Discussion Board Instructions |
Discussion BoardInstructions
The web site you have to access to complete your discussion activities will be www.nicenet.org [new window]. Below is a class's key that allows you to gain access to the class, please copy this key so you can paste it in the appropriate field on the Nicenet website. 1. Go to the following website: www.nicenet.org [new window] 2. Look at the the top right and click on join a class link. 3. Join the class with the following class key: W78Z4ZQ49 4. After you have logged into the Nicenet site, scroll down to the bottom of the page and read 'week at a glance' Once you have created a username/password, you will no longer need the class key, all you will need is your username/password for future logins. Please go ahead and enter the class key so you can create your user profile. It's quite easy, however, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. The conferencing link in the Nicenet website is virtually the only link you need to concern yourself's with, as the only purpose of Nicenet is to give us a space to discuss things online. All other information will be contained in the LSVC. I suggest you read the discussion activities from the LSVC, but answer the discussion activities in a separate window in the Nicenet site. IMPORTANT: Nicenet is ONLY for discussion activities, i.e. it does not contain all of the assessment materials of this course. Be sure to complete all assessment material in the LSVC. Please note: the Nicenet site contains rules and conditions in the 'conferencing link'. You should be well aware of these rules and conditions as I gave you an equivalent copy to be signed by you and your parents. It also includes your learning contract. I look forward to receiving those letters next week. Below is the exact rules and conditions you need to reply to in the Nicenet site, remember you have to post an 'I (name) understand.....' message to the rules and conditions and learning contract conferencing link: RULES AND CONDITIONS FOR LEGAL STUDIES VIRTUAL CLASSROOM AND ON-LINE FORUM AGREEMENT FOR LSVC AND DISCUSSION ACTIVITIES I understand the following rules and conditions and agree to adhere to them: When participating in this forum, under no circumstances am I to post irrelevant information to what I am studying in Legal Studies. I will keep my postings relevant to the topic that is being discussed, and will not go off into irrelevant tangents. I will not at any time post information that contains offensive language or content in any section of this forum. I understand that strong disciplinary (and perhaps legal) measures will be taken if I am caught posting offensive or illegal content. playing internet games, downloading of music, video, zip and program files is prohibited. (If there is a need for the downloading of files it will need to be approved by management and performed by the IT Department). LEARNING CONTRACT FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF TASK 1 AND TASK 2 I understand the following agreement if I am to successfully complete this course: Students must complete the orientation tasks, before moving on to the modules in Task 1. In Task 1, Students must complete each module before moving on to the next, i.e. finish Module 1, before attempting Module 2, and so on. Students must have attepmted all assessment activities in Task 1 and use each finished activity to start working on Task 2 well before it is due, i.e. Task 2 is a work in progress so you are not meant to leave it to the last minute. |