General Freshman chemistry (Chem-101 and Chem-102) courses
Upper undergraduate physical chemistry (Chem 212 and Chem
311) courses
Graduate level physical chemistry (Chem-510, Chem-511 and
Chem-512) courses.
Several short courses on 'The Teaching of Chemistry' offered
to high school teachers of chemistry.
Coordinated and Taught over 30 short courses
to technical staff in Industry (Aramco, Sabic, Chevron,
Sadaf, Spimaco, etc.) on gas and liquid chromatography and
on the statistical treatment of data and quality control.
In all
the courses and short courses taught my evaluations were
invariably excellent.
Nominated many times for and received three times the award
of distinguished instructor in the College of Sciences.
KFUPM rules prohibit nomination for this award for a
period of four years after winning it.