King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

College Of Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Engineering Department


COE 308: Computer Architecture

Term - 052

Final Grades Posted Below


Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - MIPS Instructions
Lecture 3 - Performance
Lecture 4 - Computer Arithmetic
Lecture 6 - Multiplication & Division
Lecture 7 - Floating Point Arithmetic
Lecture 8 - RISC Architectures
Lecture 9 - Datapath Design
Lecture 10 - Pipelined Datapath
Lecture 11 - Memory Hierarchy
Lecture 12 - Cache Memory Organization
Lecture 13 - Virtual Memory


Posted on

Due Date Solution
Assignment 1 - Performance


Saturday 3/11/2006

Solution 1

Assignment 2 - Arithmetic and FP


Saturday 3/25/2006

Solution 2

Assignment 3 - Single Cycle Datapath and Control

4/19/2006 Tuesday 4/25/2006 Solution 3

Assignment 4 - Datapath Design

4/29/2006 Sunday 5/7/2006 Solution 4

Assignment 5 - Pipeline and Cache

5/20/2006 Sunday 5/28/2006 Solution 5

Mini Projects

Posted on

Due Date
Project 1

Monday 3/13/2006

Wednesday 4/5/2006

Project 2

Monday 3/13/2006

Saturday 4/8/2006

Project 3

Saturday 4/29/2006 Wednesday 5/24/2006


Date Solution
Quiz # 1

Introduction - Performance

Tuesday 02/28/2006 Quiz #1

Quiz #2

Arithmetic - Floating Point Tuesday 03/21/2006 Quiz #2
Quiz #3

Datapath Design - Single Cycle

Sunday 05/07/2006 Quiz #3
Quiz #4

Datapath Design - Pipelined Datapath

Tuesday 05/09/2006 Quiz #4
Exam Date Time Duration Location
Major 1 Sunday 3/26/2006 7:30 PM 2:00 24/165
Major 2 Tuesday 5/9/2006 7:30 PM 2:00 24/112
Final Monday 6/5/2006 12:30 PM 2:00 23/011


Student Serial Assgt #1 Quiz #1 Major 1 Quiz #2 Assgt #2 Proj. #1 Proj. #2 Quiz #3 Quiz #4 Major 2 Assgt. #3 Assgt. #4 Assgt. #5 Proj. #3 Final Part. Assgts + Quizs /100 Projects /100 Majors + Finals /65 Total Average Letter Grade
1 39 60 84 - - 70 90 65 - 82 - - - - 58 6 26.5 80.0 47.70 65.00 C
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 W
3 74 60 64 50 42 90 70 55 40 71 - - 75 75 72 8 57.5 82.5 45.00 68.88 C
4 48 20 71 - 49 90 60 85 100 72 67 91 90 90 72 10 76.25 90.0 46.60 75.35 B
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 F
6 78 100 72 90 - 70 75 40 100 79 - - 90 - 59 10 72.25 72.5 44.95 70.28 C+
7 85 100 72 90 60 60 70 45 100 73 - - 95 95 73 6 77.88 82.5 47.25 75.20 B
8 95 95 75 70 100 90 70 50 80 89 58 60 100 75 73 8 83.0 82.5 51.05 80.03 B+
9 54 65 57 50 - - - - - - - - - - - - 21.12 0 11.40 15.62 W
10 40 65 - 90 - - - - - - - - - - - - 24.38 0 0 4.88 W
11 90 98 83 95 100 70 75 - 100 62 51 - - - 51 2 68.75 72.5 41.75 66.38 C
12 59 70 70 90 48 80 80 10 80 87 - - - - 79 10 54.62 80.0 51.15 74.08 B
13 66 60 72 50 - 50 - 50 100 91 - - 67 - 79 5 54.12 25.0 52.35 66.92 C
14 88 90 80 65 99 100 80 100 100 77 72 72 95 95 86 10 90.5 97.5 52.90 85.62 A
15 95 100 79 100 99 100 80 55 100 93 85 96 - - 86 5 89.0 90.0 55.90 87.20 A
16 77 90 70 - 56 60 70 60 100 72 - 70 100 95 79 4 73.12 82.5 48.15 75.15 B
17 90 95 77 100 91 100 80 95 100 93 86 83 - - 81 7 89.12 90.0 54.25 85.57 A
18 88 100 93 90 82 60 70 65 80 94 88 96 100 95 96 10 90.5 82.5 61.40 91.88 A+
19 81 55 70 55 100 90 70 - 40 71 - - 90 75 59 5 57.62 82.5 42.95 66.85 C
20 65 100 85 100 98 100 80 75 100 82 60 72 100 95 76 10 90.62 97.5 52.40 85.15 A
21 90 64 73 65 98 100 80 55 100 74 72 85 - - 85 7 78.75 90.0 50.65 79.90 B+
22 - 95 66 - 46 70 90 37 100 70 39 62 60 - 58 6 60.88 80.0 41.70 65.88 C
23 - 60 68 10 64 90 60 60 - 82 - - 65 90 63 8 40.38 90.0 45.75 67.32 C
24 90 80 69 45 - 70 75 80 100 91 52 - 65 65 80 4 68.0 72.5 52.00 76.47 B
Average 74.45 78.27 73.76 72.5 76.37     60.11 90.0 80.25 66.36 78.70 85.14 85.91 73.25 -         -

Dr. Abdelhafid Bouhraoua, Last Updated 09/07/2005