COE 587 Performance Evaluation & Analysis
CSE 642 Computer System Performance
Spring 2011 Semester (102)
Click here for course syllabus.
The textbook's slides can be found at the following link:
Students are responsible for the material in the book and that in the handouts. The class notes are just "notes"; they may not cover all required material. The book is the reference for the required material. Be advised that the notes below are subject to change.
- A tool for probability distributions and quantiles
- Area under the unit normal distribution: Table A.1
- Tables for calculating normal quantiles: Table A.2 and Table A.3. For t-variate quantiles: Table A.4.
Assignment #1: March 12th, 2011 - Due March 29th in class. Matlab code for PCA (example 6_1), highlight.m. - solution key.
Assignment #2: March 27th, 2011 - Due April 5th in class. solution key.
Assignment #3: April 27th, 2011 - Due May 15th in class. solution key.
Basic information:
More detailed material at:
The MathWorks website - The makers of Matlab
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