The mission of the Department of Chemical Engineering at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals is to provide an innovative educational program that is rigorous and challenging as well as flexible and supportive. The program is designed to meet the challenges that our graduates are likely to face throughout their professional careers and to provide a high level of scholarship and professional capability, with highly-developed skills in lifetime learning, planning, problem-solving, communication and leadership.
Prepare graduates to show proficiency in the analysis, design and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering field.
Prepare graduates to integrate their academic preparation with chemical engineering practice and technology development.
Prepare graduates to effectively utilize communication and management skills.
Prepare graduates to engage in long life learning for professional development and career planning, including success in graduate education and research for those who choose to do so.
Prepare students to be able to identify and respond to ethical situations
VisionThe Department of Chemical Engineering will be the undergraduate chemical engineering department of choice in Saudi Arabia and will be recognized as one of the top research and graduate chemical engineering departments in the Kingdom.