Dr. Mohammed Houssaini Sqalli
Sponsored Research
Mohammed H.
Sqalli, Zubair Baig, Marwan Abu-Amara, and Adel Ahmed "Modeling
and Mitigation of Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) Attacks
in Cloud Computing",
Research sponsored by King AbdulAziz City for Science & Technology (KACST)
under the 4th Cycle of the National Science, Technology &
Innovation Plan (NSTIP), Grant No. 11-INF1609-04. March 2012-
February 2014.
Security Project Web Site) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mskg1CN2do) |
Mohammed H.
Sqalli, Khaled Salah, Marwan Abu-Amara, Zubair Baig, Farag Azzedin,
Talal AlKharobi, and Hakim Adiche, “Saudi
Honeynet Project”,
Research sponsored by King AbdulAziz City for Science & Technology (KACST) under
the First Five Year National Science, Technology, & Innovation Plan
(NSTIP), Grant No.
08-INF101-4. September 2009- August 2011.
Honeynet Project Web Site) |
Marwan Abu-Amara,
Ashraf Mahmoud, Farag Azzedin, Mohammed H.
Sqalli, “Internet Access Denial by
International Internet Service Providers: Analysis and Counter Measures”,
Research sponsored by King AbdulAziz City for Science & Technology (KACST) under
the First Five Year National Science, Technology, & Innovation Plan (NSTIP),
Grant No.
08-INF97-4. September 2009- August 2011. |
Khaled Salah
and Mohammed H.
Sqalli, “Intelligent Firewall DoS
Attacks and Countermeasures”,
Research sponsored by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals under
Internal Grant No. ICS/Firewall/361. June 2007- May 2010. |
Mohammed H.
Sqalli and Sadiq M.Sait, “Engineering
Modern Iterative Heuristics to Solve the OSPF Weight SettingProblem”,
Research sponsored by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals under
Fast Track Grant No. SF-2006-26. September 2006- February 2008. |
Mohammed H.
Sqalli, “A
Framework for Integration of Web-based Network Management and Management
by Delegation”,
Research sponsored by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals under
Fast Track Grant No. FT/2004-20. September 2004- April 2006. |
ICT Market Study, Team Member, (January 2012 – Present),
Communications & Information Technology Commission (CITC), Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia.Design
and conduct a market survey to analyze the state of market
development within the Saudi Arabian ICT ecosystem for three
consecutive years: 2013, 2014, and 2015. |
E-Transformation Unit (ETU) Head at ITC, KFUPM, (September 2011 –
May 2013),
I am also the KFUPM E-Government Program Coordinator. I was
responsible for preparing the KFUPM e-transformation strategy as
part of the KFUPM 2nd strategic plan 2011-2020. My
involvement with ITC also included consultancy on network and
security projects. |
Study belief/behavioral cybercrimes in KSA, Team Member,
(January-December 2012),
Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Building mechanisms and providing recommendations for investigating,
monitoring, detecting, and prosecuting belief and behavioral
Cybercrimes. |
E-Transformation Measurement, Team Member, (September 2011 - April
Yesser eGovernment Program, Ministry of Communications and IT,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
I was responsible for the data validation of reporting and for
providing feedback on the final report in the 4th
E-Transformation Measurement for Government Agencies. I was also the
visiting team leader responsible for evaluating the questionnaires
filled by five and four government agencies as part of the 4th
and 3rd E-Transformation Measurements of the e-government
Yesser project, respectively. |
Migration to IPv6 Workshop in 2010, Project Manager, (March 2010),
Saudi Telecom Company (STC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The workshop was held on March 23‐24, 2010 at the STC premises in
Riyadh. The contents of the workshop included a review and
assessment of the existing IPv4 technology and its limitation, IPv6
basics, IPv4‐to‐IPv6 migration techniques, IPv6 interoperability
issues related to legacy equipment and applications, Quality of
Service, and IPv6 Security concerns. The workshop was attended by 30
to 40 participants per day from STC, Riyadh. |
Next Generation Networks (NGN), Team Member, (2008),
Saudi Telecom Company (STC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. |
Project, Team Member, (2007-2008),
Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. |
Data Network Infrastructure and Management, Team Member, (2003),
Saudi Telecom Company (STC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. |