Dr. Amer A. El-Batta

Curriculum Vitae



2007   Ph.D., Organic Chemistry. University of California, San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA, United States

Dissertation Title: “Part I: Copper(I) Iodide Dimethyl Sulfide Catalyzed 1,4-Addition of Alkenyl Groups From Alkenylzirconium and Alkenylzinc Reagents and Their Application Toward the Total Synthesis of Azaspirene (Anti-Cancer Drug). Part II: Aqueous Wittig Chemistry Employing Stabilized Ylides and Aldehydes”

2005   M.A., Chemistry. San Diego State University (SDSU), San Diego, CA, United States

2000   B.Sc., Pharmacy. Applied Science University (ASU), Amman, Jordan



June - September 2010 & June - August 2011   California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Department of Chemistry, Pasadena, CA, United States

As a Visiting Professor, conducting collaborative research work with Prof. Grubbs in the     areas of organometallic chemistry and olefin polymerization.

September 2009 – Present   King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Department of Chemistry, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Organometallic chemistry, total synthesis, cancer research, development of
chemical methodologies and greener chemistry.

May 2006 – August 2006   Pfizer Inc, La Jolla Laboratories, High
Throughput Chemistry “Discovery” Group
, La Jolla, CA, United States

Conducting medicinal and combinatorial chemistry protocols for the purpose of library production and discovery projects.

August 2002 – June 2007   University of California, San Diego & San Diego
State University, Departments of Chemistry
, San Diego, CA, United States

Natural product synthesis, optimization of organometallic reactions and development of chemical methodologies.


September 2009 – Present   King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Department of Chemistry, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Assistant Professor:

                (1) Organic Chemistry I & II Lectures & Labs.

                (2) Advanced Organic Chemistry (Graduate level class).

                (3) Synthetic Organic Chemistry (Graduate level class).

August 2007 – July 2009   San Diego State University, Department of Chemistry,
San Diego, CA, United States

Adjunct Professor:

                (1) Qualitative Analysis & Identification of Organic Compounds.

                (2) Organic Chemistry for Nursing, Nutrition and Allied Health.

                (3) General Chemistry.

                (4) Organic Chemistry I.

                (5) Mechanisms of Organic Reactions (Graduate level class).

Teaching Assistants Supervisor: General Chemistry Labs.

January 2008 – May 2009   University of San Diego (USD), Department of Chemistry, San Diego, CA, United States

Adjunct Professor:

                (1) Organic Chemistry I.

                (2) Organic Chemistry I & II Labs.

August 2002 – June 2007   University of California, San Diego & San Diego State University, Departments of Chemistry, San Diego, CA, United States

Teaching Assistant: General and Organic Chemistry classes.


May 1999 – July 2000   Jordan Hospital, Internal Pharmacy, Amman, Jordan

Dispensing prescriptions and pharmaceutical/clinical patient records.


2009 – present   Editorial board of ARKIVOC Journal of Organic Chemistry

2006 – present   American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

2004 – present   American Chemical Society (ACS), Organic Division

2000 – present   Jordanian Pharmaceutical Association (JPA)