3,4, 1994, pp.135-140
[193] A.R. Al-Ali, M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Shabra, An OTA-based
digital-to-analog converter, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol.16, #3,4, 1994, pp.141-143
[194] A.R. Al-Ali, M.T. Abuelma’atti and R.A. Tiwana, Programmable
OTA-based multifunction active filter, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol. 17, #1, 1994, pp.21-27
[195] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Digitally programmable active-R function
generator, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #1, 1994,
[196] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.R. Al-Ali, S.S. Buhalim and S.T. Ahmed,
Digitally programmable partially active-R sinusoidal oscillators, Active
and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #2, 1994, pp.83-89
[197] M.T. Abuelma’atti, On the realization of current-mode integrator
using current conveyors, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol.17, #2, 1994, pp.79-82
[198] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An approximate analysis and its application to
the non-linear performance of three MOSFET transconductance amplifiers,
Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #3, 1994, pp.135-149
[199] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Novel current-mode quotient circuit, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #2, 1994, pp.151-155
[200] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
infrared focal plane array multiplexers, Photonics and Optoelectronics,
Vol.2, #3, October 1994, pp.149-156
[201] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Comments on "The single CCII biquads with
high-input impedances", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I:
Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol.41, 1994, pp.769-770
[202] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Current mode phase shifter with a grounded
capacitor, Electronic Engineering, Vol.66, 1994, pp.57-58
[203] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation generation in
GaAs, InP, InGaAs and Si semiconductors, Solid-State Electronics,
Vol.37, 1994, pp.1877-1884
[204] A.R. Al-Ali, M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Shabra, Transconductance
amplifiers for function synthesis, Electronic Engineering, Vol.66, #816,
December 1994, p.26 and p.28
[205] M.T. Abuelma’atti, On the nonlinear distortion of subcarrier
multiplexed systems owing to stimulated-scattering, International
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.15, 1994, pp.2077-2084
[206] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A.Al-Ghumaiz, Novel current-conveyor-based
single-element-controlled oscillator employing grounded resistors and
capacitors, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #4, 1995,
[207] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Current-mode grounded-capacitor
single-element-controlled bandpass and lowpass filters, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #4, 1995, pp.233-237
[208] M.T. Abuelma’atti, H.A. Alzaher and S.S. Buhalim, A novel method
for measurement of capacitors and their loss factors, Active and Passive
Electronic Components, Vol.17, #4, 1995, pp.239-243
[209] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A. Farooqui, New universal current-mode
filter using non-inverting second-generation current-conveyors, Active
and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #4, 1995, pp.245-251
[210] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.R. Al-Ali and A. Abdulshakoor, Programmable
second-generation current-conveyor with variable gain, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #4, 1995, pp.257-260
[211] A.R. Al-Ali, M.T. Abuelma’atti and S. Yunus, Digitally
programmable integrator and differentiator, Active and Passive
Electronic Components, Vol.17, #4, 1995, pp.261-268
[212] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, On the realization of low/high
frequency CCII+ based oscillators employing grounded resistors and lossy
capacitors, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.17, #4, 1995,
[213] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.K. Aiyad, Chaos in an autonomous active-R
circuit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems- I: Fundamental
Theory and Applications, Vol.42, 1995, pp.1-5
[214] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance in an
R-LED series network, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Vol.16, 1995, pp.217-229
[215] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A lumped network model for irrational
functions, Electronic Engineering, Vol.67, #818, February 1995, p.24
[216] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation generation in
quantum-well diodes, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Vol.16, 1995, pp.391-400
[217] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.R. Al-Ali and U. Baroudi, A novel method for
SSB generation, Modelling, Measurement and Control, A, Vol.60, #3, 1995,
[218] A.R. Al-Ali, M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Sayani, Microprocessor
controlled function generator, Modelling, Measurement and Control, A,
Vol.60, #3, 1995, pp.5-10
[219] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.R. Al-Ali and A. Shabra, OTA-based
multiplying digital-to-analog converter, Modelling, Simulation and
Control, A, Vol.60, #3, 1995, pp.11-13
[220] A.R. Al-Ali, M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Shabra, Digital
multiplication using OTA-based analog multiplier, Modelling, Simulation
and Control, A, Vol.60, #3, 1995, pp.15-19
[221] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Method approximates nonlinear-amplifier IM
performance, Microwaves & RF, Vol.34, #5, April 1995, pp.151-156
[222] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Radio frequency interference by demodulation
mechanisms present in bipolar operational amplifiers, IEEE Transactions
on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.37, 1995, pp.306-310
[223] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, Current-controlled OTA-based
single-capacitor simulation of grounded inductors, International Journal
of Electronics , Vol.78, 1995, pp.881-885
[224] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Generation of harmonic and intermodulation in
velocity modulated microwave devices, International Journal of Infrared
and Millimeter Waves, Vol.16, 1995, pp.957-964
[225] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.A. Al-Ghumaiz and M.H. Khan, Novel CCII-based
single-element controlled oscillators employing grounded resistors ana
capacitors, International Journal of Electronics , Vol.78, 1995,
[226] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Elliptic filter realisation using a single
current follower, Electronic Engineering, Vol.67, #822, June 1995, p.34
[227] A.R. Al-Ali and M.T. Abuelma’atti, Bipolar programmable capacitor,
Electronics World + Wireless World, Vol.101, #1712, July 1995, p.602
[228] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An emitter follower sinusoidal oscillator
circuit, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education,
Vol.32, 1995, pp.265-272
[229] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
linear delta modulators, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, Vol. 44, 1995, pp.909-914
[230] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, On the stability of resistively
variable capacitors using general impedance converters, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol.18, #2, 1995, pp.129-135
[231] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An approximate method and its application to
the nonlinear performance of three MOSFET transconductance amplifiers,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol.26, 1995, pp.515-523
[232] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A simple method for estimating the spectrum of
exponentially damped sinusoidal signals, Circuits, Systems and Signal
Processing, Vol.14, 1995, pp.653-660
[233] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Current mode biquadratic filter realizations
employing operational amplifiers, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal
Processing, Vol.8, 1995, pp.277-282
[234] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A. Farooqui, Universal
current-conveyor-based current-mode filter with single input and five
outputs, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.18, #3, 1995,
[235] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New current-mode oscillators using a single
unity-gain current follower, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol.18, #3, 1995, pp.151-157
[236] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New current-mode oscillators using unity-gain
current followers, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.18, #3,
1995, pp.159-164
[237] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.M. Johar, Chaos in a non-autonomous
inductorless active-RC circuit, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol.18, #3, 1995, pp. 165-169
[238] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A. Farooqui, New universal one-input
five-outputs current-mode filter using current-conveyors, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol.18, #3, 1995, pp.171-177
[239] M.T. Abuelma’atti, S.S. Buhalim and H.A. Alzaher, A novel
single-capacitor single-operational-amplifier sinusoidal oscillator,
IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol.38, 1995, pp.391-393
[240] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, Low component current-mode
universal filter, Electronics Letters, Vol.31, 1995, pp.2160-2161
M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.K. Al-Ali and M. Ahsan, Programmable
current-conveyor-based oscillator employing grounded resistors and
capacitors, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.18, #4 , 1995,
[242] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Quddus, Programmable CF-OTA-based lowpass
and bandpass filters, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.18,
#4, 1995, pp.267-272
[243] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Quddus, Programmable
current-conveyor-based voltage-mode filter with single input and five
outputs, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.18, #4, 1995,
[244] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New current-mode notch and allpass filters with
single current difference amplifier, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol.19, #1, 1996, pp.25-32
[245] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, New minimum-component OTA-based
sinusoidal oscillators, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol.19, #1, 1996, pp.33-40
[246] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Novel technique for automatic measurement of
the frequency characteristics of linear systems, International Journal
of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol.33, 1996, pp.58-65
[247] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, New temperature-insensitive
electronically-tunable grounded capacitor simulator, Active and Passive
Electronic Components, Vol.19, #1, 1996, pp.55-58
[248] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A. Al-Ghumaiz, Novel CCI-based
single-element-controlled oscillators employing grounded resistors and
capacitors, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental
Theory and Applications, Vol.43, 1996, pp.153-155
[249] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.A. Farooqi and S.M. Al-Shahrani, Novel RC
oscillators using the current-feedback operational amplifier, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and
Applications, Vol.43, 1996, pp.155-157
[250] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation distortion in
subcarrier multiplexed systems, Microwave and Optical Technology
Letters, Vol.11, 1996, pp.202-205
[251] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, Grounded capacitor oscillators
using a single operational transconductance amplifier, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol.19, #2, 1996, pp.91-98
[252] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, Partially active-R
grounded-capacitor CFOA-pole-based sinusoidal oscillators, Active and
Passive Electronic Components, Vol.19, #2, 1996, pp.105-109
[253] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.M. Shabra, Composite second-generation
current-conveyor with variable current and voltage gain, Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 9, 1996, pp.265-270
[254] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, Current-mode universal
filters using unity-gain cells, Electronics Letters, Vol.32, 1996,
[255] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.M. Al-Daghrier, An improved analysis for
the bipolar linear transconductor, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol.80, 1996, pp.739-745
[256] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, A novel
low-component-count single-element-controlled sinusoidal oscillator
using the CFOA pole, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.80, 1996,
[257] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, New universal filter using
two current-feedback amplifiers, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol.80, 1996, pp.753-756
[258] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.S. Buhalim, Two-component oscillator,
Electronics World, Vol.102, #1724, 1996, p.615
[259] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.M. Shabra, A novel current-conveyor-based
universal current-mode filter, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 27, 1996,
[260] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Linearization techniques for bipolar
emitter-coupled pairs: a comparative study, Microelectronics Journal,
Vol. 27, 1996, pp.583-590
[261] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Quddus, Programmable voltage-mode
multifunction filter using two current conveyors and one operational
transconductance amplifier, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol. 19, #3, 1996, pp.133-138
[262] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Parametric amplification/mixing using the
varactor diode, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 19, #3,
1996, pp. 177-187
[263] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Cascadable current-mode filters using single
FTFN, Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, 1996, pp.1457-1458
[264] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A. Farooqi, A novel single-element
controlled oscillator using the current-feedback-operational amplifier
pole, FREQUENZ, Vol.50, 1996, pp.183-184
[265] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
spatial light modulators, Applied Optics: Information Processing,
Vol.35, 1996, pp.4563-4566
[266] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved analysis of an optoelectronic mixer
based on a metal-semiconductor-metal phtodetector, Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters, Vol.13, 1996, pp.193-197
[267] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, Grounded capacitor oscillators
using a single operational transconductance amplifier, FREQUENZ, Vol.
50, 1996, pp.294-297
[268] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Spectral response of a hair cell to multitone
stimulation, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 49, 1996, pp.321-331
[269] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, Novel CFOA-based
sinusoidal oscillators, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 82,
1997, pp.27-32
[270] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Alzaher, Universal three input and one
output current-mode filter without external passive elements,
Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, 1997, pp.281-283
[271] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Current-mode sinusoidal
oscillator using single FTFN, Proceedings National Science Council, ROC,
Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, 1997, pp.161-165
[272] M.T. Abuelma’atti, O. Al-Amri and S. Al-Abbas, Chaos in a
non-autonomous active-R circuit, FREQUENZ, Vol. 51, 1997, pp.116-119
[273] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qambar, SPICE application in the study
of the behaviour of multi-state systems described by Markov models,
Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol.37, 1997, pp.609-613
[274] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Time domain response of uniform RC lines with
RC termination at both ends, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol. 19, #4, 1997, pp.199-203
[275] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
some abrupt and weak nonlinearities, Applied Mathematics and
Computation, Vol. 83, 1997, pp.87-96
[276] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic generation by nondegenerate p-n
junction varactor diodes, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.
19, #4, 1997, pp.205-213
[277] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Alshahrani, A minimum component
grounded-capacitor CFOA-based RC oscillator, Active and Passive
Electronic Components, Vol. 19, #4, 1997, pp.247-251
[278] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved analysis for the harmonic
distortion of MOS voltage-controlled-resistors, Active and Passive
Electronic Components, Vol. 19, #4, 1997, pp.253-260
[279] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H. Al-Daghreer, New single-resistor
controlled sinusoidal oscillator circuit using unity-gain current
followers, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 20, #2, 1997,
[280] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, New universal filter using
two current-feedback amplifiers, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol. 20, #2, 1997, pp.111-117
[281] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, New CFOA-based
grounded-capacitor single-element-controlled sinusoidal oscillator,
Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 20, #2, 1997, pp.119-124
[282] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qamber, Prediction of reliability of
broadcasting transmitter systems, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting,
Vol. 43, 1997, pp.237-241
[283] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Nonlinear performance of the
mixed translinear loop, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 83,
1997, pp.467-471
[284] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M.Abed, A new current-controlled
multiple-output current conveyor, Proceedings National Science Council,
ROC, Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, 1997, pp.616-622
[285] M.T. Abuelma’atti and F. Shafi, Harmonic and intermodulation
performance of active filters, FREQUENZ, Vol. 51, 1997, pp.291-300
[286] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Oscillator uses feedback
poles, Electronic Engineering, Vol. 69, #851, November 1997, pp.20-23
[287] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H.Khan, New sinusoidal oscillators
employing the CCII internal pole, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 83, 1997, pp.817-823
[288] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A.Al-Qahtani, Low component
second-generation current conveyor-based multiphase sinusoidal
oscillator, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 84, 1998,
[289] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H. Al-Daghrier, New
single-element-controlled sinusoidal oscillators employing CCII+,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 29, 1998, pp.83-86
[290] M.T. Abuelma’atti, H.A. Al-Zaher and M.A. Al-Qahtani, Novel
grounded-capacitor active biquads using FiTFNs, Microelectronics
Journal, Vol. 29, 1998, pp.123-132
[291] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A.Alzaher, Versatile active biquad based
on dual-output second-generation current conveyors, Active and Passive
Electronic Components, Vol. 20, #3, 1998, pp.151-155
[292] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.H. Khan, New electronically-tunable
oscillator circuit using only two OTAs, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol. 20, #4, 1998, pp.189-194
[293] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A.A. Farooqi, Universal
current-conveyor-based current-mode filters with single input and three
outputs, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 20, #4, 1998,
[294] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Novel current-conveyor-based
universal current-mode biquad filter with three inputs and one output,
Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 20, #4, 1998, pp.235-240
[295] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Versatile active biquad using
FTFNs, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 20, #4, 1998,
[296] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A.Tasadduq, Universal current-controlled
current-mode filters using the current controlled conveyor, Proceedings
of the National Science Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and
Engineering, Vol. 22, 1998, pp.358-361
[297] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, New grounded-capacitor
sinusoidal oscillators using the current-feedback-amplifier pole, Active
and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 21, #1, 1998, pp.23-32
[298] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, Universal
current-controlled current-mode filter with three-inputs and one-output
using the current controlled conveyor, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol. 21, #1, 1998, pp.33-41
[299] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
envelope detectors, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 21,
#1, 1998, pp.43-52
[300] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, New voltage-mode
multifunction filter with one input and three outputs using unity-gain
cells, Proceedings of the National Science Council, ROC, Part A:
Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 22, 1998, pp.396-399
[301] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, A grounded-resistor
current-conveyor-based active-R multiphase sinusoidal oscillator, Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 16, 1998, pp.29-34
[302] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Abed, Harmonic and intermodulation
performance of op-amp power supply current and the dual translinear
loop, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 16, 1998,
[303] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Abed, Improved analysis for distortion
in emitter-driven variable gain pairs, Analog Integrated Circuits and
Signal Processing, Vol. 16, 1998, pp.71-77
[304] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tassaduq, High-order current transfer
function synthesis using translinear current conveyors, FREQUENZ, Vol.
52, 1998, pp.76-78
[305] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Comment on "Floating inductance simulation
based on current conveyors", Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, 1998, p.1037
[306] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, A novel current-controlled
oscillator using translinear current conveyors, FREQUENZ, Vol. 52, 1998,
[307] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, New CFOA-based
triangular/square wave generator, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 84, 1998, pp.583-588
[308] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, A current-mode
current-controlled current-conveyor-based analogue multiplier/divider,
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 85, 1998, pp.71-77
[309] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Abed, A translinear circuit for
piecewise-linear approximation of nonlinear functions, Microelectronics
Journal, Vol. 29, 1998, pp.441-444
[310] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Alzaher, Active-only sinusoidal
oscillator, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 29, 1998, pp.461-464
[311] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Abed, Translinear circuit for
generating arbitrary power-law functions, Microelectronics Journal, Vol.
29, 1998, pp.465-470
[312] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, Current-controlled
multiphase sinusoidal oscillator using translinear current conveyors,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Analog and Digital Signal
Processing, Vol. 45, 1998, pp.881-885
[313] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, New universal filter with one
input and five outputs using current-feedback amplifiers, Proceedings of
the National Science Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and
Engineering, Vol. 22, 1998, pp.504-508
[314] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, CFOA triangular/square
wave VCO, Electronic Engineering, Vol. 70, 1998, p.24
[315] M.T. Abuelma’atti, M.H. Khan and H.A. Al-Zaher, Simulation of
active-only floating inductance, FREQUENZ, Vol. 52, 1998, pp.161-164
[316] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Comment on "Current-mode
quadrature sinusoidal oscillator using single FTFN", International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 85, 1998, pp.177-180
[317] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
nonlinear electronic circuits, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol. 21, #2, 1998, pp.87-105
[318] M.T. Abuelma’atti and U. Baroudi, A programmable phase shifter for
sinusoidal signals, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 21,
#2, 1998, pp.107-112
[319] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, A programmable
reference-voltage source, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.
21, #2, 1998, pp.113-116
[320] M.T. Abuelm'atti and H.M. Al-Zaher, Current-mode universal filter
using FTFNs, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 21, #2,
1998, pp.117-122
[321] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, New universal filter with one
input and five outputs using current-feedback amplifiers, Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 16, 1998, pp.239-244
[322] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of the harmonic distortion of MOSFET
gate capacitors, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol.
16, 1998, pp.299-304
[323] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Multi-function active-only
current-mode filter with three inputs and one output, International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 85, 1998, pp.431-435
[324] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, Novel CFOA-based
sinusoidal oscillators, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 85,
1998, pp.437-441
[325] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, New current-mode
current-controlled filters using the current-controlled conveyor,
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 85, 1998, pp. 483-488
[326] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, A novel single-input
multiple-output current-mode current-controlled universal filter,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 29, 1998, pp.901-905
[327] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H. A. Al-Zaher, Current-mode sinusoidal
oscillators using two FTFNs, Proceedings of the National Science
Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 22, 1998,
[328] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of dual parallel
Mach-Zehnder modulator, Proceedings of the National Science Council,
ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 22, 1998,
[329] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Programmable current-mode universal active
filters employing current conveyors, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol. 21, 1998, pp.221-230
[330] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic distortion due to output conductance
in SI cells, Electronics Letters, Vol.34, 1998, pp.2182-2183
[331] M.T. Abuelma’atti, An improved analysis for the nonlinear
distortion of analog MOSFET circuits with signals simultaneously applied
to body, gate and drain terminals, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 29,
1998, pp.951-960
[332] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of optical intensity
modulator with dual-modulation compensation, FREQUENZ, Vol. 52, 1998,
[333] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, Universal current-controlled
current-mode filter using the multiple-output translinear current
conveyor, FREQUENZ, Vol. 52, 1998, pp.252-254
[334] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Abed, A translinear circuit for
sinusoidal frequency multiplication, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 86, 1999, pp.35-41
[335] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Nonlinear performance of the
CMOS buffer stages, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 86, 1999,
[336] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Current-mode sinusoidal
oscillators using single FTFN, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems-II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 46, 1999,
[337] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A simple algorithm for computing the Fourier
spectrum of experimentally obtained signals, Applied Mathematics and
Computation, Vol. 98, 1999, pp.229-239
[338] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Current-mode quadrature
sinusoidal oscillators using two FTFNs, FREQUENZ, Vol. 53, 1999,
[339] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear distortion of an FM signal by
half-wave linear rectification, Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Vol. 99, 1999, pp.47-59
[340] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Universal two-input
two-output current-mode active biquad using FTFNs, International Journal
of Electronics, Vol. 86, 1999, pp.181-188
[341] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, A novel three inputs and one
output universal current-mode filter using plus-type CCIIs,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 30, 1999, pp.287-292
[342] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Comments on "Current mode simulation of
lossless floating inductance", International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 86, 1999, pp.321-322
[343] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qamber, Reliability and availability
analysis of some systems with common-cause failures using SPICE circuit
simulation program, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 22,
#1, 1999, pp.31-49
[344] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of linearized
electrooptic modulators, AEU (International Journal of Electronics and
Communications), Vol. 53, 1999, pp.61-69
[345] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of low-voltage bipolar
analog functional elements using Fourier-series approximations,
FREQUENZ, Vol. 53, 1999, pp.121-134
[346] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, Electronically tunable
capacitance multiplier and frequency dependent negative-resistance
simulator using the current-controlled current conveyor,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 30, 1999, pp.869-873
[347] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, New negative immittance
function simulator using current conveyors, Microelectronics Journal,
Vol. 30, 1999, pp.911-915
[348] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal harmonic and intermodulation
distortion due to output conductance in SI cells, FREQUENZ, Vol. 53,
1999, pp.195-198
[349] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, On the realization of the
current controlled current-mode amplifier using the current controlled
conveyor, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 86, 1999, 1333-1340
[350] M.T. Abuelma'atti and S.M. Abed, A translinear circuit for
analogue function synthesis based on a Taylor series, International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 86, 1999, 1341-1348
[351] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Identification of single-amplifier partially
active-R sinusoidal oscillators, Proceedings of the National Science
Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 23, 1999,
[352] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Blocking and desensitization in bipolar and
MOSFET differential amplifiers, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Vol. 41, 1999, pp.393-398
[353] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Trigonometric approximations for some Bessel
functions, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 22, #2, 1999,
[354] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Intermodulation performance of
biased-nonlinearities, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 107,
2000, pp.211-224
[355] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Universal current-mode filter using single
four-terminal floating nullor, Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 31, 2000,
[356] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Comment on "Active simulation of grounded
inductors with CCII+s and grounded passive elements", International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 87, 2000, pp.177-181
[357] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A translinear programmable analog nonlinear
function synthesizer, Proceedings of the National Science Council, ROC,
Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 24, 2000, pp.143-147
[358] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, Grounded-capacitor
current-mode sinusoidal oscillators with single-element controlled
amplitude and phase using two FTFNs, FREQUENZ, Vol. 54, 2000, pp.87-89
[359] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Photoelectric tilt sensor, Electronics World,
Vol. 106, 2000, pp.292
[360] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Al-Zaher, New grounded-capacitor
grounded-resistor controlled universal filter using current-feedback
amplifiers, Proceedings of the National Science Council, ROC, Part A:
Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 24, 2000, pp.205-209
[361] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qamber, Using SPICE circuit simulation
program in reliability analysis of redundant systems with non-repairable
units and common-cause failures, Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol. 22, #4, 2000, pp.235-255
[362] M.T. Abuelma’atti and N.A. Tasadduq, Current-mode lowpass/bandpass
and highpass filter using CCII+s, FREQUENZ, Vol. 54, 2000, pp.162-164
[363] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Nonlinear distortion of the fiber optic
microphone, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 23, #1, 2000,
[364] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New sinusoidal oscillators with fully uncoupled
control of oscillation frequency and condition using three CCII+s,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 24, 2000,
[365] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of low-voltage MOS
analogue functional elements using Fourier-series approximations,
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 87, 2000, pp.1301-1325
[366] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of low-voltage BiMOS
analog multipliers using Fourier-series approximations, Proceedings of
the National Science Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and
Engineering, Vol. 24, 2000, pp.480-488
[367] M.T. Abuelma’atti, On the implementation of a very low-spurious
Si-Bipolar frequency multiplier, Proceedings of the National Science
Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 24, 2000,
[368] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Identification of cascadable current-mode
filters and inverse-filters using single FTFN, FREQUENZ, Vol. 54, 2000,
[369] M.T. Abuelma’atti and Ahmad Al-Ghazwani, New quartz crystal
oscillators using the current-feedback operational amplifier, , Active
and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 23, #3, 2000, pp. 131-136
[370] M.T. Abuelma’atti and H.A. Alzaher, Multi-function active-only
high-order current-driven filter, , Active and Passive Electronic
Components, Vol. 23, #3, 2000, pp.157-161
[371] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Generating amplitude, frequency and phase-shift
keying signals, Electronics World, Vol. 107, February 2001, pp.136
[372] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Spectrum of a nonlinearly quantised
equal-amplitude dual-tone signal, IEE Proceedings Circuits, Devices and
Systems, Vol. 148, 2001, pp. 11-18
[373] M.T.Abuelma’atti, Identification of two-amplifier partially
active-R sinusoidal oscillators, Proceedings of the National Science
Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 25, 2001,
[374] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New ASK/FSK/PSK/QAM wave generator using
multiple-output operational transconductance amplifiers, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and
Applications, Vol. 48, 2001, pp. 487-490
[375] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A new method for Fourier analysis of
discontinuous and peaky periodic waveforms, Computer and Mathematics
with Applications, Vol. 41, 2001, pp.1417-1423
[376] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large-signal analysis of CMOS analogue
functional elements using Fourier-series approximations, International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 88, 2001, pp.665-675
[377] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of the Mach-Zehnder
modulator with variable bias, Proceedings of the National Science
Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 25, 2001,
[378] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New OTA-based sinusoidal oscillators with fully
uncoupled control of oscillation frequency and condition, FREQUENZ, Vol.
55, 2001, pp.224-228
[379] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qamber, Reliability analysis of a
redundant system with non-repairable units and common-cause failures
using the SPICE circuit simulation program, Proceedings of the National
Science Council, ROC, Part A: Physical Sciences and Engineering, Vol.
25, 2001, 322-328
[380] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Qahtani, Active-only sinusoidal
oscillator circuits, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 24,
#4, 2001, pp.223-232
[381] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Active-only sinusoidal oscillators with
electronically-tunable fully-uncoupled frequency and condition of
oscillation, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 24, #4,
2001, pp.233-241
[382] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New ASK/FSK/PSK/QAM wave generator using a
single current-controlled multiple output current conveyor,
International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 89, 2002, pp.35-43
[383] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large-signal analysis of transistor circuits
with feedback, FREQUENZ, Vol. 56, 2002, pp.83-92
[384] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
analogue-to-digital converters with multibit errors and additive dither,
IEE Proceedings-Science, Measurement and Technology, Vol. 149, 2002,
[385] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
Darlington composite bipolar junction transistor, International Journal
of Electronics, Vol. 89, 2002, pp.441-454
[386] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A novel analogue current-mode
current-controlled frequency multiplier/divider, International Journal
of Electronics, Vol. 89, 2002, pp.455-465
[387] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
Mach-Zehnder quadratic electro-optic intensity modulator, Fiber and
Integrated Optics, Vol. 21, 2002, pp.307-322
[388] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis for the nonlinear performance
of CMOS current mirrors with device mismatch, FREQUENZ, Vol. 56, 2002,
[389] M.T. Abuelma’atti and I.S. Qamber, Applications of SPICE
simulation software to the study of reliability and availability in
electrical engineering education, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol.
45, 2002, pp.209-217
[390] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of harmonic and
intermodulation distortion in switched-current audio memory cells,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 32, 2002,
[391] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of the
differential fiber-optic transducer, Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur
Elektrotechnik), Vol. 84, 2002, pp.197-202
[392] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Universal CMOS current-mode analog function
synthesizer, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental
Theory and Applications, Vol. 49, 2002, pp.1468-1474
[393] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of passive intermodulation arising
from corrosion, IEE Proceedings- Science Measurememt and Technology,
Vol. 150, 2003, pp.30-34
[394] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Active-only immittance simulators, FREQUENZ,
Vol. 57, 2003, pp.8-11
[395] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, Synthesis of a novel
low-component programmable sinusoidal oscillator, Active and Passive
Electronic Components, Vol. 26, 2003, pp. 31-36
[396] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation distortion in SOI
FD transistors, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 47, 2003, pp.797-800
[397] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis of the electrically
manifested distortions of condenser microphones, Applied Acoustics, Vol.
64, 2003, pp.471-480
[398] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Analysis of the effect of radio frequency
interference on the DC performance of bipolar operational amplifiers,
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 45, 2003,
[399] M.T. Abuelma’atti and O.O. Fares, A current-mode
exponential-difference circuit, FREQUENZ, Vol. 57, 2003, pp.116-118
[400] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Analog low-voltage current-mode implementation
of digital logic gates, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol.
26, 2003, pp. 111-114
[401] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A novel mixed-mode OTA-C
filter, FREQUENZ, Vol. 57, 2003, pp.157-159
[402] M.T. Abuelma’atti, R. Al-Dakhil and N. Al-Said, Function generator
based on current conveyors, Electronics World, Vol. 109, September 2003,
[403] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A novel mixed-mode current-contrlled
current-conveyor-based filter, Active and Passive Electronic Components,
Vol. 26, 2003, pp. 185-191
[404] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of the dual-parallel
electroabsorption modulator, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 22, 2003,
[405] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
LDMOS transistors, FREQUENZ, Vol. 57, 2003, pp.244-247
[406] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large-signal analysis of triode vacuum-tube
amplifiers, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 51, 2003,
[407] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of wideband nonlinear
amplifiers with harmonic injection, FREQUENZ, Vol. 58, 2004, pp.32-36
[408] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.K. Alabsi, A low-cost dual-slope
triangular/square wave generator, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 91, 2004, pp.185-190
[409] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A. Bentrcia and S.M. Al-Shahrani, A novel
mixed-mode current-conveyor-based filter, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 91, 2004, pp.191-197
[410] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.K. Alabsi, Current-controlled sawtooth
generator, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 27, 2004,
[411] M.T. Abuelma’atti and O.O. Fares, A current-mode logarithmic
function circuit, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 27,
2004, pp.183-187
[412] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Current-controlled sawtooth generator,
Electronics World, Vol. 110, August 2004, p. 45
[413] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of wideband nonlinear
amplifiers with third-order intermodulation injection, FREQUENZ, Vol.
58, 2004, pp.197-200
[414] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal performance of the
electroabsorption modulator, Journal of Optical communications, Vol. 25,
2004, pp.182-187
[415] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A novel mixed-mode CCII-based
filter, Active and Passive Electronic Components, Vol. 27, 2004,
[416] M.T. Abuelma’atti and O.O. Fares, A current-mode circuit for
analogue synthesis of some special functions, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 91, 2004, pp.653-663
[417] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal performance of the
electroabsorption modulator, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 23, 2004,
[418] M.T. Abuelma’atti, S.M. Al-Shahrani and M.K. Alabsi, Simulation of
mutually coupled circuit using plus-type CCIIs, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 92, 2005, pp.49-54
[419] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A translinear circuit for sinusoidal frequency
division, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 54,
2005, pp.10-14
[420] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large-signal performance of the serially
cascaded electroabsorption modulator, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol.
24, 2005, pp.129-145.
[421] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of the SiGe HBT
translinear harmonic mixer, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.
92, 2005, pp.341-346
[422] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large-signal analysis of class-A vaccum triode
push-pull output stage, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol.
53, 2005, pp.509-517
[423] Ali M. Abuelma’atti and M.T. Abuelma’atti, A
current-conveyor-based polyphase filter, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits
and Systems, Vol. 4, 2005, pp.656-663
[424] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A novel mixed-mode OTA-C
universal filter, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 92, 2005,
[425] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Absi, A current conveyor-based
relaxation oscillator as a versatile electronic interface for capacitive
and resistive sensors, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 92,
2005, pp.473-477
[426] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Absi, Analogue CMOS, low-voltage,
current-mode implementation of digital logic gates, Electronics World,
Vol. 111, No. 1833, September 2005, pp.20-23
[427] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, A new polyphase mixed-mode
bandpass filter section using current-feedback operational amplifiers,
WSEAS Transactions on Electronics , Vol. 4, 2005, pp.128-131
[428] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A. Bentrcia, M.K. Al-Absi and S.M. Al-Shahrani,
A new current-mode current-controlled current-conveyor based universal
filter, WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Vol. 4, 2005, pp.132-134
[429] M.T. Abuelma’atti and S.M. Al-Shahrani, A new polyphase filter
using programmable-gain current-controlled current-conveyor, WSEAS
Transactions on Electronics, Vol. 4, 2005, pp.153-156
[430] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Analysis of the effect of radio frequency
interference on the DC performance of CMOS operational amplifiers,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 45, 2005,
[431] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Shwehneh, A reconfigurable
SATLIN/SIGMOID/Gaussian/Triangular basis functions computation circuit,
Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,
Vol. 2, No. 2, Fall 2005 and Winter 2006, pp. 17-34
[432] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of differential triode
tube amp, audioXpress, Vol. 37, January 2006, p. 59 and
www.audioXpress.com , pp.1-5
[433] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Comment: Nonlinear SNR amplification of
harmonic signal in noise, Electronics Letters, Vol. 42, 2006, p.123
[434] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of multiquantum well
electroabsorption modulators, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 25,
2006, pp. 75-86
[435] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Shwehneh, A reconfigurable
Gaussian/Triangular basis functions computation circuit, Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 47, 2006, pp.53-64
[436] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Absi, A novel single-capacitor,
single-current-conveyor, sinusoidal oscillator, Electronics World, Vol.
133, April 2006, pp. 53-54
[437] M.T. Abuelma’atti and M.A. Al-Absi, A CMOS analog cell and its
applications in analog signal processing, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 93, 2006, pp.251-267
[438] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of wideband non-linear
amplifiers with sum and difference frequency injection, International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 93, 2006, pp.493-510
[439] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of wideband nonlinear
amplifiers with third-order intermodulation and second-harmonic
injection, FREQUENZ, Vol. 60, 2006, pp. 155-159
[440] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of the two-tone suppression and
intermodulation performance of auditory systems, Applied Acoustics, Vol.
67, 2006, pp. 882-891
[441] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A novel current-mode OTA-C
universal filter, Electronics World, Vol. 113, #1849, January 2007, pp.
[442] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Prediction of gain expansion and
intermodulation performance of nonlinear amplifiers, ETRI Journal, Vol.
29, 2007, pp. 89-94
[443] M.T. Abuelma’atti and Ali M.T. Abuelmaatti, Harmonic and
intermodulation performance of class-AB stages, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 94, 2007, pp.303-315
[444] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal performance of micromachined
silicon condenser microphones, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 68, 2007,
[445] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of the
semiconductor bolometer, International Journal of Infrared and
Millimeter Waves, Vol. 28, 2007, pp. 741-749
[446] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A new mixed-mode OTA-C
filter/oscillator circuit, Electronics World, Vol. 113, # 1857,
September 2007, pp. 42-45
[447] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal performance of micromachined
silicon inductive microphones, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 68, 2007, pp.
[448] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Theoretical analysis of the intermodulation
performance of Mach-Zehnder modulators with difference frequency
injection, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.
28, 2007, pp. 831-838
[449] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of the infrared
semiconductor mercury-cadmium-telluride detectors, International Journal
of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 28, 2007, pp. 849-858
[450] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A novel current-mode OTA-C
universal filter, Active and Passive Electronic Devices, Vol. 2, 2007,
pp. 279-284
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Large signal analysis of the Michelson interferometer with
Gires-Tournois interferometers in its arms,
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,
Vol. 29, 2008, pp. 586-595
[452] M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A new
high-output-impedance transadmittance type OTA-based universal filter,
Electronics World, Vol. 114, Issue # 1870, October 2008, pp. 37-39
[453] O. O. Fares and M.T. Abuelma’atti, Configurable analogue building
blocks for field-programmable analogue arrays, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 95, 2008, pp. 1009-1028
[454] M.T.
Abuelma’atti and N.M. Al-Yahia, An improved universal CMOS current-mode
analogue function synthesizer, International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 95, 2008, pp. 1127-1148
[455] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Comment on
"Low input impedance trans-impedance type multifunction filter using
only active elements", International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 95,
2008, pp. 1209-1210
[456] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis
of carrier wave frequency multiplication of AM signals, Active and
Passive Electronic Devices, Vol. 3, 2008, pp. 193-209
M.T. Abuelma’atti and A. Bentrcia, A new mixed-mode OTA-C
filter/oscillator circuit, Active and Passive Electronic Devices, Vol.
3, 2008, pp. 211-221
[458] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal
analysis of mixers with difference frequency injection, International
Journal of Electronics, Vol. 95, 2008, pp. 1229-1240
M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal analysis of Y-fed directional coupler,
FREQUENZ, Vol. 62, 2008, pp. 288-292
[460] M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Prediction of aliasing intermodulation distortion, FREQUENZ, Vol. 62,
2008, pp. 297-300
[461] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Large signal
analysis of Mach-Zehnder interferometer with one arm loaded with a
second-order allpass double-microring resonator, Journal of Infrared,
Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Vol. 30, 2009, pp. 26-33
M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and Intermodulation performance of
quantum-well Mach-Zehnder electro-optic modulators with electrical
biasing, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Vol. 30,
2009, pp. 34-43
[463] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis for
intermodulation performance of amplifiers with envelope signal
injection, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 96, 2009, pp.
[464] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis of implicit
RMS detectors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Vol. 58, 2009, pp. 502-505
[465] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic
and Intermodulation performance of metallic carbon nanotube (MCNT) and
complementary carbon nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET)
amplifier, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Vol. 30,
2009, pp. 453-460
[466] A.M.T. Abuelmaatti, I. Thayne and M.T.
Abuelma’atti, Design of source degenerated cascode dual functionality
LNA/PA for the IEEE802.15.4 (ZigBee) standard: Part I – New Methodolgy,
Microwave Journal, Vol. 52, June 2009, pp. 108,110 and http://mwexpert.typepad.com/files/abuelmaatti1web.pdf
, pp. 1-28
[467] A.M.T. Abuelmaatti, I. Thayne and M.T.
Abuelma’atti, Design of source degenerated cascode dual functionality
LNA/PA for the IEEE802.15.4 (ZigBee) standard: Part II –Example ,
Microwave Journal, Vol. 52, June 2009, pp. 108,110 and http://mwexpert.typepad.com/files/abuelmaatti2web.pdf
, pp. 1-24
[468] M.T. Abuelma'atti and M. Al-Salman, An
OTA-based differential relaxation oscillator and its application as a
versatile electronic interface for sensors, Electronics World, Vol. 115,
Issue # 1881, September 2009, p. 43
[469] M.T. Abuelma'atti,
A.M.T. Abuelmaatti and I. Thayne, Modify MOSFET models for nonlinear
quantification, Microwaves & RF, Vol. 48, September 2009, pp. 63+
[470] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Improved Large Signal Analysis of the
Dual-Wavelength Linearization Technique of Optically Phase-Modulated
Analog Microwave Signals, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz
Waves, Volume 30, 2009, pp. 1073-1082
[471] M.T.
Abuelma’atti, Improved analysis of the single-electron transistor mixer,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 61, 2009, pp.
[472] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation
performance of hearing aids under large sound pressure levels, Applied
Acoustics, Vol. 71, 2010, pp. 269-275
[473] M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Harmonic and intermodulation performance of Fabry-Perot intensity
modulator, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 29, 2010, pp. 134-145
[474] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Theoretical analysis of
carbon-nanotube-based mixers and frequency multipliers, Journal of
Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Volume 31, 2010, pp. 585-592
[475] M.T. Abuelma’atti and O.O. Fares,
A New Current-Mode Matrix-Like Universal Filter
using Configurable Analog Blocks (CABs) for Field-Programmable Analog
Arrays, FREQUENZ Vol. 64, 2010, pp. 112-116
M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
quantum-wire-transistor (QWT) based inverting amplifier, Active and
Passive Electronic Devices, Vol. 5, 2010, pp. 311-320
M.T. Abuelma’atti, Mach-Zehnder modulators serve radio over fiber,
Microwave & RF, Vol. 49, August 2010, pp. 75-79
[478] M.T.
Abuelma’atti and Ali Abuelmaatti, Performance analysis and comparison of
multi-level hard limiters, International Journal of Electronics, Vol.
97, 2010, pp. 1021-1034
[479] M.T. Abuelma’atti, A.
Abuelmaatti and I. Thayne, Analyzing IMD-causing frequency components,
Microwave & RF, Vol. 49, September 2010, ED Online ID #22971, pp. 66-+
[480] M.T. Abuelma’atti and Husam Al-Shammari, A new 555-timer
based phase-to-voltage converter, Electronics World, Vol. 116, Issue
#1894, October 2010, p. 43
[481] Ali Abuelmaatti, M.T.
Abuelma'atti, I. Thaune and S. Beaumont, A new approach to QPSK:
mechanism, simulation and implementation, International Journal of
Electrical Engineering Educatuon, Vol. 47, 2010, pp. 343-356
[482] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Identification of a class of two CFOA-based RC
osciollators, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 65,
2010, pp. 419-428
[483] M.T. Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and
intermodulation performance of Sagnac fiber optic interferometer, Fiber
and Integrated Optics, Vol. 30, pp. 29-44, 2011
[484] M.T.
Abuelma’atti, Harmonic and Intermodulation performance of optical-fiber
Mach-Zehnder microphone, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 72, 2011, pp. 305-309
[485] M.T. Abuelma’atti, New two CFOA-based sinusoidal RC
oscillators with buffered output, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal
Processing, Vol. 66, 2011, pp. 475-482
[486] M.T.
Abuelma’atti and Ali Abuelmaatti, Effect of electromagnetic
interference (EMI) on the DC shift, harmonic and intermodulation
performance of diode-connected NMOSFET, Analog Integrated Circuits and
Signal Processing, Vol. 67, 2011, pp. 109-116
and O.O. Fares, A new universal second-order filter using configurable
analog building blocks (CABs) for field-programmable analogue arrays,
Journal of Engineering Research,
Vol. 8, 2011, pp. 83-91
Comment on "Novel
lossless and lossy grounded inductor simulators consisting of a
canonical number of components", Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
Vol. 68, 2011, pp. 139-141
and intermodulaion performance of carbon nanotube field-effect
transistor-based and single-electron tunneling-based inverting
amplifiers, International Journal of
Electronics, Vol. 98, 2011, pp. 847-861
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Analyze DE-MZMs with multicarrier RF inputs,
Microwaves & RF,
Vol. 50, September 2011,
ED Online ID #23687,
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
A note on mathematical modeling of power amplifier/loudspeaker
nonlinearity in acoustic echo cancellers,
Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 59,
2011, pp. 745-748
M.T. Abuelma'atti,
Harmonic and intermodulation performance of carbon-nanotube-based
Active and Passive Electronic Devices,
Vol. 7, 2012, pp. 133-143
M.T. Abuelma'atti,
Large signal analysis of the constant-voltage biased infrared
semiconductor Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride detectors,
Active and Passive Electronic Devices,
Vol. 7, 2012, pp. 145-158
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
New grounded immittance function simulators using single current
feedback operational amplifier, Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
Vol. 71, 2012, pp. 95-100
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Reply to comment on "Identification of a class of two CFOA-based
sinusoidal RC oscillators", Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
Vol. 71, 2012, pp. 155-157
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Abdullah M.T. Abuelma'atti and T. K. Yeung, A new diode-based
curve-fitting predistortion lineariser for GaN power amplifier,
International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 99, 2012, pp. 719-734.
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Improved analysis of the intermodulation performance of ferroelectric
thin-film and bulk-based varactors,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
Vol. 71, 2012, pp. 237-244
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
New single-parameter models for nonlinear electronic systems and its use
in predicting intermodulation performance,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
Vol. 72, 2012, pp. 243-250
[499] A. Abuelmaatti, I. Thayne and M.T. Abuelma'atti, CMOS models transistor
distortion, Microwaves & RF,
Vol. 51, August 2012, pp. 80-86
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Harmonic and intermodulation performance of moderate inversion MOSFET
transconductors, International Journal
of Electronics and Communications (AEU),
Vol. 66, 2012, pp. 892-896
M.T. Abuelma’atti
Abdullah M.T. Abuelma'atti, A new current-mode CMOS analog programmable
arbitrary nonlinear function synthesizer,
Microelectronics Journal,
Vol. 43, 2012, pp.802-808
M.T. Abuelma’atti
and Z.J. Khalifa, Comment on "Discussion on Barkhausen and Nyquist
stability criteria", Analog Integrated
Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol.
73, 2012, pp. 989-992; see also Erratum, Vol. 75, 2013, pp. 195
[503] M.A.
Al-Absi, A. Hussein and M.T. Abuelma'atti, A low voltage and low power
current-mode analog computational circuit,
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,
Vol. 32, 2013, pp. 321-331
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
E.S. Alsuhaibani, A.S. Bin Obadi and Z.J. Khalifa, Independent control
of the frequency and condition of oscillation: a caution,
International Journal of Electronics,
Vol. 100, 2013, pp. 384-392
M.T. Abuelma’atti,
Harmonic and intermodulation performance of MoS
FET- and GFET based amplifiers,
Analog Integrated
Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol.
76, , 2013, pp. 147-154
[506] M.A. Al-Absi, S.A. Mahemood and M.T.
new CMOS current-mode folding amplifier,
Vol. 22, 2013, pp. 892-898
[507] M.T. Abuelma'atti and Ali M.T.
Abuelmaatti, Effect of electromagnetic interference (EMI) on the DC
shift, harmonic and intermodulation performance of NMOSFET mirror with a
capacitor between the mirror node and the ground,
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Vol. 55, 2013, pp.
[508] M.T. Abuelma'atti and Ali M.T.
Abuelmaatti, New single-parameter models for electronic circuits with
even symmetry nonlinearity, Analog
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
Vol. 77, 2013, pp. 291-298
[509] M.T. Abuelma'atti, MOSFET scaling
crisis and the evolution of nanoelectronic devices: The need for
paradigm shift in electronic engineering education,
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 102, 2013, pp. 432-43
[510] M.T. Abuelma'atti, Evaluation of
engineering research in Arab countries using a bibliometric-based
approach, Procedia Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 102, 2013,
pp. 438-445
[511] K.M.
Al-Tamimi, M.A. Al-Absi and M.T. Abuelma'atti, Temperature insensitive
current-mode CMOS exponential function generator and its application in
variable gain amplifier,
Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 45,
2014, pp. 345-354
[512] M.T. Abuelma'atti,
Harmonic and intermodulation performance of
double-gate CMOS inverting voltage amplifier,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal
Processing, Vol. 80, 2014, pp.
[513] M.T. Abuelma'atti and Z.J. Khalifa,
A new memristor emulator and its
application in digital modulation,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
Vol. 80, 2014, pp. 577-584
[514] M.T. Abuelma'atti
Z.J. Khalifa, Fully uncoupled independent control of frequency and
condition of oscillation: A caution,
International Journal of
Electronics and Communications (AEU), Vol. 68, 2014, pp. 1037-1040
M.T. Abuelma'atti,
Harmonic and intermodulation performance of grapheme-based analog
electronic circuits, International
Journal of Electronics Letters,
Vol. 3, 2015, pp. 45-57
M.T. Abuelma'atti
N.A. Tassaquq, A new implementation for the
logarithmic/exponential function generator,
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal
Processing, Vol. 83,
2015, pp. 75-84
[517] M.T. Abuelma'atti
Z.J. Khalifa, A continuous-level memristor emulator and its application
in a multivibrator circuit,
International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), Vol.
69, 2015, pp. 771-775
Abuelma'atti and Z.J. Khalifa, A novel operational amplifier-based
square/triangular/sinusoidal oscillator,
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education,
Vol. 52, 2015, pp. 276-283