Recent Research
Journal Papers:
H.M. Alshuwaikhat and I. Abubakar. An integrated approach to achieving campus sustainability: Assessment of the current campus environmental management practices Reference: JCLP1732 Journal title: Journal of Cleaner Production
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H.M. Alshuwaikhat and I. Abubakar, Towards a sustainable urban environmental management approach (SUEMA), incorporating environmental management with strategic environmental assessment, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 50 (2) (2007), pp. 257–270.
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Conference Papers:
Habib Alshuwaikhat.
Implementation of Strategic Environmental Assessment to
Achieve Sustainable Urban Development. Bahrain Urban Development
January 2008.
and Planning Study for Youth Problems and Needs in Yanbu Industrial
Evaluation of Environmental and Safety Management Systems of Five
Factories in Dammam Industrial City 1, Manager & Principal
Investigator, Expected March 2014.
Alshuwaikhat, H., "Physical Form and Cultural Aspects of the Islamic City" Review 88, Volume 4 (1988), College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, pp. 66-73
Alshuwaikhat, H., "A Dynamic Model of Urban Spatial Structure: Factors Influencing the Structure of the Arabian Gulf Cities," Journal of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies Kuwait University, Vol. 17, No. 65, April 1992, pp.69-89.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and S. Alkhars, "Residential Relocation in a Transitional Urban Environment," Habitat International, Vol. 17, No.3 (1993), pp.137-147.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and K. Nassef, II Appropriateness of Traditional Neighborhood Concept for Planning Contemporary Neighborhood Units," GeoJournal, Vol. 31, No.4 (December 1993), pp. 393-400.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and K. Nassef, "A GIS-Based Spatial Decision support system for Suitability Assessment and Land Use Allocation," AJSE, Vol. 21, No. 4A (October 1996), pp. 525-543.
Shukri, I., Alshuwaikhat, H., and S. Garba, "City Size Distribution in the Saudi Arabian System," International Planning studies,Vol.I, No.2, 1996, pp. 185-198.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and M. Aleem, "Socioeconomic Impacts of Urban Life on south Asian Rural Expatriates Working in Saudi Arabia," Asian Studies XIV (2), 1996, pp. 1-19.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and S. Garba, "Urabnism and Crime: A
Cross-National/Cross Cultural Study" Cross-Cultural Research Vol.31
(3), 1997, pp. 226-248.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "Planning the 21st Century Urban Neighborhood: Learning From Previous Neighborhood Concepts" Architecture and Planning Journal, King Saud University, Vol II, 1999, pp. 13-29.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Danjuma Nkwenti " Developing Sustainable Cities in Arid Regions" Cities, Volume 19, No. 2, pp 85-94, 2002. PDF
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Danjuma Nkwenti " Visualization Decision making: Perspectives on Collaborative and Participative Approach to Sustainable Urban Planning and Management" Environment and Planning B - Planning and Design, Vol. 29, pp 513-531, 2002.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Danjuma Nkwenti " Collaborative Planning and Management Frameworks: Approaches to Effective Urban Governance by Adoption of Emerging Technologies" International Journal of Management, Vol. 20, No.3, pp 294-305, September 2003.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Y. Aina "Sustainable Cities: Implementation of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Saudi Arabian Municipalities," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp 303-311, March 2004.*
Nkwenti Danjuma and Alshuwaikhat, H. "GIS, Sustainability and Emerging Theories: Towards Pragmatism and Collaboration in Redressing Urban Challenges," European Spatial Research and Policy, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.57-69, 2004.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "Strategic environmental assessment can help solve environmental impact assessment the failures in developing countries ," Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol. 25, pp. 307-317, 2005. PDF
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Y. Aina "Sustainable Planning: The need for strategic environmental assessment-based municipal planning in Saudi Arabia," Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (JEAPM), Vo. 17, No.3, pp.387-405, 2005.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Y. Aina "GIS-based urban sustainability assessment: The case of Dammam City, Saudi Arabia" Accepted and will appear in Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 2, April 2006.*
Alshuwaikhat, H., Y. Aina and S. Rahman "Integration of Urban Growth Management and Strategic Environmental Assessment to ensure Sustainable Urban Development" International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-11, 2006.
Salama, A. and Alshuwaikhat, H. "A Trans-disciplinary Approach for a Comprehensive Understanding of Sustainable Affordable Housing," Global Built Environment Review (GBER), Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 35-50, 2006.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "Developing Spatial Planning Guidance for Achieving Sustainable Urban Development," Accepted and to appear in Global Built Environment Review (GBER), Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 51-66, 2006.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and I. Abubaker " Towards a Sustainable Urban Environmental Management Approach (SUEMA): Incorporating Environmental Management with Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)" Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 257-270, March 2007.*
Alshuwaikhat, H., Y. Aina and S. Rahman " The rationale for SEA to overcome inadequacy of environmental assessment in Bangladesh," The Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 227-246, June 2007.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Zaki Ahmed Qureshi, "Economically Benign Environmental Sensitivity: Development of a Framework," Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Impact Assessment IAIA'00 " Back to the Future: Where will Impact Assessment Be in 10 Years," Hong Kong, June 19-23, 2000 (CD publication in Session 1.8,11 pages).
Alshuwaikhat, H. "The Role of Urban Planners in Planning Healthy Cities: The Road to Sustainable Development,' Invited Speaker, Proceeding of The Workshop on Environmental Health Impact Assessment, Ministry of Health, Occupational Health Department, State of Kuwait, April 13-16, 2002.
Alshuwaikhat, H. " Sustainable Cities in Arid Regions: A Planning Approach," Presented at The Desert Knowledge Symposium: Sustainable Architecture and Planning Theme, Alice Springs, Australia, August 27-30, 2002.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "The Practice of Urban Planning Departments of Public and Private Offices in Saudi Arabia. " Presented at the Symposium & Exhibition of Environmental Design, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, February 24, 1992.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and S. Alkhars "Residential Relocation in a Transitional Urban Environment." Presented by Alshuwaikhat, H. at The 5th International Conference on Housing, Montreal, Canada, July 8, 1992.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "Approaches to Urban Geography: An alternative Approach." The Fourth Geographical Symposium, Umm AI-Qura University, Makkah, December 24-26, 1992.
Shukri, I. and H. Alshuwaikhat, "Academic Urban Planning Programs and their Roles in Development Plans," Symposium on Urban Planning and its Role in Development Plans, October 25-28, 1993, Cairo, Egypt.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and K. Nassef "Appropriateness of Traditional Neighborhood Concept for Planning Contemporary Neighborhood Units – the Case of Developing Countries." Presented by Alshuwaikhat, H. at the New Frontiers in Housing and Planning -Habitat 94, International Federation for Housing and Planning, Edmonton, Canada, September 19, 1994.
Alshuwaikhat, H., A. AI-Nasser, and F. AI-Said, "A Scientific Approach to Identify The Characteristics of The Gulf Architectural Heritage," Symposium on Preserving the Heritage of Gulf Architecture, Doha, Qatar, October 1-3, 1994, pp. 171-179.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "The Role of Urban Planners in Healthy Cities Projects," Conference on Healthy Cities in Cities of the Arab Gulf States, Dubai , United Arab Emirates, November 26-28, 1994.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "The Concept of Healthy City Projects in Environmental Planning," Symposium on Environmental Rehabilitation, Kuwait, 8-10 April, 1996.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "EIA and Land Use Planning: Introducing Strategic Environmental Assessment in Developing Countries," IAIA'99 Conference, Glasgow, 15-19 June, 1999.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and A. Zaki "Economically Benign Environmental Sensitivity: Development of a Framework," Proceedings of the IAIA'00: Back to the Future Conference, Hong Kong, 19-23 June 2000 (CD publication in Session 1.8,11 pages).
Alshuwaikhat, H. “Urban Planning Academic Programs and Their Role in Implementing Development Plans,” Proceeding of the Symposium on the Development of Engineering and Environmental Design Education, King Adbulaziz University, Jeddah, 12-14 February, 2001, pp. 433-444.
Alshuwaikhat, H. “The Practice of City & Regional Planning Profession in Urban Planning Departments of Amanat, Agencies and Consulting and Engineering Offices,” Proceeding of the Gulf Engineers and the Future, Fifth Gulf Engineering Meeting, Muscat, Oman, 18-20 February, 2001, pp. 40-51.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and N. Al-Hussain “Sustainable Indicators in Master Plans: Towards Sustainable Cities in Saudi Arabia – The Case of Jubail Industrial City” Proceedings of the First Meeting on Performance in Municipalities, Amant Al-Riyadh, MOMRA, October 2001, pp.1-37.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "The Role of Urban Planners in Planning Healthy Cities: The Road to Sustainable Development,' Invited Speaker, Proceeding of The Workshop on Environmental Health Impact Assessment, Ministry of Health, Occupational Health Department, State of Kuwait, April 13-16, 2002.
Alshuwaikhat, H. " Sustainable Cities in Arid Regions: A Planning Approach," Presented at The Desert Knowledge Symposium: Sustainable Architecture and Planning Theme, Alice Springs, Australia, August 27-30, 2002.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Y. Aina "Spatial Planning Guidance for Achieving Sustainable Urban Development," Presented at IAIA'04 Conference: Impact Assessment for Industrial Development, Vancouver, Canada, April 26-29, 2004, 8 pages.
Alshuwaikhat, H. " Strategic Environmental Assessment in Developing Countries: A Tool to Achieve Sustainable Development," Presented at The Thematic Conference of IAIA: International Experiences in SEA, Prague, Czech Republic Session A2: Legal and Policy Frameworks for SEA in Asia, September 26-30, 2005.
Alshuwaikhat, H. " Urban Planning and Municipal Councils: Towards Sustainable Cities," Key Note Speaker – Proceedings of First Municipal Council Action: Towards Better Partnership, Bahrain, March 26-26, 2006.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and M. AI-Otaibi "100 Saudi Cities compared" A
statistical analysis of data prepared on 100 Saudi cities, January,
Alshuwaikhat, H. and S. Al-Mubaiyedh "The Demographic Structure of
the Population of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Next Two
Decades," A Research Proposal submitted to The Research Institute,
KFUPM, January, 1993.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "Compliance of Saudi Aramco Environmental Conservation Policy, Programs, Standards and Procedures with The Draft Document of the General Regulations for the Environment in The Kingdom" Submitted to Environmental Affairs Division, Saudi Aramco, September, 1997.
Alshuwaikhat, H. and Syed Abdul Haleem 'The Development Impact Assessment of Al-Buhairat City,” Jeddah, submitted to Al-Afandi Establishment for Trade, January 1997.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "Analysis of Potential Impact of the Proposed EIA for the Kingdom on Saudi Aramco Project Environmental Assessment" Submitted to Environmental Affairs Division, Saudi Aramco, September, 1997.
Amir, A., H. Alshuwaikhat (Team Member & Sustainability Task Leader) and Nekwenti, D. (Editors), "Jabal Omar Design Competition," A Project Report, submitted to Makkah Construction and Development Company, September 2000.
KFUPM-RI Project (Alshuwaikhat is a Team Member) National Comprehensive Training Plan for Saudi Arabia, submitted to Manpower Council, 2001.
KFUPM- Research Institute (RI) Project (Alshuwaikhat is a Task Leader) Conceptual Estimates of Environmental Impacts of Existing and New Arabia-Bahrain Pipelines Routing, submitted to Saudi Aramco, January 2002.”
H. Alshuwaikhat. "Instructor Evaluation of Students' Behavior and Motivation," A Report on Summer Assignment, submitted to Academic Committee KFUPM, August 2003.
Alshuwaikhat, H. (Project Manager and Principal Investigator) and Y. Aina Strategic Environmental Assessment: Towards Planning Sustainable Cities in SA, Final Report ARI019, submitted to KFUPM -RI, January 2004.
KFUPM-RI Project (Alshuwaikhat is Project Manager and Principal Investigator) The Comprehensive Development Plan for The Golden Belt Village, RI# CEMS2215, submitted to Golden Belt Village, February 2004.
Al-Mubaiyedh S and H. Alshuwaikhat. "KFUPM GIS-based Base Map I," A Report on Summer Assignment, submitted to KFUPM, July 2004.
KFUPM Project (Alshuwaikhat is Team Member) KFUPM Strategic Plan, submitted to KFUPM, June 2005.
Aldosary, A., A. Salama, B. Hamdan, H. Alshuwaikhat, M. Al-Mutlaq, and O. Baziad "Construction of New Housing for Families, Bachelor Staff and Laborers ," Ad hoc Committee Report submitted to The Campus Planning and Development Committee, KFUPM, July, 2005.
Aldosary, A., H. Alshuwaikhat, B. Al-Ramadan, and A. Al-Naser. "KFUPM GIS-based Base Map II," A Report on Summer Assignment, submitted to KFUPM, August 2005.
Aldosary, A. and Alshuwaikhat, H. Design and Develop a Preference Assessment Test for Tourism, submitted to The Supreme Council for Tourism, August 2005.
Aldosary, A. and Alshuwaikhat, H. The National Plan for the localization of the Recreation and Attraction Sector in Saudi Arabia, submitted to The Supreme Council for Tourism, March 2006.
Al-dosary, A., Alshuwaikhat, H., S. Imran and M. Raziudeen "Determining Affordable Housing Stocks in Administrative Areas in Saudi Arabia," submitted to Al-Saedan Chair on Affordable Housing. June 2006.
H. Alshuwaikhat "Feasibility of Developing a GIS-based Environmental Management System for KFUPM: Towards Sustainable Campus," A Report on Summer Assignment, submitted to Technical Affairs, KFUPM, July 2006.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "The Interrelationship Between Town Center and the Socio-cultural Aspects of Cities," The INT A Seminar on New Directions for Large Scale Development Projects, Morocco, May 11, 1993.
Alshuwaikhat, H. "The Concept of Sustainable Urban Development: A Planning Approach" The INTA Seminar on Cities in Critical Environments, Morocco, November 2000.
Seminar on "The Physical and Cultural Aspects of The Islamic City", KFUPM, March 6, 1989.
Seminar on "AL-Umran Saudi Association –Its Role in the Architecture and Planning Professions," KFUPM, March 12, 1990.
Bookwriting Proposal Presentation" A Technical Reference of Urban Planning Terms," KFUPM, June 27, 1992.
Environmental Designers and the Utilization of Behavioral Research. Presented at the Annual Exhibition on Facilities Management: Building Design and Performance Public and Private Sectors. King Abdulaziz University, June 14, 1994.