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(4) A. Khalfallah and F. Haggui, Extension and convergence theorems of Pseudoholomorphic maps, Osaka J. Math. (2009) Vol. 46 No.3 821-844.
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(7) A. Khalfallah and F. Haggui, Normal pseudoholomorphic curves, Ann. Pol. Math. vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 55-65 (2011).
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(9) A. Khalfallah, New Nonstandard topologies, Monatsh. Math. 172, no. 3-4, 323-344  (2013)
(10) A. Khalfallah, Old and new invariant pseudo-distances defined by pluriharmonic functions, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, Volume 9,113-119 (2015)
(11) A. Khalfallah and S.Kosarew, Bounded polynomials and holomorphic mappings between convex subrings of *C, Journal of Symbolic Logic  83 No. 1, 372-384 (2018)
(12) A. Khalfallah and S. Kosarew, Examples of new nonstandard hulls of topological vector spaces,  Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 146 No. 6, 2723-2739 (2018)
(13)  O. Echi and A. Khalfallah, On the prime spectrum of the ring of bounded nonstandard complex numbers, Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 147 No. 2, 687-699 (2019)
(14 O. Echi and A. Khalfallah, Order theoretic and topological characterizations of the divided spectrum of a ring, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 26, No. 3, 453-467 (2019)
(15) A. Khalfallah and S. Kosarew, Linking complex analytic to nonstandard algebraic geometry, Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hamb.  90 No.1, 1-15 (2020)
(16) M. Mateljević and A. Khalfallah, On some Schwarz type inequalities, J. Inequal. Appl. (2020) Paper No. 164.
(17) A. Khalfallah; M. Mateljević and M. Mhamdi,  Some properties of mappings admitting general Poisson representations. Mediterr. J. Math. 18 (2021), no. 5, Paper No. 193, 19 pp.
(18) A. Khalfallah; F. Haggui and M. Mhamdi,  Generalized harmonic functions and Schwarz lemma for biharmonic mappings.  Monatsh. Math. 196 (2021), no. 4, 823–849.
(19) A. Ayache; O. Echi and A. Khalfallah, Subrings of a Power Set and Clopen Topologies, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (2021)