Prof. Mahmoud M. Dawoud
graduated from Cairo
University with B.Sc.(honours). He obtained the M.Sc. from Assiut
University (Egypt), and the Ph.D. from the University of Sheffield, U.K.
in 1973. He was a senior research fellow at the University of Sheffield.
He joined KFUPM, Dhahran in 1980. He teaches graduate and undergraduate
courses in communications, electromagnetics, circuits and electronics.
Professor Dawoud’s research interests and publications are in the design
of microwave antennas, adaptive arrays, biological effects of
electromagnetic radiation, and digital communications. He has also been
involved in the design and development of EE200 and EE201 online
courses. Prof. Dawoud is a Fellow of the IET (formerly IEE) and a Senior
member of the IEEE.
My Research Interests
Microwave Antennas, Electromagnetic Fields & Waves,
Digital Communications