1. H
Park, AAB Baloch, ET Bentria, SN Rashkeev, FH Alharbi, and FE Mellouhi,
"Oxychalcogenide-Perovskite Solar Cells: A Multiscale Design," Accepted
and to appear in Energy Technology, 2019.
M Hezam, SMH Qaid, IM Bedja, F Alharbi, MK
Nazeeruddin, and A Aldwayyan,"Synthesis of Pure Brookite Nanorods in a
Nonaqueous Growth Environment," Crystals, Vol. 9, # 562, 2019.
H Park, R Mall, FH Alharbi, S Sanvito, N Tabet, H
Bensmail, and FE Mellouhi, "Learn and Match Molecular Cations for
Perovskites," Journal oh Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 123, pp. 7323-7334,
H Rashid, KS Rahman, MI Hossain, AA Nasser, FH
Alharbi, M Akhtaruzzaman, and N Amin, "Physical and electrical
properties of molybdenum thin films grown by DC magnetron sputtering
for photovoltaic application," Results in Physics, Vol. 14, 102515,
F El-Mellouhi, ME Madjet, GR Berdiyorov, ET Bentria,
SN Rashkeev, S Kais, A Akande, C Motta, S Sanvito, and FH Alharbi,
“Enhancing the electronic dimensionality of hybrid organic–inorganic
frameworks by hydrogen bonded molecular cations,” Materials Horizon,
Vol. 6, pp. 1187-1196, 2019.
F El-Mellouhi, SN Rashkeev, A Marzouk, L Kabalan, A
Belaidi, B Merzougui, N Tabet, and FH Alharbi, "Intrinsic Stability
Enhancement and Ionic Migration Reduction by Fluorinated Cations
Incorporated in Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites," Journal of Materials
Chemistry C. Vol. 7, pp. 5299-5306, 2019.
H Park, R Mall, FH Alharbi, S Sanvito, N Tabet, H
Bensmail, and F El Mellouhi "Exploring New Approaches towards the
Formability of Mixed-Ion Perovskite by DFT and Machine Learning,"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 21, pp. 1078-1088, 2019.
F Mumtaz, H Saidaoui, and FH Alharbi, "Efficient
High Order Method for Differential Equations in Unbounded Domains using
Generalized Coordinate Transformation," Journal of Computational
Physics, Vol. 381, pp. 275-289, 2019.
MT Ferdaous, SA Shahahmadi, P Chelvanathan, Md
Akhtaruzzaman, FH Alharbi, K Sopian, SK Tiong, N Amin, "Elucidating the
role of interfacial MoS2 layer in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cells by
numerical analysis," Solar Energy, Vol. 178, pp. 162-172, 2019.
Baloch, FH Alharbi, G Grancini, MI Hossain, MK Nazeeruddin, and
N Tabet, "Analysis of Photocarrier Dynamics at Interfaces in Perovskite
Solar Cells by Time Resolved Photoluminescence," Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, Vol. 122, pp. 26805-26815, 2018.
Farhat, S Guenneau, T Puvirajesinghe, and FH Alharbi, "Frequency
domain transformation optics for diffusive photon density waves’
cloaking," Optics Express, Vol. 26, pp. 24792-24803, 2018.
Hossain, BA Merzougui, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet, "Electrochemical
deposition of bulk MoS2 thin films for photovoltaic applications,"
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 186, pp. 165-174, 2018.
Park, FH Alharbi, S Sanvito, N Tabet, and F El Mellouhi,
“Searching for Photoactive Polymorphs of CsNbQ3 (Q=O,S,Se,Te) with
Enhanced Optical Properties and Intrinsic Thermodynamic Stabilities,”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 122, pp. 8814-8821, 2018.
Legesse, H Park, F El Mellouhi, SN Rashkeev, S Kais, and FH
Alharbi, "Improved Photoactivity of Pyroxene Silicates by Cation
Substitutions," ChemPhysChem, Vol. 19, pp. 943-953, 2018.
Hossain, FH Alharbi, F El-Mellouhi, and Nouar Tabet, "Design
Optimization of Solar Cell with Molybdenum Sulfide as Light Absorber,"
Journal of Photonics for Energy, Vol. 8, #025501, 2018.
Park, FH Alharbi, S Sanvito, N Tabet, and F El-Mellouhi,
"Elucidating the Impact of Chalcogen Content on the Photovoltaic
Properties of Oxychalcogenide Perovkskites NaMO3-xQx (M=Nb,Ta, and
Q=S,Se,Te)," ChemPhysChem, Vol. 19, pp. 703-714, 2018.
Mumtaz and FH Alharbi, "Efficient Mapping of High Order Basis Sets
for Unbounded Domains," Communications in Computational Physics, Vol.
24, pp. 69-85, 2018.
Al-Gaashani, S Radiman, B Aissa, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet,
"Development of Microwave Susceptors Based on SiC Composites and their
Application for a One-Step Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures," Ceramics
International, Vol. 44, pp. 7674-7682, 2018.
Hu, GS Engel, FH Alharbi, and S Kais, "Dark states and
delocalization: competing effects of quantum coherence on the
efficiency of light harvesting systems," Journal of Chemical Physics,
Vol. 148, #064304, 2018.
Baloch, SP Aly, MI Hossain, FE Mellouhi, N Tabet, and FH Alharbi,
"Practical Efficiency Limit of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite
(CH3NH3PbI3) Solar Cells,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,
Vol. 9, pp. 426-434, 2018.
Farhat, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, "Effect of Time-Delayed Feedback
on the Interaction of a Dimer System with its Environment," Scientific
Reports, Vol. 7, # 15468, 2017.
Farhat, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, "Plasmonically Enhanced Schottky
Photovoltaic Devices," Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, #14253, 2017.
Baloch, SP Aly, MI Hossain, FE Mellouhi, N Tabet, and FH Alharbi,
"Full Space Device Optimization for Solar Cells," Scientific Reports,
Vol. 7, #11984, 2017.
Madjet, GR Berdiyorov, FE Mellouhi, FH Alharbi, AV Akimov, and S
Kais, "Cation Effect on Hot Carrier Cooling in Halide Perovskite
Materials," The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 8, pp.
4439-4445, 2017.
Chelvanathan, SA Shahahmadi, F Arith, K Sobayel, M Aktharuzzaman,
K Sopian, FH Alharbi, N Tabet, and N Amin, "Effects of RF magnetron
sputtering deposition process parameters on the properties of
molybdenum thin films," Thin Solid Films, Vol. 638, pp. 213-219, 2017.
Hossain, A Bousselham, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet, "Computational
Analysis of Temperature Effects on Solar Cells Efficiencies," Journal
of Computational Electronics, Vol. 16, pp. 776-786, 2017.
Mellouhi, A Akande, C Motta, SN Rashkeev, G Berdiyorov, ME
Madjet, A Marzouk, ET Bentria, S Sanvito, S Kais, and FH Alharbi,
"Solar cells materials by design: Hybrid pyroxene corner-sharing VO4
tetrahedral chains", ChemSusChem, Vol. 10, pp. 1931-1942, 2017.
Alharbi and S Kais, “Kinetic energy density for orbital-free
density functional calculations by axiomatic approach,” International
Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 117, #e25373, 2017.
Hossain, R Al-Gaashani, H Hamoudi, MJF Al Marri, IA Hussein, A
Belaidi, BA Merzougui, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet, "Controlled Growth of
Cu2O Thin Films by Electrodeposition Approach," Materials Science in
Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 63, pp. 203-211, 2017.
Legesse, F El Mellouhi, ET Bentria, ME Madjet, TS Fisher, S Kais,
and FH Alharbi, "Reduced work function of graphene by metal adatoms,"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 394, pp. 98-107, 2017.
Zhang, A Wirthwein, FH Alharbi, GS Engel, and S Kais, "Dark States
Enhance the Photocell Power via Phononic Dissipations," Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 18, pp. 31845-31849, 2016.
El-Mellouhi, ET Bentria, A Marzouk, SN Rashkeev, S Kais, and FH
Alharbi, "Hydrogen Bonding: A Mechanism for Tuning Electronic and
Optical Properties of Hybrid Organic – Inorganic Frameworks," NPJ
Computational Materials, Vol. 2, #16035, 2016.
El-Mellouhi, A Marzouk, ET Bentria, SN Rashkeev, S Kais, and FH
Alharbi, "Hydrogen Bonding and Stability of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic
Perovskites," ChemSusChem, Vol. 9, pp. 2648-2655, 2016.
El-Mellouhi, ET Bentria, SN Rashkeev, S Kais, and FH Alharbi,
"Enhancing Intrinsic Stability of Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cell by
Strong, yet Balanced, Electronic Coupling,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 6,
#30305, 2016.
Lüthi, S Heinen, G Schneider, A Glöss, MP Brändle, RA King, EP
Knapp, F Alharbi, S Kais, "The quantum chemical search for novel
materials and the issue of data processing: The InfoMol project,"
Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 15, pp. 65-73, 2016.
Sergeev, R Jovanovic, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, "On the divergence
of gradient expansions for kinetic energy functionals in the potential
functional theory," Journal of Physics A, Vol. 49, 285202, 2016.
Jovanovic, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, "Cuckoo Search Inspired
Hybridization of the Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm Applied to
Optimization of Multi-Junction and Split-Spectrum Solar Cells," Applied
Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 961-973, 2016.
Berdiyorov, F El-Mellouhi, M El-Amine Madjet, FH Alharbi, FM
Peeters, S Kais, "Effect of halide-mixing on the electronic
transmission in organometallic perovskites," Solar Energy Materials and
Solar Cells, Vol. 148, pp. 2-10, 2016.
Berdiyorov, F. El-Mellouhi, M.E. Madjet, F.H. Alharbi, and S.N.
Rashkeev, “Electronic transport in organometallic perovskite
CH3NH3PbI3: the role of organic cation orientations,” Applied Physics
Letters, Vol. 108, #053901, 2016.
Qaid, MS Al Sobaie, MA Majeed Khan, IM Bedja, FH Alharbi, MK
Nazeeruddin, AS Aldwayyan, “Band-gap tuning of lead halide perovskite
using a single step spin-coating deposition process," Materials
Letters, Vol. 164, pp. 498-501, 2016.
Alharbi, S Rashkeev, F El-Mellouhi, HP Luthi, N tabet, and S
Kais, “An Efficient Descriptor Model for Designing Materials for Solar
Cells,” NPJ Computational Materials, Vol. 1, #15003, 2015.
Alharbi and S Kais “Theoretical Limits of Photovoltaics
Efficiency and Possible Improvements by Intuitive Approaches Learned
from Photosynthesis and Quantum Coherence,” Renewable & Sustainable
Energy Reviews, Vol. 43, pp. 1073-1089, 2015.
Sergeev, R Jovanovic, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, "Correction to
kinetic energy density using exactly solvable model," Physica Scripta,
Vol. 90, # 125401, 2015.
Hossain, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet, "Copper Oxide as Inorganic Hole
Transport Material for Lead Halide Perovskite Based Solar Cells of
Enhanced Performance," Solar Energy, Vol. 120, pp. 370-380, 2015.
Rashkeev, F El Mellouhi, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, “Domain Walls
Conductivity in Hybrid Organometallic Perovskites and Their Essential
Role in CH3NH3PbI3 Solar Cell High Performance,” Scientific Reports,
Vol. 5, # 11467, 2015.
Motta, Fedwa El Mellouhi, Sabre Kais, Nouar Tabet, FH Alharbi,
and Stefano Sanvito, "Revealing the role of organic cations in hybrid
halide perovskites CH3NH3PbI3,” Nature Communications, Vol. 6, #7026,
Zhang, S Oh, FH Alharbi, G Engel, and S kais, "Delocalized Quantum
States Enhance Photocell Efficiency," Physical Chemistry Chemical
Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 5743-5750, 2015.
Drmosh, MK Hossain, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet, "Morphological,
Structural and Optical Properties of Silver Treated Zinc Oxide Thin
Film,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 26,
pp. 139-148, 2015.
Jovanovic, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, "Spectral Method for Solving
the Non-Linear Thomas-Fermi Equation Based on Exponential Functions,”
Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2014, 168568, 2014.
Rashid, KS Rahman, MI Hossain, FH Alharbi, N Tabet, N Amin,
"Prospects of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as an alternative absorber
layer material in thin film solar cells from numerical modeling,"
Chalcogenide Letters, Vol. 11, 397-403, 2014.
Nazarov, FH Alharbi, TS Fisher, and S Kais, "Time-dependent
density functional theory of coupled electronic lattice motion in
quasi-two-dimensional crystals," Physical Review B, Vol. 89, 195423,
Drmosh, MK Hossain, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet, "Silver
Nanoparticles on Zinc Oxide: An Approach to Plasmonic PV solar cell,"
Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 938, pp. 280-285, 2014.
Hossain, A Bousselham, and FH Alharbi, "Optical concentration
effects on conversion efficiency of a split-spectrum solar cell
system," Journal of Physics D, Vol. 47, 075101, 2014.
Jovanovic, S Kais, and FH Alharbi, "Efficient method for localized
functions using domain transformation and Fourier sine series,"
Molecular Physics, Vol. 112, pp. 762-769, 2014.
Serra, MA Carignano, FH Alharbi, and Sabre Kais, “Quantum
Confinement and Negative Heat Capacity,” Europhysics Letters, Vol. 104,
16004, 2013.
Alfihed, M Hossain, A Alharbi, A Alyamani, and FH Alharbi "PLD
Grown Polycrystalline Tungsten Disulphide (WS2) Films for
Photovoltaics,” Journal of Materials, Vol. 2013, Art. 603648, 2013.
Hossain and FH Alharbi "Recent Advances in Alternative Materials
Photovoltaics," Materials Technology, Vol. 28, No. 1&2, pp. 88-97,
2013. (Published also by the publisher in Energy Materials: Materials
Science and Engineering for Energy Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 88-97).
Alharbi and S Kais “Quantum criticality analysis by finite size
scaling and exponential basis sets,” Physical Review E, Vol. 87, No. 4,
Art. 043308, 2013.
Kawwam, FH Alharbi, T Kayed, A Aldwayyan, A Alyamani, N Tabet, and
K Lebbou "Characterization of CuO(111)/MgO(100) films grown under two
different PLD backgrounds," Applied Surface Science, Vol. 276, pp.
7-12, 2013.
Alharbi “Full-vectorial meshfree spectral method for optical
waveguides analysis,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, Art.
6600315, 2013.
Alharbi “Carrier multiplication applicability for photovoltaics;
a critical analysis,” Journal of Physics D, Vol. 46, Art. 125102, 2013.
Kawwam, F Alharbi, A Aldwayyan, K Lebbou, "Morphological Study of
PLD Grown CuO Films on SrTiO3, Sapphire, Quartz, and MgO Substrates,"
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 258, No. 24, pp. 9949-9953, 2012.
Alharbi “Minimal perturbation approach implementation in spectral
methods,” Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 1309-1314,
Bass, X Ai, A Bagabas, PM Rice, T Topuria, JC Scott, F Alharbi,
H-C Kim, RD Miller, and Q Song “An Efficient and Low-cost Method for
the Purification of Colloidal Nanocrystals,” Angewandte Chemie, Vol.
50, No. 29, pp. 6538-6542, 2011.
Bass, CD Schaper, CT Rettner, N Arellano, F Alharbi, RD Miller,
and H-C Kim "Transfer Molding of Nanoscale Oxides using Water-Soluble
Templates," ACS Nano, Vol. 5, pp. 4065-4072, 2011.
Alharbi, JD Bass, A Salhi, and A Alyamani, H-C Kim, and RD Miller
"Abundant non-toxic materials for thin film solar cells: Alternative to
conventional materials,” Renewable Energy, Vol. 36, pp. 2753-2758, 2011.
Alharbi “Predefined Exponential Basis Set for Half-Bounded Multi
Domain Spectral Method,” Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, pp. 146-152, 2010.
Song Q, X Ai, T Topuria, PM Rice, F Alharbi, A Bagabas, M
Bahattab, JD Bass, H-C Kim, JC Scott, RD Miller, "Microwave-assisted
synthesis of monodispersed CdTe nanocrystals," Chemical Communications,
Vol. 46, pp. 4971-4973, 2010.
Alharbi “Meshfree Eigenstate Calculation of Arbitrary Quantum Well
Structures,” Physics Letters A, Vol. 374, No. 25, pp. 2501-2505, 2010.
Alharbi “Comparative Analysis of Spectral Methods in Half-Bounded
Domains; Implementation of Predefined Exponential and Laguerre Basis
Sets to Study Planar Dielectric and Plasmonic Waveguides,” Optical
& Quantum Electronics, Vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 751-760, 2009.
Alharbi and JC Scott, “Multi-domain spectral method for modal
analysis of optical waveguide,” Optical & Quantum Electronics, Vol.
41, No. 8, pp. 583-597, 2009.
Alharbi “An Explicit FDM Method Calculation of Nonparabolicity
Effects in Energy States of Multiple Quantum Wells,” Optical &
Quantum Electronics, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 551-559, 2008.
Alharbi and FS Barnes "Carriers' Spatial Separation Nonlinearity
in Quantum Wells," Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 52, No. 16, pp.
2279-2292, 10 Nov. 2005.
F El-Mellouhi, F Alharbi, C Motta, S Rashkeev, S
Sanvito, and S Kais, "Toward the Computational design of Pb-free and
stable hybrid materials for solar cells," in Theoretical Modeling of
Mixed Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications Ed. G
Giorgi and K Yamashita, CRC Press, pp. 135-164, 2017.
AAB Baloch, SP Aly, MI Hossain, R Jovanovic, N
Tabet, and FH Alharbi, "Enhanced Perovskite Solar Cell Performance
Using Full Space Device Optimization," in IEEE PVSC, Washington DC,
USA, 25-30 June 2017, pp. 963-965, 2017.
FH Alharbi, P Serra, MA Carignano, and S Kais, "
Optoelectronics Properties Tunability by Controlled Deformation,"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 707, #012010, 2016.
F El-Mellouhi, F Alharbi, C Motta, S Rashkeev, S
Sanvito, and S Kais, "Toward the Computational design of Pb-free and
stable hybrid materials for solar cells," in Theoretical Modeling of
Mixed Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications Ed. G
Giorgi and K Yamashita, CRC Press, pp. 135-164, 2017.
A Sergeev, FH Alharbi, R Jovanovic, and S Kais,
"Convergent sum of gradient expansion of the kinetic-energy density
functional up to the sixth order term using Pade approximant," Journal
of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 707, #012011, 2016.
MI Hossain, FH Alharbi, and N Tabet, "Numerical
Analysis of Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells Using Inorganic Hole
Conducting Material," in the Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic
Specialists Conference, New Orleans, June 14-19, 2015.
FH Alharbi, MI Hossain, and N Tabet,"Perovskite
based solar cells: a milestone towards cheaper PV technology," The
proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Environment-Friendly
Energies and Applications (EFEA 2014), Paris, France, 19-21 November
MI Hossain, A Bousselham, and FH Alharbi, "Numerical
analysis of the temperature effects on single junction solar cells
efficiencies," in Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists
Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, June 16-21, pp. 779-781, 2013.
MI Hossain, A Bousselham, and FH Alharbi, "Numerical
analysis of the optical concentration effects on split-spectrum solar
cell system," in Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists
Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, June 16-21, pp. 1017-1020, 2013.
Alharbi, QA Drmosh, and N Tabet, "Metallic Quantum Dots as
Sensitizers for Solar Cells," in Proceedings of the 39th IEEE
Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, June 16-21, pp.
993-996, 2013.
Alfihed, M Hossain, A Alharbi, A Alyamani, and FH Alharbi "Low
temperature PLD growth of a polycrystalline WS2 for photovoltaics," in
the Proceedings of the 22nd Photovoltaics Science and Engineering
Conference, China, 5-9 Nov., pp. 3-O-39, 2012.
Alharbi and JC Scott, "Mesh-free Spectral Method Analysis of
Optical Waveguides and Wave Propagation," in IEEE Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic
Devices, NUSOD09, Gwangju, Korea, Sept. 14 - 18, 2009, pp.107-108.
Alharbi “Predefined exponential basis set for half-bounded multi
domain spectral method,” in IEEE Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD09,
Gwangju, Korea, Sept. 14 - 18, 2009, pp.77-78.