Muhammad Tauhidur Rahman
Assistant Professor | Department of City and Regional Planning
Building 19 | Room 314 | KFUPM Box 5053
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Dhahran 31261 | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Voice:  (966) 3 860 7364 | Fax: (966) 3 860 3857


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Institution Year Dissertation/Thesis Title Advisor
Ph.D. The University of Oklahoma 2010 Integration of Geospatial Techniques in the Assessment of Vulnerability of Trees to Ice Storms in Norman, Oklahoma Drs. Bruce Hoagland & Tarek Rashed
M.S. Texas State University 2009 Perception and Factors Affecting the Arsenic Hazard and People’s Participation of its Mitigation in Rural Villages of Bangladesh. Dr. F. Benjamin Zhan
B.A. with Departmental Honors The University of Texas at Austin 2002 The Societal Response to Hazard Mitigation: an Example of Arsenic Contamination of Drinking Water in Bangladesh Dr. Diana K. Davis