Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data: 

Name                          :           Wolfgang Forner

                      :           Department of Chemistry
                                                King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
                                                Dharhan 31261, Saudi Arabia

Marital Status
            :           Single

Education and Training :

1961-1965       Friedrich-Rueckert Public School, Erlangen, FRG

1965-1974      Mathematics-Natural Sciences branch of the Ohm Gymna­sium,Erlangen

1974                  Abitur (Mark 2.2)

1974-1980       Study of Chemistry at the Friedrich-Alexander Univer­sity, Erlan­gen

1977            First examination (Mark 1.38)

1980            Oral examination for Master degree
Special Subjects (with certificates): Theoretical Chemistry, Theoretical Phy­sics, Biochemistry

1980-1981      Scientific work at the Chair for Theoretical Chemistry at the Fried­rich Alex­ander University

1981                Master degree (Mark 1.1)

1981-1985       Scientific Coworker at the above mentioned chair

Feb. 1985        Ph. D. thesis entitled "Beitraege zur Untersuchung der Elektronen­korrela­tion in groكen Molekuelen und Polyme­ren" ("Contributions to the Investi­gation of the Elec­tron Correlation in Large Molecules and Polymers"). Mark 1.0, "summa cum laude".

Scientific Career

Feb. 1985 - Sept. 1985: Scientific Coworker at the above mentioned Chair 

Sept. 1985 - March 1986: Scientific Coworker at the Department of Ap­plied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Water­loo, Ontario, Canada  

April 1986 - Dec. 1986: Scientific Coworker at the Chair for Theore­tical Chemistry at the Friedrich Alex­ander Univer­sity Erlangen-Nuernberg, FRG  

January 1987: Academic Counsellor at the above mentioned Chair   

July 1992: Habilita­tion with a thesis entitled "Beitraege zur Unter­suchung der Soli­tondyna­mik in poly­meren Sy­stemen" ("Contribu­tions to the Inve­stiga­tion of Soliton Dynamics in Polyme­ric Systems")  

December 1992 to December 1996: Lecturer ("Privatdozent"; in German system equivalent to non-tenured Associate Professor) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuern­berg, FRG (terminated on December 31, 1996 because no extension possible).

February 1997: Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department of King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

November 21, 2000: Nomination for the KFUPM Distinguished Researcher Award 2001.

May 15, 2001: Awarded with the KFUPM Distinguished Researcher Award 2001.

April 1, 2002: Promotion to the rank Professor.

February 5, 2006: Nomination for the KFUPM Distinguished Researcher Award 2006.

May 2, 2006: Awarded with the KFUPM Distinguished Researcher Award 2006.  

September 2004 - August 2008: Appointed member of the Scientific Council of the Univer­sity

September 2006 - August 2008: Appointed member of the Research Advisory Committee chaired by His Excellency the Rector.


                                                                                                               Dhahran, March 15, 2008