EE-400: Communications Networks


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Course Outline

Introduction to Networks

Network Services, Network Topologies, Circuit Switching and Packet Switching.


Computer Networks

Layered Architecture

Concept of Layering, OSI Model.


The Physical Layer

Digital Transmission Fundamentals, Transmission Media, Devices and Components.


The Data Link Layer (DLC)

Error Control, ARQ, Framing.


Medium Access Control Protocols



Packet Switching & the Network Layer

Datagram and Virtual Circuit Switching, Network Layer Functions, Routing Algorithms


ATM and TCP/IP Networks


Telephone Networks

Network Elements, Multiplexing, Switching, Signaling, Traffic Analysis, Cellular Networks


Text Book

Communication Networks

Second Edition, by Leon-Garcia and Widjaja, McGraw Hill.


Communications Networks Lab

A set of experiments are carried out to demonstrate and complement the course material. Network design principles and other influential factors are emphasized throughout the lab work. A network design package (such as Cisco ConfigMaker) is utilized in one experiment to design simple and complex networks. Network Simulators (such as Packet Tracer and Boson Network Simulator) are used to provide real world experience to the students. Many network design architectures (peer-to-peer, client-server, point-to-point) are demonstrated and implemented. Students got the hands-on experience of Routers and Switches configuration, troubleshooting and programming. After carrying out all the experiments, the students are expected to acquire a good hands-on experience in network design, implementation, configuration and troubleshooting. (Lab Manual is available on WebCT)


List of Experiments

Experiment #1

Configuration of TCP/IP Parameters and Troubleshooting Network Connectivity using DOS Networking Utilities.


Experiment #2

IP Addressing and Subnetting: Establishing Elementary Networks using Hubs, Switches and Routers.


Experiment #3

Point to Point Local Communications and Remote Access Service (RAS).


Experiment #4

Data Traffic Capture and Protocols Analysis using Sniffer Tool.


Experiment #5

Design of Simple and Complex Networks using ConfigMaker Tool.


Experiment #6

LAN Extension by Bridges and WAN Connectivity by Routers using HDSL Links.


Experiment #7

Access Methods, Configuration and Monitoring of Layer-2 Switches.


Experiment #8

Configuration of Routers and Establishing Routed Networks.


Experiment #9

KFUPM Data Network: Study of Real-World Networking Equipment and Servers.


Experiment #10

KFUPM Voice Network: Introduction to Voice Switches and Inter-System Links.


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