1. Mischa Zelzer,
David Scurr, Badr Abdullah, Andrew J. Urquhart, Nikolaj Gadegaard, James
W. Bradley and Morgan R. Alexander, ”Influence of the Plasma Sheath on
Plasma Polymer Deposition in Advance of a Mask and down Pores” J. Phys.
Chem. B April 2009, 113, 8487–8494.
2. B.
M. Abdullah, J. S. Smith, W. Lucas, J. Lucas and F. Malek, “Monitoring
of TIG Welding using Laser and Diode Illumination Sources: a Comparison
Study”, IEEE International conference on Electronic Design (ICED2008),
Penang , Malaysia, December 2008.
3. F.
Malek, R. A. Stuart and B. M. Abdullah, “Design and analysis of a
backward wave folded waveguide travelling wave tube”, IEEE International
conference on Electronic Design (ICED2008), Penang , Malaysia, December
4. M.
A. Houghton, W. Lucas and B. M. Abdullah, “A Demonstrator Low Cost Laser
Illuminated Arc Welding Observation System”, 17th International
Conference, Computer Technologies in Welding and Manufacturing, Cranfield, England, June 2008.
5. B
M Abdullah and W Lucas, “Looking into the Pool - A Low Cost Real Time
Vision System for Arc Viewing”, TWI Bulletin, July/August 2007.
6. B
M Abdullah and W Lucas, “Novel, Low-Cost and Unique, a Revolutionary Arc
Viewing System Takes Centre Stage”, Connect Magazine, No.147, pp 1-2,
March/April 2007.
7. W
Lucas and B M Abdullah, “Applications of Weld Monitoring Systems”, 14th
International Conference on the Joining of Materials & The 5th
International Conference on Education in Welding, Helsingør, Denmark, 29th
of April – 2nd of May, 2007.
8. B
M Abdullah, J. S. Smith, W Lucas, J Lucas and M Houghton, “A
Low-Cost Vision System for Real-time Monitoring of Welding
Applications”, 14th International Conference on the Joining
of Materials & The 5th International Conference on Education
in Welding, Helsingør, Denmark, 29th of April – 2nd
of May, 2007.
9. B
M Abdullah, J S Smith and W Lucas, “A Vision System for Monitoring Arc
Welding Processes”, 16th International Conference, “Computer
Technologies in Welding and Manufacturing”, Kiev, Ukraine, June 2006.
10. B
M Abdullah, A Al-Shamma’a and W Lucas, “Vision Systems for Monitoring
and Control of Arc and Laser/Arc Hybrid Processes", Journal of Physics:
Conference Series ISSN: 1742-6588, Vol. 15, 348-353, 2005.
11. B
M Abdullah, A Al-Shamma’a and W Lucas, “Image Processing for Online
Monitoring of Arc Welding Processes”, Institute of Physics Annual
Conference, Sheffield, UK, September 2005.
12. B
M Abdullah, A Al-Shamma’a, W Lucas, J D Cullen and M Houghton, “Vision
Systems for Monitoring and Control of Arc and Laser/Arc Hybrid
Processes”, GERI Annual Research Symposia, Liverpool, UK, June 2005.