The following publications have been resulted from my work for the PhD thesis, my individual work at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KFUPM (Dhahran), collaboration with other colleagues from: University of Wales (Cardiff, UK.), University of Jordan (Amman), King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Dhahran), Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company (Naor, Jordan), and as a result of the thesis in which I was the main advisor.
1. Jaber, A.M.Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R., "Cation Adducts of Nonionic
Surfactants as lon-Selective Electrode Sensors", Proc. Analyt. Div. Chem. Soc., 13,
(1976), p.328. Research and Development Topics, Exeter, May 4 -5, (1976).[Abstract]
2. Jaber, A M.Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R "Solvent Mediator studies on Barium
Ion‑selective Electrodes Based on a Sensor of the Tetraphenylborate Salt of the Barium
Complex of Nonylphenoxy poly (ethyleneoxy) ethanol", Analyst, 101, ( 1976) p.l79 [Abstracts].
3. Jaber, A.M.Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R., "Cationic Complex of
Nonylphenoxy poly (ethyleneoxy) ethanol: Extraction into Dichloromethane and
Ion‑selective Electrode Properties", J.Inorg. Nucle. Chem. 39, (1977), p. 1689.[Abstract]
4. Jaber, A.M.Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R., and Anne Willcox, "Radiotracer
Studies on Ion‑selective Membrane Based on Poly (Vinylchloride) Matrices",
Talanta, 24, (1977), p.655. [Abstract]
5. Delduca, P.G., Jaber, A.M.Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R.. "Tetraphenylborate Salts of
Alkaline Earth Metal Complexes with poly (aLkyleneoxy) Adducts", J.Inorg. Nucle. Chem.,
40, (1978), p.l87, .[Abstract]
6. Jaber, A.M.Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R. "Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal‑Ion
Adducts of Poly Propylene Glycol as Sensors for Ion‑selective Electrodes", Analyst, 102,
(1977) p.943.[Abstract]
7. Jaber, A.M.Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R., "Polypropylene Glycol Adducts as
Sensors for lon-selcctive Electrodes", Proceedings of the Conference on lon-Selective
8. Jaber, A.M.Y., and El‑Issa, M.Y.S., "Determination of Trace Amounts of Barium in
Calcium‑Containing Matrices by Atomic‑Absorption Spectrophotometry Following Solvent
Extraction with Polyethylene Glycol", Analyst, 106, (1981), p.939.[Abstract]
9. Ahmad‑Bitar, R. Abdul‑Gader, M. M. Zihlif, A.M. , Jaber, A.M. Y. , " Impedance Behavior
of Poly(vinylchloride) Matrix Membrane Ion‑selective Electrodes", J.Electroanal.Chem.,
10. Abu Samrah, M.M., Ahmad‑Bitar, R., Zihlif, A.M., and Jaber, A.M.Y., " Aging Effect on the
Impedance Behavior of Poly(vinylchloride) Ion‑selective Electrodes", Applied Physics Communications, 3, (1983), p.225.[Abstract]
11. Jaber, A.M.Y., and Kamal, Marwan R., " Major and Trace Elements in the Sea Water of the
Jordanian Coast ofthe Gulf of Aqaba", AJSE, 10, (1985), p.281.[Abstract]
12. Jaber, A. M. Y., " Studies on the Mixed Ligand Complexes of Cadmium-Imidazole- Citrate
System Using Differential Pulse Polarography", Polyhedron, 5, (1986), p. 1701.[Abstract]
13. Jaber, A.M.Y., "Differential Pulse Polarography of Nickel(II)‑Complexes with Imidazole and
Related Compounds", Analytical Letters, 19, (1986), p. 2039.[Abstract]
14. Jaber, A. M. Y., Moody, G.J., and Thomas, J.D.R., " Studies on Lead Ions-elective
Electrodes Based on Polyalkoxylates", Analyst, 113, (1988), p. 1409.[Abstract]
15. Jaber, A M.Y., " Potentiometric Behavior of Lanthanum Polyalkoxylate complexes in
PVC Membrane Electrodes: Effect of Plasticizer and Applications”, Anal.Chim. Acta,
223, (1989), p. 449.[Abstract]
16. Jaber, A.M.Y., and Lounici, A., " Polarographic Behavior and Determination of
Norfloxacin in Tablets", Anal. Chim. Acta., 291, (1994), p.53.[Abstract]
17. Jaber, A.M.Y., " Chelometric Titration with Polyaminocarboxilic Acids Using Barium and Lead
PVC Membrane Ion‑selective Electrodes", AJSE, 19, (1994), p. 497.[Abstract]
18. Jaber, A.M.Y., and Lounici, A., " Adsorptive Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry of
Norfioxacin and its Applications", Analyst, 119 (1994), p. 2351.[Abstract]
19. Jaber, A.M.Y and Lounici, A., " Voltammetrie Behavior of 4-Quinolone Antibacterial
20. Jaber, A M.Y., and Al‑Naser, A., " Liquid‑Liquid Extraction of Some Lanthanide Metal
Ions by Polyoxyalkylene Systems", Talanta, 44 (1997), p.l719.[Abstract]
21. Redwan, D.S., and Jaber, A.M.Y., " Distillation Characteristics and Compositional
Analysis of Arabian Light Straight Run Naphtha, Petroleum Science and Technology,
17 (1999), p 915.[Abstract]
22. Al‑Kurdi, Z., Al-Jallad, T., Badwan, A., and Jaber, A.M.Y., " High Performance Liquid
Chromatography Method for Determination of Mebendazole and its Main
Degradation Product". Talanta, 50 (1999), p. 1089.[Abstract]
23. Al-Jallad, T., Al‑Kurdi, Z., Badwan, A., and Jaber, A.M.Y., “ Simultaneous Determination of
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride and Meclizine Hydrochloride in Tablet Formulations by HPLC,
Pharm. Pharmacol. Commun., 5 (1999), p.479.[Abstract]
24. Daraghmeh, N., AL-Omari, M., Badwan, A.A., and Jaber, A.M.Y, “ Determination of Sildenafil Citrate and Related Substances in the Commercial Products and Tablet Dosage Form Using HPLC”, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 25 (2001), p. 483.[Abstract]
25. AL-Omari, M., Abdelah, M.K., Badwan, A.A., and Jaber, A.M.Y, “ Effect of the Drug-Matrix on
the Stability of Enalapril Maleate Tablet Formulations”, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 25 (2001), p. 893.[Abstract]
26. Daraghmeh, N., AL-Omari, M.M., Badwan, A.A., and Jaber, A.M.Y, “ Determination of
Terbutaline sulfate and its Degradation Products in Pharmaceutical Formulations Using LC
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 29 (2002) 927-937.[Abstract]
27. Badwan , A. A., Nabulsi, L. N., Al-Omari ,M. M., Daraghmeh, N. H., Ashour , M. K., Abdoh, A. M.
and Jaber , A. M. Y., " Pantoprazole Sodium", Analytical Profile of Drug Substances and Excipients,
29, pp. 1-47, 2002.[Abstract]
28. Abdoh , A, Al-Omari, M. M., Badwan, A. A. and Jaber, A.M.Y., “Amlodipine Besylate–Excipients
Interaction in Solid Dosage Form”, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 9 (2004), pp.
29. Jaber, A.M.Y. Al Sherife, H. A., Al Omari, M. M., Badwan, A. A., "Determination of cetirizine
dihydrochloride, related impurities and preservatives in oral solution and tablet dosage forms using
HPLC", J. Pharm.Biomed. Anal., 36(2004), pp. 341-350.[Abstract]
30. Jaber, A.M.Y., Ali, S.A. and Yahaya, G.O., “Studies on phenol permeation through supported liquid
membranes containing functionalized polyorganosiloxanes”, Journal of Membrane Science,
250(2005), pp. 85-94.[Abstract]
Abstracts Published In International Conferences
1. Jaber, A.M.Y. Moody, G.J. and Thomas, J.D.R., "Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal-lon
Adducts of Poly(propylene glycol) as Sensors for lon-Selective Electrodes", Fourth
SAC Conference, Birmingham, July 17th to 22nd, (1977).
2. Jaber, A.M.Y., "Development and Applications of lon-Selective Electrodes Based on
Nonionic Surfactant Polyalkoxylates", 8th Arab Chemical Conference Amman, 20-23
June, (1988).
3. Jaber, A.M.Y., "PVC-Lanthanum Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Polyalkylene
Glycols: Effect of Plasticizers and Applications. Third National Meeting of Chemists,
Dhahran,12-14 March, (1989).
4. Jaber, A.M.Y. and Lounici, A., " Determination of Trace Levels of Norfloxacin by
Catalytic Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry", Presented at the International
Symposium on Eleetroanalysis", 6-8 April, (1994), Cardiff, UK.
5. Jaber, A.M.Y and Kasunmu, I.B.A., " Linear Sweep and Cyclic Voltammetry of 4-Quinolones
at a Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode”, Presented at SAC 99 Analytical Science into the Next
Millenium, July 25-31, 1999, Dublin, Ireland.
6. Jaber, A.M.Y* and Ali, S.A., " Carrier Mediated Separation Studies of Phenol From Aqueous
Streams by Supported Liquid Membranes Containing Functionalized Polyorganosiloxanes as
Integratred Solvent/Carrier System”, Presented at the Third Jordanian International Conference of
Chemistry”, April 22-26, 2002, Irbid, Jordan.
7. Sara, Z., Al-Omari, M., Badwan, A. and A.M.Y. Jaber, "Determination of ordonafil citrate and
relate substances in starting material and tablet dosage form using HPLC", 15th International
Symposium on Pharmaceuticals and Biomedical Analysis, Florence, Italy, May 2-6, 2004, p 202.
8. Jallad, T., Sara, Z., Badwan , A. and Jaber, A.M.Y., "Quantitative anlysis of ordonafil citrate
(JPM 8) in plasma by HPLC technique method", 15th International Symposium on
Pharmaceuticals and Biomedical Analysis, Florence, Italy, May 2-6, 2004, p 203.
9. Sara, Z., Al-Omari, M., Badwan, A. and Jaber, A.M.Y., "Physicochemical properties and
analytical profiles of ordonafil citrate", 15th International Symposium on Pharmaceuticals and
Biomedical Analysis, Florence, Italy, May 2-6, 2004, p 204.
I participated in translating and writing the following chemistry books at the University and the
secondary school levels. The books have been refereed before being printed and prescribed.
§ Book Translation into Arabic: I participated in translating an analytical chemistry
book for the sophomore university level: Petrzyk, D.J., and Frank, C.W., "Analytical Chemistry" Academic Press. The book was translated by Jaber,
A.M.Y., and Sasa, S., Jordanian Academy of the Linguistics, (1984).
§ I co-authored two books (Arabic) prescribed by the Jordanian Ministry of Education
for the secondary schools (Nursing stream). I was the coordinator for both in addition
to authorship duties. Jaber, A.M.Y., Al-Soutary, O., Al-Hedmy, J., and Arabiat, S.
"Chemistry", (1980). Jaber, A.M.Y., Al-Weher, M.T., and Al-Keswany, A.M. "Chemistry", (1982).
§ I co-authored a book (Student Book, Instructor's Manual and Laboratory Manual) prescribed by the Saudi Ministry of Education covering the Applied Chemistry Curriculum (I) for the Developed Secondary Education program in Saudi Arabia, (1986). I was the coordinator in addition to the authorship duties.