Uses of Interface

Packages that use Operator
hussam.math.operationsProvides the Logical View of Mathematical operations. 
hussam.math.operations.dataBaseUsed to store default Operators, operands and functions. 
hussam.math.operations.extraProvides extra functionality to this package. 
hussam.math.operations.factoryResponsible for modeling OperatorFactories. 

Uses of Operator in hussam.math.operations

Classes in hussam.math.operations that implement Operator
          This class is an abstract Operator.
          An Operand is an Operator that takes at most two Operations as arguments.

Methods in hussam.math.operations that return Operator

Methods in hussam.math.operations with parameters of type Operator
 intFunction.compareTo(Operator p)
          Compares the Function with another operator.
 intOperand.compareTo(Operator p)
          Compares this operand with another Operator.

Constructors in hussam.math.operations with parameters of type Operator
OperatorArgumentMissingException(java.lang.String m, Operator operator)
          Construcs a new OperatorArgumentMissingException given a meesage.

Uses of Operator in hussam.math.operations.dataBase

Classes in hussam.math.operations.dataBase that implement Operator
static classOperatorFactoryDB.CommaOperand
          This class was used in previous Versions of the ExpressionReader implementations.

Methods in hussam.math.operations.dataBase that return types with arguments of type Operator
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,OperatorFactory<? extends Operator>>OperatorFactoryDB.getAllFactories()
          Returns all Factories combined.

Uses of Operator in hussam.math.operations.extra

Classes in hussam.math.operations.extra that implement Operator
protected  classCustomFunctionFactory.CustomFunction
          This class acts as a Function which is backed up by an expression held by the mother class.
protected  classDynamicFunctionFactory.DynamicFunction

Uses of Operator in hussam.math.operations.factory

Classes in hussam.math.operations.factory with type parameters of type Operator
 interfaceOperatorFactory<T extends Operator>
          This is the mother of all Operator Factories.
 classOperatorFactoryImpl<T extends Operator>
          This is the default implemetation for all factories.

Methods in hussam.math.operations.factory with parameters of type Operator
 intOperatorFactoryImpl.compareTo(Operator fac)